The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 162 The Newly Appeared Mutant

Chapter 162 The Newly Appeared Mutant


Li Yang's face suddenly changed, revealing a look of astonishment.

He originally guessed that Matt was seriously injured because he was ambushed by the enemy, but he never expected that this incident was related to mutants!

In this world, as long as mutants are involved, the complexity of things will increase geometrically.

Thinking of this, Li Yang felt dizzy: "Matt, are you sure you are a mutant? Is it possible that you misread it?

You know, mutants who join gangs are even rarer than pandas! "

In this world, mutants can be roughly divided into three categories.

The first category belongs to the "academic school" like Professor X. Although they have extraordinary abilities, they don't regard them as evil, and try hard to integrate into normal society.Thanks to Professor X's deterrence, the government also dared to push forward, so their life was pretty good.

The second category belongs to the radicals like Magneto, who either feel superior to others because they have mastered various extraordinary powers, or who have been persecuted by the government, organizations and society and have become hatred for ordinary human beings. People often create "troubles" that cause headaches for all countries.

But it is undeniable that this series of actions of theirs has more or less won a considerable part of the rights and interests of the mutants.At least, in some small countries, no one would dare to persecute mutants.Otherwise, Magneto will be provoked, and the national power may be overthrown!

According to several conversations between Li Yang and Professor X, Magneto built a steel kingdom in a certain sea area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean near Africa, accepting mutants from all over the world to become citizens, enjoying freedom and equality.

In addition to the two main forces of the above-mentioned mutant groups, there are still a small number of mutants who carefully hide in human society, not daring to show their feet for fear of being discriminated against and persecuted.Of course, this situation also has a lot to do with the government's full efforts to block information about mutants.

In short, as Li Yang said, there is no market for the behavior of gangsters among mutants.

Hearing Li Yang's questioning words, Matt couldn't help but smile bitterly.Of course he understood the meaning of Li Bai's words, but the fact happened to be like this, which cannot be refuted!

"Although I don't have much contact with mutants, I still know the gap between ordinary people and mutants." As he said, Matt pointed to his right rib: "I was beaten by that mutant here yesterday. punch, although I removed most of the weight in time, the remaining part also broke all three ribs!"

Hearing this, Li Yang's sword eyebrows came together again.After a rough calculation, in the past few months, the number of times of frowning is probably more than the sum of the previous life.

"It's an eventful year!" Li Yang couldn't help but sighed, then quickly sorted out his emotions, and then asked: "Tell me about what happened."

Matt nodded, and after a moment of contemplation, he told the three of Li Yang the whole story of the incident.

"Last night, I received news that the Jin Gang, who had returned to the underground world of New York, was going to make a deal with the Mexican gang, so I rushed to their place of deal after I was fully prepared.

At first, the action went smoothly.It's easy to deal with those gangsters and smash their deals.

Then I called the police, and when I was about to leave, a group of gangsters with guns appeared from outside, and there were two mutants.

Originally, I was going to retreat immediately, but I was restrained by those two people and couldn't escape.One of them has great strength and strong defense at the same time.But the other one is as soft as rubber, and the body can be stretched at will.

The rubber man stuck to my body as soon as it came up, like a piece of dog skin plaster, and I couldn't shake it off.He cooperated with another mutant, and I was knocked down to the ground with just one punch, almost short of breath.

It was also because of my life that I didn't deserve it. Seeing that I was knocked down, the two mutants withdrew and left, and then ordered those with guns to shoot and kill me.Fortunately, I still had some strength left, so I endured a few shots, and then escaped while the two mutants were not paying attention.

Afterwards, things will become clear to you. "

After listening, Li Yang's first feeling was that Matt is a person who can't tell stories, and such a thrilling and life-threatening incident was told so dryly by him, like a sponge that has lost water.

Of course, this was only a momentary event, and then Li Yang felt Matt's difficulty from it - if there is no perseverance and tenacious will, Ruling might even throw his body into the sea to feed the sharks!
Li Yang had reason to believe that Jin Bin was probably the one in the worst mood after losing the best chance to kill Daredevil last night.After all, who made his business the biggest!

He patted Matt on the shoulder to show comfort, and then Li Yang fell into thinking.

Matt's actions yesterday completely fell into the enemy's trap, and in order to completely solve the opponent of Daredevil, he even sent two mutants to take action together. One can imagine his murderous intentions.

But the most critical question is, where did the two mutants come from?

Thinking of this, Li Yang suddenly thought of the scene when he met Matt for the first time, and he also met two mutants.

But he had already investigated the origin of the mutants last time. They were two members of the mutant fraternity that Jin spent a lot of money to hire.At first, Li Yang was a little worried about whether he would be retaliated by them, but he has been safe for such a long time, and with the vague reminder he got from Professor X, he has already settled down and completely put this matter aside Rear.

So, could the two mutants who suddenly appeared this time be members of the Brotherhood of Mutants?
Great possibility!
Mutants can be seen everywhere like Chinese cabbage. Li Yang has every reason to doubt Jin and hire members from the Brotherhood of Mutants again to eradicate Matt as a hidden danger!
After hesitating for a long time, Li Yang finally made up his mind: "I need to inform Professor X about this matter. After all, mutants are involved. There may be other circumstances that we don't know about. Don't be careless."

As soon as the words fell, Li Yang stood up and prepared to leave.

"Wait, take me with you!" Matt said suddenly at this moment.

Li Yang hesitated for a moment: "You have just recovered from such a serious injury, do you want to stay and observe?"

"No, I think I'm strong enough to kill a bear now! Besides, don't you have confidence in the reagents you made?" Matt said exaggeratedly.

Hearing this, Li Yang no longer refused: "Alright then, you change your clothes first and leave in a while!"

 Thanks to the book friend [Xu Zhiguo] for the support of the two monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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