Chapter 177 Sandman

The most profitable methods are written in the criminal law.

After reading most of this "American Criminal Law", I did find many ways to make a lot of money.

So, let's get started!
First, I went back to the street I was born on.

Dirty, sinful, depraved...

Even though it has been nearly 20 years away, it seems to be a corner forgotten by the god of time.

But I have no choice, do I?

Suppressing the urge to vomit, I walked into an underground casino.

Blonde bunny girls with scantily clad clothes and hot bodies walk around every corner of the casino with cups of colorful liquor, presenting fine wine and charming smiles to the guests.Just overcome a little obstacle and let those big, rude hands roam freely, and they can get a handsome tip.

The passionate rock music exploded, and the almost crazy joy of the guests mixed with the anger and unwillingness seemed contradictory, but extremely harmonious.

At this moment, the smoke from burning cigars costing thousands of dollars and miscellaneous cigarettes that cost five cents a piece was indistinguishable from each other, covering the entire casino.

However, this has nothing to do with me.

Gambling is not a good way to make money, not to mention that I have never won a penny at the gaming table, and even if I did, I am afraid I would not be able to get out of this street.

Soon, I found my target - a middle-aged man in a black leather jacket.

His face was flushed at the moment, two streams of white gas came out of his nose, looking at the poker in his hand, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

There is no doubt that his underwear was ripped off when he lost.

But it doesn't matter, I will still help him - a pair of underwear, after all, he will need it later.

Although we haven't seen each other for more than ten years, we can barely chat.

Through this old acquaintance, I got my wish and got a job.

Even though nearly 20 years have passed, everything here remains the same.

The first job I got back here was the same small business I've done countless times - standing in the streets and alleys to bulk goods to haggard junkies.

There is no doubt that drugs are definitely a business that is so profitable that people can ignore all legal orders.

The great Marx once said: If there is 10% profit, capital will be guaranteed to be used everywhere; if there is 20% profit, capital will be active; if there is 50% profit, capital will take risks; for 100% profit , capital dares to trample on all the laws of the world; with more than 300% profit, capital dares to commit any crime.

So, how big is the profit of drugs?

The answer to this question is probably clear to even the socialist successors who grew up under the red flag!
From the production of drugs to the final sale, the profit generated in the whole process is more than a hundred times!
In an archipelagic country in the West Pacific Ocean of Southeast Asia, the drug epidemic is rampant and outrageous.

Even though this is a country that explicitly prohibits drugs, in fact the drugs produced here account for more than [-]% of the global market.

The super high profits have attracted countless people into it. Even though as many as [-] people die from drug trafficking/drugs every year, they still cannot make them shrink back.

The desire for money even transcends life and death.

Sad, sigh.

And let’s talk about my motherland, the national population accounts for 5% of the global population, but the drugs/substances it suffers account for as much as 60% of the entire world!

Root of all evil!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but click my tongue and sigh.

Of course, drugs are not my goal.

As a gang member at the bottom, no matter how high the profits of drugs/products are, I can't covet them...

Well, I admit, if it was possible, I would definitely take a handful without being polite.

But the reality is extremely cold, shattering my unrealistic fantasy.

As an ordinary basic employee, not to mention the limited share of drugs/drugs he gets every day, it is not enough to earn 300 million US dollars.Another problem is that although drugs can be sold for money, they are not directly equivalent to money.

Even if I have a chance to get goods worth 300 million US dollars, when I convert it into real money, I am afraid it will be enough to kill me more than ten times!

I don't regret dying, but my daughter can't accept such a fate.

no way!

So, I needed another opportunity, one that would make enough money to sell easily.

And this is the real reason why I chose to join this gang.

Before that, I need to quietly dormant and wait.

After two months, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity finally arrived!
After two months of diligent work, I was basically recognized by the gang.So, I waited for this opportunity.

Oh, forgot to mention, the gang I joined is called the Tomahawks.

However, although the gang has a famous name, compared with many bigwigs in terms of strength, it can only be regarded as a first-rate or third-rate gang.

If the strength is insufficient, then correspondingly, it is naturally not qualified to get a piece of the cake in the entire New York underground market.For projects with huge profits such as drugs, arms, etc., the Tomahawk Gang can only drink soup and barely make ends meet.

Therefore, there must be other benefits in order for the Tomahawk Gang to continue to develop and grow.

Car smuggling, this project is the project that the Tomahawk Gang really put their heart and soul into.

How much does a luxury car cost?
The most expensive Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost in the world, its selling price is as high as 1.3 million pounds, which is a sky-high price of [-] million U.S. dollars when converted into U.S. dollars!

And how much does it cost?
The car manufacturer smiled and said nothing.

Maybe the Tomahawks can't get a Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith worth [-] million pounds, but luxury cars in the conventional sense are not a problem.

Every time a car is smuggled, it is a wild laugh of the Tomahawks.

And this time laughing wildly, I'm part of it.

Late at night, unmanned pier.

Glittering luxury cars are unloaded from a cargo ship.

Lady Luck seemed to favor me very much on this day, and I was arranged by the boss to be a truck driver to deliver luxury cars.

Here's my chance!

Suppressing the excitement in my heart, I took the keys to the van and drove away from the dock.

According to the arrangement of the boss, I should drive the truck to a secret warehouse.

However, this is impossible!
This is the only chance my daughter is still waiting for me!

Halfway through the car, I stunned the fellow passenger in the passenger seat, threw him out of the car, and drove to a car repair station.

There, I will get my coveted 300 million!

Failed, I failed!

Never expected that these guys with only muscles in their brains actually put a tracker on the truck!
As soon as I found out that the truck was traveling on the wrong route, seven or eight vehicles chased and intercepted me.

For traitors, the gang's approach has always been to kill the grass.

But this time, no.

I never expected that they would accuse me of murder and send me to the police station!

Ridiculous, extremely ridiculous!
Damn it, they must have known about my family's situation, and chose this method to torture me!
No, I can't just give up like this.

I want - jailbreak!
(End of this chapter)

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