The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 152 In the final battle (2 in 1, ask for votes!)

Chapter 152 In the final battle (two in one, please vote!)

"Are you Dickon?" Although Harry used a question, his tone was very certain.

"That's right, I'm the Dickon you're looking for!" Dickon slowly twisted his neck, making a series of crisp sounds, and replied very flatly.

Finally found the source of all the incidents, but no one dared to be careless.After spreading out and blocking all passages in the living room, they set their sights on Dickon again.

Calm and relaxed, this is the truest portrayal of Dickon now.Although it is not clear where he got the courage to face the hostility of the X-Men, there is no doubt that this deserves the attention of Li Yang and others.

"Those of my subordinates are not strong, but they are not weak to be bullied. If you can come to me, they must have gone to see the ancestor!" Facing Li Yang and others who blocked the passage, Dickon didn't seem to care about his actions, but asked about the situation of his subordinates.

"Those vampires blocking the door? As you wish, but it's not a good idea to meet the ancestors. Hell is where they should go." Harry took the words with a slight sarcasm.

"Why, don't you feel angry and avenge them?"

"Revenge?" Dickon chewed on the word, feeling worthless.

"Revenge for them? No, no, no, it's just some subordinates, it's not worth me to do it myself!" Dickon waved his hand, not caring about the life and death of Mercury and other vampires.In his opinion, it was their honor to buy him the last bit of time to become a blood god.

"Now, I'm more interested in you!" Dickon waved his arm, skipping over everyone one by one.

"Five days ago, Quinn led more than 200 vampires to capture Wesley, but none came back alive!
You guys did this, right?

Including the vampires in the castle today, about [-] vampires died in your hands.

But don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to offend you with this incident.

But, I have a question, why do you mess with Wesley, keep sabotaging my plans, and chase after me? "

As he said that, Dickon's eyes flickered with flames of anger. Obviously, Li Yang and others have put him under great pressure recently.But this anger came suddenly and went away very quickly.It lasted only for a moment before disappearing without a trace.

Without waiting for everyone to give an answer, Dickon said again on his own: "But none of this matters anymore. I've succeeded now, haven't I?"

"You mean you succeeded in becoming a blood god?" Li Yang asked tentatively.

"That's right!" Dickon gave an extremely positive answer.

"I tried my best, risking being driven to extinction by pure-blooded vampires, and today, I finally reaped the most delicious fruit.

From now on, I am the god of the vampire clan! "

"Blood God, is this your courage to stand here?" Scott snorted coldly, completely unimpressed by the so-called Blood God that Dickon said.

The so-called immortality is just a joke!In the face of time, even the planet under his feet, and even the entire universe will eventually go to destruction!
"Ignorant words, how can you understand the power of the blood god!" Dickon held back his killing intent, and dropped a sentence forcefully.

Now is not the time to turn around.

After calming down a little, Dickon took a deep breath and said, "No matter what happened before, I have good intentions for your coming.

Cooperate with me, mutants and vampires will become the real masters of this world! "

"Are you struck crazy by lightning, to say such a thing?" Scott's eyes widened, showing an expression of disbelief, as if he was looking at a fool!
"What do you know!?" Dickon roared angrily, and the strong sound waves spread, making the air tumbling like boiling water!
"This world should belong to the strong! It belongs to you and me!

The power we have is beyond the imagination of those ants!

Despicable, cowardly, and insignificant human beings dedicate their short and meaningless lives to become the cornerstone of our nourishment and strength. It is their honor in this life, and it also allows their humble lives to be sublimated!

But when you open your eyes and look at this world, the whole world is occupied by weak and inferior human beings. They shamelessly consider themselves the masters of the world. Instead, they regard naturally powerful people like you and me as aliens and must be eradicated. heterogeneous!

Originally, we were supposed to be high above them, to be their gods, and to control their fate!But now, they dare to wield butcher knives, trying to kill us all!
Do not!
I will never allow this to happen!
Cooperate with me, mutants and vampires will surely overthrow the rule of inferior humans and become the gods of the new world! "

Mad idea!
"It seems that you are really crazy!" Scott's face was extremely ugly. Although there are many conflicts between mutants and ordinary humans, even the extreme Magneto has never had such an idea.

