The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 155 Watching the Meteor Shower Together (Tickets Required!)

Chapter 155 Watching the Meteor Shower Together (Tickets Required!)
As expected, Harry did have plenty of time. After receiving Li Yang's call, he immediately expressed that he would come to answer him as soon as possible.

"OK, Harry will be here soon, let's sit in the coffee shop next to it for a while." After hanging up the phone, Li Yang suggested after thinking for a while.

"Yeah," Baby nodded in agreement, but after glancing at the ingredients behind him, he asked worriedly, "But what about the food we bought?"

Hearing this, Li Yang looked around, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Don't worry, look, there can be stored the ingredients we bought, and we can come back to pick them up when Harry comes over."

Hearing this, the baby no longer worried about the placement of the ingredients, and happily followed Li Yang to the storage point to store the purchased food, then went to the coffee shop not far from the supermarket with the heavy lemon in his arms.

"Brother, I want to eat ice cream, strawberry flavored."

"Ice cream? No, no, it's still a little cold, and eating it will spoil your stomach.

Or how about a piece of strawberry cake? "

"Okay, can I have another Coke then?"

"Of course, it's okay to drink in small amounts, but it's best to drink water."

"Thanks brother. Oh, I almost forgot the lemon!
Lemon, what would you like to drink?tell me quickly. "


"What? You want to eat a whole lemon!"

"Baby, are you sure Lemon told you so?"

"Of course! Lemons like lemons best!"


"as long as you are happy."


Half an hour later, Harry arrived as scheduled.

"Good morning, sir, and this beautiful little lady." After pushing open the store door and walking beside Li Yang, Harry greeted him enthusiastically.

"Good morning, Harry." Li Yang responded with a smile.

"Good morning, Brother Harry." The baby who was praised was a little shy, but still politely responded.

"Oh, what's wrong with Lemon? Are you sick? Do you want to see a doctor?" Harry, who wanted to chat with Li Yang, suddenly found Lemon lying on the table "weakly", his head out of control He was crooked to the side, and his mouth couldn't be closed at all.

Saliva flowed out of its mouth unstoppably, almost covering the entire table.


Lemon let out a feeble whimper, fixed her eyes on the baby, and let out endless grievances.

In this situation, the baby's face was slightly red, showing a faint pink under the sunlight.The two big eyes looked around, and the little hands didn't know where to put them.

Who knows how Lemon would eat three big lemons in a row, knowing that lemons are very sour, but still so greedy.

Well, it's all Lemon's own fault, not mine!
All the responsibility was left to Lemon, and the baby instantly relaxed.But as long as he met Lemon's eyes full of resentment, he still couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Li Yang, who saw the actions of the baby and the lemon, tried not to laugh out loud, and quickly helped the baby: "Don't worry, it's just that you ate too much lemon, so don't go to see a doctor, it will be fine in a while. "

"Really?" Harry glanced at Li Yang suspiciously, but seeing that he was so sure, he stopped entangled in this matter.

"Then when the lemon recovers, let's put the ingredients in the car."

This proposal was unanimously approved, especially the baby, nodding his head like pounding garlic.

After chatting for a while, Harry couldn't help asking: "Baby sister, why didn't you bring Xiao Jin out?"

Hearing this, the baby seriously replied: "Xiao Jin is too young, and there will be accidents if you take it outside. Moreover, Xiao Jin ate a whole plate of shredded beef in the morning, and then fell asleep."

Hearing this, Harry couldn't help but nodded. Xiao Jin was still in the infancy stage and didn't have much adaptability to the external environment, so it was a good choice to keep it at home.Moreover, this little guy sleeps all day long after eating, so he doesn't have to worry about being left unattended for watching the meteor shower today.

"Then take good care of Xiaojin from now on, don't look at it as small now, but when it grows up, it will have a wingspan of five meters!
When that time comes, you can sit on its back and fly into the sky! "Harry said half-truth and half-truth extremely exaggeratedly.

"Really? Can Xiaojin take me to fly in the future?" The baby was surprised, with incredible light shining in his eyes.No matter how she imagined it, she couldn't imagine that the fluffy little guy at home, which was only the size of an adult's fist, would have a body size of five meters in the future!
"Of course, I promise!" Harry replied with great certainty.

The golden eagle, one of the most ferocious birds of prey in the world.An ordinary golden eagle has a wingspan of about [-] meters when it is an adult, but it can fight more than ten prairie wolves without losing the wind.

And Xiaojin's future is even more extraordinary. Its parents are both golden eagles of different species, with a wingspan of five meters.Huge body shape brings great power, compared with ordinary golden eagles, the difference in fighting power between the two is more than five times!

If it weren't for the adult golden eagle's unruly nature, the ones Harry sent would probably be Xiaojin's parents.

"I will definitely take good care of Xiao Jin!" The baby promised firmly, but then became worried again: "But if Xiao Jin grows up to be so big, how much food does he have to eat a day!"

Hearing this, Li Yang rubbed the baby's small brain, and said with a doting smile: "Don't worry, there is still brother here, and Xiao Jin will definitely not be hungry."

"En." The baby nodded obediently, and then fell into the beautiful fantasy of riding Xiaojin's body and flying freely in the sky one day in the future, picking large cotton candy.

After sitting in the coffee shop for a long time, until Lemon recovered and stopped drooling, the three of them walked to the storage point of the supermarket, and after transporting the large amount of purchased ingredients to the trunk bit by bit, Harry started The car carried Li Yang, the baby and the weak lemon to Peter's home in Queens.

"What's Peter doing recently? I can't see his influence." Harry asked Li Yang while holding the steering wheel with one hand.

"Peter," Li Yang replied after thinking for a moment, "he's been acting with Matt recently. I don't know what's going on, those gangsters are very lively these days."

"Matt? That's the Daredevil?" Harry thought for a moment, then remembered Matt's identity.I have heard Peter talk about it before, but I have never met him, so I am not very impressed.

"Yes." Li Yang affirmed.

"Maybe I should find a chance to get to know him. It might be a good thing for me, don't you think, Lee?" Harry suggested after a moment's hesitation.

Harry, who has very little combat experience, is always looking for opportunities to exercise with great interest.

Being a superhero is not easy.

"Of course, it's a good thing, whether it's for you or him." Li Yang nodded in agreement.

Amidst the chatter, the car stopped in front of Peter's house not long after.

"Peter, come out to pick up the guests!"

(End of this chapter)

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