The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 174 Disposal [Today marks the 1st anniversary of the codeword! 】

Chapter 174 Disposal [Today marks the first anniversary of the codeword! 】

After a sleepless night, when dawn broke, Li Yang washed up quickly, and then went to the kitchen.

"What should I do?" Li Yang pursed his lips, then opened the refrigerator and storage cabinets and began to check the food reserves.

Eggs, shallots, flour, black glutinous rice, mung beans, red dates, peach kernels, peanuts, lotus seeds, longan, wolfberry, donkey-hide gelatin...

It seems that something terrible has been mixed in...

After confirming the type and quality of the ingredients, Li Yang decided on the style of the breakfast with a guess in his mind.

"Just make eight-treasure porridge and egg pancakes, and serve it with a plate of pickles. The baby and his classmates should like it."

Thinking of the baby's surprised expression later, Li Yang couldn't help chuckling twice, and also chuckled with the movements of his hands.

After the preparations were completed, Li Yang started to cook the porridge first.Black glutinous rice is the main ingredient, supplemented with mung beans, red beans, lentils, white lentils, red dates, peach kernels, peanuts, lotus seeds, longan, pine nuts, yam, lily, wolfberry, gorgon, barley and other ingredients, Cook on high heat first, add more water, boil on high heat, boil slowly on medium heat, and simmer on low heat for the last few minutes, stirring constantly during the process. It takes about an hour in total to complete.

The tangy aroma penetrated Li Yang's nostrils vigorously, and he nodded in satisfaction: "Add an appropriate amount of honey and keep it warm over low heat."

After making a pot of delicious eight-treasure porridge, Li Yang's mood became more and more joyful, and he couldn't stop humming a cheerful tune.

Next, it's time to make egg pancakes.

Light the fire and brush with oil.

When the oil is [-]% hot, spread a layer of batter evenly in the pan.Fry until slightly cooked, sprinkle a layer of finely chopped shallots and diced ham on the noodles, then fry on high heat until the noodles change color, and add a small bowl of beaten egg liquid at this time...

After making ten servings in a row, Li Yang couldn't help grinning contentedly when he saw the egg pancakes exuding a tantalizing aroma.

"Even if I'm a chef, I can still earn [-] a year with my skills!"

Putting the prepared breakfast in a portable incubator, Li Yang drove to Xavier College in a minivan borrowed from Harry.

Boom boom boom!
Li Yang gently knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A sweet voice came from inside the door.

The door opened.

The baby in Winnie the Pooh pajamas let out a lovely breath, rubbed his sleepy eyes with his little hands, and pursed his ruddy mouth unhappily, obviously he just woke up.

"Brother!?" Seeing the person coming, the baby exclaimed excitedly, then slammed into Li Yang's arms, wrapped his arms tightly around his waist, and refused to let go no matter what.

Li Yang's eyes were full of smiles, he picked up the baby with one hand, and said softly against her little Qiong's nose: "What time is it and you haven't woken up yet, did you not go to bed early yesterday?"

"No way," the baby plunged his head into Li Yang's arms, and said coquettishly, "It's not that I don't want to get up, it's because Lemon is lying on the quilt, and I can't get up."

Li Yang only felt it was funny for a while, when the lemons had such a large tonnage, they were so heavy that people couldn't get up.

"It's true!" The baby looked up, her big black jewel-like eyes were full of seriousness, and she emphasized again: "If you don't believe me, you can weigh the lemon."

"Lemon, lemon, come here, we're going to weigh you!"

Lemon: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴

"Okay, okay, I believe you." Li Yang didn't delve too deeply into this kind of trivial matter. It's normal for a child to sleep in occasionally.

"Now, go wash your face and brush your teeth, I brought you breakfast."

"Breakfast?" The baby's eyes lit up all of a sudden, seeing the incubator in Li Yang's left hand, without asking what it was, she slid down from Li Yang's body quickly, and then slid into the washroom like the wind between.

"It's really..." Li Yang shook his head and smiled helplessly.

Well, as long as the baby is happy.

After enjoying an oriental breakfast with Bao Bao and Bao Bao's roommate, Li Yang stepped into Professor X's office again.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, Li, you look much more energetic than before!" Upon entering the door, Professor X glanced at Li Yang and said meaningfully.

Li Yang's heart trembled when he heard this, but he immediately relaxed again.

Li Yang is more than just energetic. In fact, he is now on the verge of breaking through, and the strength in his body is round and consistent. He only needs to wait for the right time and place to break through in one fell swoop and complete a reborn transformation!

"It's just a small breakthrough recently." Li Yang smiled and responded lightly.

Professor X nodded, not thinking of asking.Everyone has everyone's secrets. Although he can spy on everyone's secrets with his ability, he has never abused them.

Regarding the extraordinary ability brought about by the x gene, he has always insisted on the principle that it cannot be abused.

"Is something wrong? I see that there are two people in the truck compartment you drove." Professor X asked.

"There are some situations, I think I should tell you." Li Yang nodded.

Afterwards, Li Yang told the story of Yuri and Smith.

"They can actually mass-produce mutants!?" Professor X was shocked.

"Yes, although the success rate is very low, it is undeniable that the technology of this organization has matured." Li Yang replied slowly.

"The human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant!" Professor X closed his eyes helplessly, and his voice was filled with indescribable depression and pain.

He knows very well what such technology represents.Since World War II, countless big countries and organizations have imprisoned and researched mutants, but very few have achieved results in the end.

But now, the organization Yuri belongs to has such mature technology, it can be seen that the number of mutants who died in their hands is an extremely large number.

However, this situation has lasted for such a long time without revealing the slightest flaw. From this, it can be seen that there is a huge network of relationships behind this organization to cover up their actions...

"Am I really wrong?
Is there really no hope of peaceful coexistence between ordinary people and mutants?
What is the meaning of my efforts all these years? "Professor X couldn't help questioning himself in his heart.

Only he himself understands how heavy the pressure of race survival is.

But soon, Professor X returned to the original gentle smile, hiding all the confusion and weakness in the deepest part.

"Leave these two people to me, and I will take this matter seriously."

Hearing this, Li Yang nodded. This was the reason why he brought Yuri and Smith. He believed that Professor X's ability would allow them to reveal all their secrets.

After chatting for a few more words, Li Yang felt that it was inconvenient to stay for a long time, so he excused something, got up and left.

"By the way, Li, your sister's condition is very good, the x gene is very stable.

If nothing else, you can take her back. "

ps. Thanks to the book friend [Banban Tian] for the reward of 600 coins!
(End of this chapter)

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