"So, talk nonsense to him, and you can't let him go!" Harry was also indignant, extreme thinking, and powerful power jointly created a demon!
If Dickon is allowed to escape today, he can't imagine what kind of bloody storm will be set off one day in the future!
Without getting the answer he wanted, Dickon could no longer suppress the volcanic anger in his chest!

"Since you don't want to cooperate, let's all stay!"

A sharp and ear-piercing howl came out of Dickon's mouth, like silver needles piercing the eardrums, causing a splitting headache, and he had to cover his ears to avoid the sharp attack!

Carrying a pungent smell of blood, the formation stone under Dickon's feet, which had survived thousands of years, was crushed to powder by the berserk force. Amidst the dull crackling sound, he crossed a distance of more than ten meters and came to Scott in an instant. , the sharp claws without fancy tore through the air, and slashed down in the air!

The deafening wind and waves rushed head-on, like the grinning grin of death!


When the thousand hooks were shot, Orfila conditioned reflexively to support the sky with his palm, and the blue energy gushed out, enveloping the two of them!

There was a thunderous explosion, and the air wave rolled, setting off countless smoke and dust, engulfing the three of them.

The strong wind passed by, and the smoke and dust dispersed, revealing the figures of the three people.But seeing Dickon grinning ferociously, he put all his strength on the energy shield.On the other hand, Orfila's face was completely flushed, and beads of sweat covered her forehead.

At this moment, circle after circle of ripples appeared on the shield, which seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

not good!

Li Yang's pupils shrank into needles suddenly, secretly surprised that Dickon's power was so great!
With the energy shield formed by Orfila's all-out efforts, it can persist for more than 3 minutes even in the face of machine gun fire, but now it can only barely take Dickon's blow!
Compared with before, Dickon became the blood god, and his strength has increased by a thousand times!


A thunderous roar exploded out of nowhere, and Piot's footsteps flickered, and after a distance of more than ten meters, he came to Dickon in an instant. A fist of steel struck like a heavy cannon!

The iron fist containing anger and infinite power came instantly. Feeling the dangerous breath of death, Dickon's heart trembled. Like a ghost, he stretched out his right hand and pressed on the surprise iron fist. His huge body was as light as a feather. Together, dissolve this powerful punch invisibly!

Before Dickon landed, the sound of breaking through the air followed closely.The crystal spider silk shot out and instantly stuck to Dickon's body like a tarsal maggot. No matter how much he struggled, he couldn't get rid of it for a while.

In an instant, spider threads filled the sky, weaving into a big web and enveloping Dickon.Peter put his agility to good use at this moment, circling and turning around Dickon, dodging punch after punch, and finally cocooning him.

A wisp of gunpowder smoke emerged from the muzzle of the silver gun in Harry's hand, and the supersonic bullet instantly sank into Dickon's head!
At the same moment, Logan's impenetrable steel claws pierced the skin and muscle from Dickon's back with a poof, slicing his heart to pieces!
The majestic and invincible Dickon fell to the ground just now, and blood gushed out from his wound like a spring!
"It's over, madman!" Logan cursed, and ignored the corpse under his feet.

Seeing this, Li Yang also breathed a sigh of relief.In terms of the vampire's self-healing ability, this degree of injury is irreversible, and it will surely usher in death.

"The blood god is immortal!"

A faint and venomous voice sounded, and in the next second, there was a sudden change!

The pool of blood seemed to be alive and flowed back into Dickon's body, and the lifeless corpse suddenly stretched out its right hand and grabbed Logan's ankle!

In an instant, Logan's blood boiled and rolled and flowed backwards in his body, destroying all his resistance in an instant, and smashed straight to the ground with a bang!
"The blood god is immortal!" Dickon floated up in the air, announcing the power of the blood god to everyone.

court death!

