The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 25 Nagging Aunt May, Harry Appears

Chapter 25 Nagging Aunt May, Harry Appears
It took Li Yang nearly half an hour to complete a complete set of Xingyi fist.

Withdrawing his fist and dissipating the concentrated strength, Li Yang stood silent for a long time.

Chinese martial arts is like walking a tightrope on a cliff, the difficulties and obstacles in it are not enough for outsiders to understand.Therefore, you must not be greedy for merit, and today, his heart is a little messed up.

Whether it's Dr. Lizard or Little Spider Peter, they all possessed such superhuman strength almost overnight, which made him feel envious.

But fortunately, Li Yang's decades of hard training were not in vain. With a set of boxing techniques, he finally killed the restlessness in his heart in the bud.

After all, the world is different. Guoshu has already shown such power at the dark energy level. Although the experience in the previous life cannot be fully applied, Li Yang believes that as long as he practices carefully, he will be able to reach the peak again one day!

And the fact that he stepped into the dark energy again in only nine months is a clear proof!

The road is long and difficult!
At this point, Li Yang finally calmed down, walked out of the basement to wash up, and finally fell asleep after saying goodnight to the world.

At the same time, in Queens, New York.

"Peter, why did you come back so late?" As soon as the door was opened to welcome Peter in, Aunt May began to scold. "It's ten o'clock as promised, you see it's already eleven o'clock!"

"Do you have no sense of time?"

"The key is that you didn't call back to explain the situation, and you didn't answer the call. Do you know how worried I am, and I'm going to call the police a little later!"

Peter now has a bitter face, submissively listening to Aunt Mei's complaints.This was Aunt Mei's love for him, but the method made him feel a little uncomfortable.After all, he's an adult now, not the playful kid he used to be.

Of course, in Aunt May's eyes, Peter is still the same little Peter as before, only a little bigger.After another five or six minutes of rambling, he stopped and gave Peter time to breathe.

"Aunt Mei, I'm very sorry for making you so worried." Peter said quickly, and then explained the reason for the delay to Aunt Mei.

"I was able to come back on time, but there was some trouble on the way, which delayed the time and accidentally lost my phone, so I couldn't tell you in time."

Aunt Mei was taken aback: "Trouble? What trouble?"

"You'll know this by reading tomorrow's news." Peter said, and went upstairs to his room as if fleeing for his life. "I'm very tired today, so I won't talk much. Good night, dear Aunt May."

"News?" Aunt Mei screamed after realizing it, "What kind of trouble did you encounter to be on the news!"

But Peter had already returned to the room, and was silent again.

Aunt Mei babbled at the door for a long time, and finally gave up.

"Tomorrow, I'll see what trouble you got into."

Hearing Aunt May's footsteps walking away, Peter finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Today is a very tiring day.

After planning the arrangements for tomorrow, Peter finally fell into a deep sleep.


At seven o'clock in the morning, the moment the alarm clock rang, Peter's conditioned reflex popped out his arm to shut it off, and the timing was accurate.

Since possessing this superpower, Peter's biological clock has been terrifyingly accurate.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Peter yawned and began to change his clothes, then went into the bathroom to wash his face.

When Peter went downstairs, he found that Aunt Mei had already made breakfast early, and was watching the news while waiting for Peter to have breakfast together.

Aunt May was like this every day, everything was ready before Peter got up, he was used to it.

"Hey, Aunt May, good morning."

"Peter, good morning, come and have breakfast."

Today, Aunt Mei prepared sandwiches, jam, three pieces of bacon, fried eggs and a glass of milk, which can be called a hearty breakfast.

At this moment, what was broadcast on TV was the cross-sea bridge incident where Peter and Dr. Lizard fought last night.It can be seen from the report that Dr. Lizard caused great damage. Up to now, the scene is still a mess, and the traffic is still in a semi-paralyzed state.

"Is that what you said, the trouble you got into last night?" Aunt Mei pointed at the TV with her slender fingers, and turned to ask Peter.

Peter took a piece of bacon with a fork and put it into his mouth. While chewing, he mumbled, "Yes, it was because of this that the time was delayed."

"Peter!", Aunt Mei immediately sprang up from the chair, like a furious lioness, roared with a voice that suddenly increased by more than an octave:

"Is it just a matter of wasting time? I saw that lizard monster is so scary. If you are in danger, I will be so worried!"

Peter hurriedly comforted the angry Aunt Mei: "I'm fine, besides, I'd run away long ago when I saw that lizard, and I wouldn't touch him at all."

"Peter! The next time you encounter something like this, you must tell me right away, right away. I don't want to stay at home and worry about losing you if I don't pay attention."

"I know, I promise, there will never be a next time!", swallowing his breakfast quickly, and gulping down a glass of milk, Peter grabbed his backpack and ran to the door.

"Aunt Mei, I have something to do with Dr. Connors today, so I'm leaving first."

"Be careful on the road." Seeing Peter running out, Aunt Mei hurriedly warned.

Peter gestured a reassuring gesture to Aunt Mei, and then disappeared from her sight in a flash.

At ten past three in the afternoon, Peter came downstairs to the Osborne Building.

"Hey, Peter, why are you free to come here today, are you here to see me?"

Peter, who was about to step into the Osborne Building, suddenly heard a greeting from behind him. He turned his head and saw that it was his high school friend, Harry Osborne.

Harry was wearing a light blue suit without a single wrinkle. He saw Peter who was stopping in front of the Osborne Building as soon as he got out of the car, so he quickly stepped forward and stopped Peter who was about to enter.

"Hey, good morning, Harry." Peter ignored Harry's teasing. "I'm not here to see you today. I'm here to see Dr. Connors. I want to consult him about something."

"Looking for Dr. Connors?" Harry was stunned for a moment, not sure what Peter and Dr. Connors had to say, but he still told what he knew.

"Then you have to find him quickly, or he will leave the company soon!"

Peter quickly asked: "What's going on? Why did Dr. Connors leave?"

"Well," Harry hesitated for a while, without directly explaining.

"You should go to Dr. Connors first, he should be packing up his things in the laboratory now. As for his departure, let's talk about it later at night!"

"Okay then, I'll go to Dr. Connors first, and invite me to dinner tonight!" After speaking, Peter trotted into the Osborne Building without waiting for Harry.

 Cough, well, I don’t know what to say (**)
  I wish you all a good mood in the new week, yes, so be it. (.)
  Recommend, favorite (weak groans)
  Thank you all for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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