The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 19 Accident, Lizard Monster!

Chapter 19 Accident, Lizard Monster!

"Brother, why hasn't the friend you invited come?" After waiting for a long time, when the table of delicacies was almost cold, the little princess finally complained in a childish voice.

Three days passed in a flash, and in a blink of an eye, it was time for Li Yang to have dinner with Peter and Matt.At seven o'clock in the evening, Matt had already arrived at Li Yang's house early, prepared a gift for Li Yang, the baby, and Lemon, and put them on the table.

However, after waiting for another half an hour, Peter did not arrive.

"Look, the lemons are hungry!" As he spoke, he held the fat lemon in front of Li Yang's eyes and said solemnly.


What happened, Lemon looked confused, didn't it just eat.

But since the boss said it was hungry, um, shit shoveler, it’s hungry, so hurry up and eat.

Li Yang couldn't help laughing, rubbed the little princess's brain and coaxed: "Then you can't starve our lemons, but wait for me to call first, okay?"

"Alright then." The little princess agreed, but added: "Hurry up."

After all, the little princess's attention was attracted by the delicious food again, she sat on a chair with a lemon in her arms, secretly swallowing her saliva from time to time.

Li Yang went to the balcony and dialed Peter's cell phone number.

"Dididi, Didi-"

"Hey, Peter, why haven't you arrived yet? My baby is in a hurry." After the call was connected, Li Yang complained first, and then waited for Peter to answer.

But for a long time, Peter did not answer.

At this time, Li Yang finally realized that something was wrong, and quickly concentrated on understanding Peter's situation through the phone.

The howling wind was mixed with the roar of car engines, whistles, and the shouts and screams of many pedestrians, forming a high-pitched and enthusiastic symphony.

problem occurs!
"Peter! Peter! How are you now? Answer me quickly!"

After shouting three times like this, Peter finally answered Li Yang's question.

"Oh, sorry Li Sheng, I was saving people just now, so I don't have time to talk to you."

There was a lingering fear in Peter's words, obviously the situation he encountered just now was extraordinary.

Li Yang was eager to understand the situation, so he didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly: "What happened to you? I heard that something is wrong."

"I don't know too well. When I was driving to your house just now, the car was driving in the middle of the Williamsburg Bridge. A monster ran out of nowhere and began to wreak havoc."


"Yes, he, no, it is it. It is about three meters tall, with a strong physique, amazing strength and speed, and it looks like a large upright lizard from the outside!"

Big lizard!
Upon hearing this description, Li Yang's mind raced rapidly, Lizardman + Spiderman Peter + Dr. Connors, come to think of it, Lizardman is Dr. Connors!
"Oh my God! It's starting to wreak havoc again! No, Lee, stop talking, I'm going to stop it!"

Don't finish speaking, Peter quickly hung up the phone, and quickly rushed to the lizard man who was attacking a school bus full of children.

Li Yang's face was gloomy and uncertain. Although he judged that the lizard man was Dr. Connors, he only knew this. What will happen next, only God knows.

But since Dr. Lizard appeared as the opponent of Spider-Man Peter, it must be eradicated as soon as possible, otherwise there will be endless troubles!
"Matt," Li Yang yelled softly, and then said to Matt who came to him: "Peter is in trouble, I have to help him, you should stay here and help take care of the baby."

"Do you need my help?", Matt heard something wrong in Li Yang's tone, and asked quickly.

"No, I can solve it." Li Yang declined Matt's kindness, "Besides, you are my guest today, how can I let you do it."

Seeing this, Matt stopped insisting.

"Baby, you and Uncle Matt, let's eat first. Another friend has a problem on the road. I'll pick him up." After shouting to the little princess, Li Yang hurried away with the motorcycle keys go out.

"Hey, Uncle Matt, what problem do you think will go wrong?" Seeing Li Yang's hasty pace, the little princess tilted her head and asked Matt.

Matt has a good impression of the little princess, and comforted him softly: "I don't know too well, but I believe that with your brother's ability, it should be easy to solve."

"Well! Brother is the best!" The little princess nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, with a proud face, and then put down this matter and put her mind on the dining table.

"Uncle Matt, can you pinch a lobster for me? I can't reach it."

Outside the door, just pushed the motorcycle to the door, plugged in the key, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. Amid the huge roar of the engine, Li Yang shot out like a cannonball.

The Williamsburg Bridge is not far from Li Yang's home, and it usually takes only 10 minutes by car.But this time, without Li Yang's scruples, the motorcycle reached a speed of 180 kilometers per hour, and arrived at the scene in only 5 minutes while almost floating on the ground.

The bridge is now in a state of chaos, and the panic-stricken people are running madly towards both sides of the bridge, fearing that if they are too late, they will be torn to pieces by the monsters behind them.

Li Yang looked around and saw the three-meter-tall Dr. Lizard fighting in the middle of the bridge, while the little spider Peter was busy helping the children on a school bus, unable to distract himself from fighting against Dr. Lizard.

The traffic in this area was completely paralyzed and blocked, so Li Yang had no choice but to abandon his motorcycle and run towards the center of the bridge.

Finally, Dr. Lizard, who lost his mind and only had a destructive desire, found the children who stayed at the scene and did not escape in time.It only heard a roar like thunder, and immediately swung its two thick claws and hit the school bus.

Fortunately, the school bus was solid, so it wasn't pierced by it in one blow, but it was already deflated, and I'm afraid it wouldn't be able to withstand the second round of attacks.

Just when Dr. Lizard was about to attack again, Peter reacted instantly, put down the child in his hand, and immediately sprayed spider webs at Dr. Lizard's face.

Accurately hitting the target, Dr. Lizard, whose sight was obstructed, suddenly lost his footing, and his pair of giant claws stopped attacking, but retracted his intention to remove the obstacle on his face.

And Peter also found this rare good opportunity, shot out suddenly, and kicked Doctor Lizard's chest hard with a huge force.

This time, Dr. Lizard couldn't take it anymore, and his legs backed up again and again, trying to stabilize his figure.But how could Peter give it another chance, another heavy kick, and the combination of two and two finally caused Dr. Lizard to fall to the ground.

good chance!
The light in Peter's eyes flashed, and he jumped onto the school bus, stood tall, and started spraying spider silk at Dr. Lizard.Peter didn't stop until the two spider silk injectors were used up.

Seeing Dr. Lizard who was wrapped in spider silk and unable to break free, Peter took a heavy breath.

"Hey, kids, come down quickly and run to the bank of the bridge." After subduing Dr. Lizard, Peter finally calmed down and got off the frightened and stunned children in the school bus one by one, and then told them to evacuate to the bank of the bridge quickly .

Seeing that all the children got out of the car safely, and only the innermost person was left, Li Yang, who finally arrived, suddenly realized something was wrong, and without hesitation, he immediately yelled:
"Peter, watch your back!"

 Thanks to the book friend 150216145821189 for the reward, it was really a surprise, thank you very much *(`)*
  Today's second update, please accept, I beg your precious vote in the book, to spread flowers for you (ˊˋ)

(End of this chapter)

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