Anger erupted like a volcano, instantly turning into infinite power and melting into Li Yang's limbs and bones!
Like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, amidst Li Yang's long roar, the stones with ancient and mysterious patterns under his feet exploded, turned into powder and permeated the air. The feeling of surging, the strong wind howling in everyone's ears!

The majestic mountain-like body suddenly crushed the air, soared up in an instant, covered a distance of more than ten meters to the top of Dickon's head, and slashed it down mercilessly!

The thunder exploded, the wind roared, and all the obstructed air was squeezed and exploded by this fierce and indestructible force, forming a series of turbulent air waves, which smashed on Dickon's body like a roaring dragon!

The astonished Dickon put his arms in front of his forehead, and the pain rushed to his limbs like a tide in an instant!
The arm bones were broken inch by inch, all the skin and muscles burst, and a pair of residual arms were separated from their limbs and thrown into the distance!

The castration of Iron Palm did not diminish at all, and the fierce murderous intent bloomed again. Dickon felt his eyes go black, and his neck was broken immediately. There were dense cracks on his skull, and he was slapped straight into his chest cavity!

The headless corpse fell to the ground with the inertia of the huge force, causing the earth and rocks to crack again, and the ground was stained blood red with blood!
"Now, he should be dead, right?" Harry whispered uncertainly.

"The blood god is immortal!"

The weird scene happened again, the blood gathered, and Dickon was restored to an intact appearance again!
Li Yang was slightly startled, and spit out a word from his mouth: "Monster!"

"It's useless, after becoming a blood god, every weakness in his body will disappear without a trace!" Dickon laughed wildly, like a monstrous blood!
"Next, I will show you my methods!"

With a loud drink, Li Yang suddenly felt that the blood in his body was rolling unscrupulously in his blood vessels like boiling water, as if he had real life, and wanted to break free from the shackles of his blood vessels!

"I am the blood god, I shall control the blood!"

As soon as the lofty declaration sounded, it was no longer just Li Yang, but Scott, Harry, Peter and others who were farther away from Dickon had blood rolling in their bodies, which was hard to contain!

The situation was so critical that Scott had no choice but to make a decisive decision and quickly stay away from Dickon.

After a while, Scott's face beamed with joy, and he secretly said that it was so!
After keeping a sufficient distance from Dickon, the life-and-death situation was immediately lifted.This also shows that Dickon's ability to control human blood is limited by distance.

The battle is far from over!

Not to mention Scott and others who were far away from the battlefield, only Li Yang and Piot remained in place.

Li Yang's mastery of the body has reached a subtle level. When he noticed that the blood flow in his body was abnormal, he immediately put all his energy into suppressing it!

"go to hell!"

The venomous curse sounded like thunder, and Dickon's handsome face showed a ferocity like a ghost at this moment. He looked for Li Yang's position, and in the thunderous air explosion, he turned into a phantom, and his whole body was like a heavy cannon. Generally blasted at Li Yang's chest!

At the very moment, Piot suddenly rose up, and the force of breaking mountains and cracking rocks erupted under his feet, pushing his mountain-like steel body to suddenly lie between Li Yang and Dickon.

An iron fist suddenly crushed the air, punching out without a trace of fancy!
Crackling sonic booms filled the entire castle. Two unparalleled forces collided brazenly. Suddenly, a tidal wave of air spread from the fist, like a tenth-level hurricane. Countless smoke and dust and The gravel was rolled up by the air waves, shrouding the space in a mist!
"Your blood control ability doesn't seem to work for me!"

A dull voice suddenly sounded, like a heavy hammer hitting Dickon's heart with force!
"go to hell!"

Once the sharp and piercing curse was issued, Dickon immediately turned into a ghostly form, showing super agility no less than Peter, and launched an attack around Piot, completely suppressing Piot for a while!


Metal sounds rang out one after another, each of Dickon's blows contained terrifying power enough to penetrate a two-centimeter thick steel plate, but it fell on Piot's body like a sea of ​​mud, failing to cause any substantial damage!

"Dickon, don't forget about me!"

Ps. Thank you Shuyouxing for the two monthly tickets! (^o^)
(End of this chapter)

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