The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 165 Venom Spider-Man (Happy Christmas Eve!)

Chapter 165 Venom Spider-Man (Happy Christmas Eve!)

"I see, I'll be there right away!" Li Yang controlled the surging emotions in his chest, replied calmly, then hung up the phone immediately, rushed out of the store, and galloped towards the Osborne Building.

After driving anxiously for nearly half an hour, Li Yang's irritability finally calmed down, and he began to think about how to solve the small trouble of venom.

In Li Yang's memory, the reason for the appearance of venom is unknown (see Spider-Man 3), and it suddenly appeared at Peter's home to complete the combination with Peter.But now it was different, he knew the origin of the venom and successfully captured it, but judging from the information he had so far.What kind of capabilities it has is still a mystery.

The venom in my impression is a beast-like parasitic life, full of attack and aggression, but without intelligence, it is a chaotic existence.After it combined with Peter, it greatly enhanced Peter's strength, but at the same time it also affected Peter's thinking, making him extremely aggressive.And the weakness of venom is also very obvious, that is, the fear of ultrasonic waves.Ultrasound in a certain frequency range can cause damage to it.

But now, everything has deviated from the memory. Although the venom still successfully attached to Peter's body, the cause and process are more important.This is a real world, everything can find a reasonable explanation, not like the movie.

If everything is exactly as he remembers, then why should he work harder, and he will just go home and die quietly——Before he came to this world, I heard that Thanos killed everyone with a snap of his fingers. Half the life of the universe!

Thoughts diverged little by little, and Li Yang inexplicably felt much lighter now.

At this time, Harry called again.

"Hey, Li, Peter ran out now, he is not in the Osborne Building now!" As soon as Li Yang connected the phone, he heard an anxious voice on the other end of the phone, like a machine gun.

Li Yang looked at the street signs and found that he was almost at the Osborne Building, so he quickly comforted Harry and said, "Don't worry, I'm near the Osborne Building, tell me, where is Peter going now?"

Perhaps it was Li Yang's calm emotion that infected Harry and made him calm down a lot.After a rush of footsteps came from the other end of the phone, Harry said, "I saw him. He is heading towards Fifth Avenue at a very fast speed."

Fifth Avenue?

Li Yang couldn't help raising his head towards the dark sky, because he was right on Fifth Avenue right now.

Suddenly, a black shadow leaped from the building, with the dim night sky, the bright moon and the embellishment of stars as the background, it became a stunning and shocking picture.

"I found Peter, don't worry, I will follow him!" Li Yang said to Harry immediately, and then he was about to hang up the phone to track Peter.

"Wait, turn on location sharing on your phone, and I'll go too." Harry said quickly.

"No problem, come here quickly." Li Yang did not refuse Harry's request. It was a wise choice for one more person to help when things were still unclear.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yang quickly opened the recently installed location-sharing software, then put his foot on the ground, raised the motorcycle to turn around, and immediately stepped on the accelerator to the limit, following Peter who was leaping between tall buildings at lightning speed. go.


"What do you want?" Peter shouted in extreme dissatisfaction, "This is my body, get out of here!"

However, Peter's anger and dissatisfaction were not responded to. In the eyes of others, he seemed to be talking to the air, and his behavior was like a lunatic who had escaped from a mental hospital.

But, Peter knew, he was not a madman.Although flying between tall buildings is his favorite thing to do, it doesn't mean that he likes an unknown being manipulating his body to do this kind of thing - It's too dangerous (it's too dangerous)!
He is crazy to hand over his life to an unknown being who doesn't understand at all!
"Okay, okay, you win, how about we discuss it, as long as you give me back my body." Warnings and threats didn't work, so Peter had to give in first, trying to solve the problem.

One thrilling jump after another, for the first time Peter felt how dangerous his previous behavior was.

"Please answer me, alien visitor, even if you don't speak, I can feel your presence! You are not a beast, you have intelligence and a mind of your own, I think we need to talk. After all, this is me body!" Peter tried to maintain the last trace of politeness, trying to chat with the alien visitor who suddenly took possession of his body.

Yet again, Peter's words were ignored.

After repeated persuasion to no avail, Peter had no choice but to give up, and simply let himself go.

"Why don't you speak? Is it because you have no mouth? But I don't mind if you borrow my voice."

"Uh, you know, your behavior has violated my right to personal freedom. If I call the police, the police will sentence you to prison for kidnapping. Of course, with my help, you may be released without charge .”

"OK, where do you want to go? Let me see where this is.

Ugh, Hell's Kitchen!

Cool dude, are you trying to fight crime like me?very good!But what I want to say is, brother, you have just entered the industry, you can choose low-difficulty things to do first.

Look, there's an old lady who wants to cross the road, let's help her.

Oh you missed this amazing opportunity, you failed! "

"You know what, you've been holding my body hostage for over an hour. I think my friends got the news. If nothing else, you're going to be gagged and have your pants ripped off and spanked. Oh, Sorry, I don't know if you have the concept of pants. Need me to explain, pants are made of various fabrics with—”

"Shut up!" Suddenly, an extremely angry voice sounded.Obviously, in the face of Peter's chattering attacks, Venom can no longer remain silent.

"Oh my God, you finally spoke!

Sure enough, you are an intelligent life! "Peter was excited at this moment, because Venom's words really verified his guess - intelligent alien life. But immediately Peter thought of another question:
"Hey, wait, why are you speaking English? Isn't it supposed to be an alien language like Martian? Is English common throughout the universe? It's incredible!"

"Can you hold back your words!" Venom shouted angrily.

"OK, I'll try my best," Peter responded.

"Excuse me, what are you going to do?" Peter asked again in less than two seconds.

"Food! I need food!"

ps. Thank you book friend [Hardcore Character] for the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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