Chapter 150 The Blood God Appears!
"Aren't we late?" Harry moved his body carefully, while complaining to Peter who was moving on the ceiling in a faint voice.

In the entire slaughterhouse, he didn't see a single person, which was really weird.

Little by little, he approached the living room. Suddenly, Peter's spider sensor sensed something strange in the room, and the alarm bells rang out in his heart!

He stopped walking, kept silent, and communicated with Harry through gestures.

Peter: There are people inside, be careful!

Harry: Must be a vampire! (excitedly showing white teeth)
Peter: What should we do, should we retreat first?

Harry: Take it easy, let me give them a present first!
After a short and tacit exchange between the two through body language, Peter stood still for the time being, while Harry moved towards the door inch by inch in a state that was ten thousand times more careful than before.

Harry's ghostly figure disappeared in front of the wide-open door. Before Li Yang and others could make a move, he threw six grenades, which were scattered in the living room and four rooms.

Immediately, the dazzling purple light covered up the brilliance of the sun, and dyed the whole world into a bewitching purple!

The moment the light bloomed, Li Yang suddenly realized who it was.But the strong ultraviolet light stimulated his eye nerves, making him have to temporarily avoid the sharp edge!
"Peter, do it!"

Harry shouted hastily, and took two silver pistols from his waist, he and Peter broke through the door in an instant, and entered the living room.

Harry rolled on the thick carpet, glanced across the two rooms from the corner of his eye, and roughly judged the position of the "enemy". He raised his gun with both hands and was about to pull the trigger!
Harry: (°ー°〃)
Scott: (; ̄д ̄)

Li Yang: ㄟ(▔,▔)ㄏ

Embarrassment filled the air and lingered for a long time.

"So it's Scott and you are here!" Harry put away the gun and stood up from the carpet as if nothing had happened.

Peter, on top of him, moved quietly towards the corner, lowering his presence.

The corner of Scott's mouth twitched slightly, unable to speak for a while.Although he also wanted to pretend like Harry that nothing happened, Orfila beside him was crying uncontrollably, but he himself was a blessing in disguise. any impact.


"So Dickon ran away again!" After some conversation, Harry was disappointed and even a little discouraged.Dickon's escape meant that his hard work these days was in vain.

The previous embarrassing incident was brushed aside by both parties. The reason was that Scott and the others hid in order to catch Harry and Peter by surprise. It was just that Harry was superior and failed to succeed.Fortunately, Scott and the others did not suffer much loss, but their eyeballs were a little sore and swollen.

"We still have a chance, the key depends on our next performance!" Li Yang rubbed his slightly sore eyeballs and said in relief.

Not to mention Harry now, even Scott and the others were somewhat depressed.This is definitely not a good phenomenon, and morale must be improved.

"Huh? Then what should we do?" Harry immediately lifted his spirits.

"Although we failed to catch Dickon, according to my observations, the time when Dickon left and when we arrived was not too long.

Therefore, if you can retrieve and watch the surveillance video of less than an hour, there is a great probability that you can find Dickon! "Speaking of this, Li Yang couldn't help sighing, the vigorous development of modern technology almost makes a person have nowhere at all!
"Leave this matter to me!" With a wave of his arm, Harry agreed in a big way.Although this matter is difficult, for all the people present, only he has the ability to solve this matter in a short time.

With a new breakthrough, Harry swept away the previous disappointment and immediately started to work.

At the same time, preparations for the opening ceremony of Harmanton Island's second exposition organized by Stark Group are in full swing.

At eight o'clock in the evening, tens of thousands of New Yorkers will come here to visit. At that time, the world's most cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements will be displayed in front of everyone.

It is worth mentioning that Hanmer Military Industries also won a booth.


"Li, we have a new discovery!" After an anxious wait, Harry shouted excitedly after receiving a call.

"Brooklyn, a church found traces of the group of vampires who left here!"

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"

After finding Dickon's clues again, Li Yang, Scott and his party could no longer hold back the restlessness in their hearts, and drove away in a hurry at top speed.

This time, Li Yang, Scott, Harry and the others happily agreed that before sending Dickon to accompany the old man God, he must be punished first!

The game of cat and mouse is coming to an end!

Brooklyn, Notre Dame Cathedral.

After a fierce battle, the cathedral was riddled with holes and crumbling.

Fortunately, the church is located in a remote location, so there were no casualties among the citizens.

"Say, where did Dickon go?" Li Yang was bare-chested, revealing a vajra body made of red copper.

In his hand, he was holding a vampire.The vampire was shocked by Li Yang's monstrous evil spirit, which was almost condensed into substance, and immediately froze in fright.

Just after Harry obtained Dickon's latest position, a group of people rushed here aggressively.After a great battle, the final victors found that there was no Dickon in the church!
The vampire's snot and tears flowed everywhere, begging for mercy repeatedly: "I don't know, I don't know!

Boss Dickon came here today, but left after only waiting for a while.

Forgive me, I'm just a low-level vampire, I don't even know where Boss Dickon went! "


Li Yang glanced at the vampire whose crotch was soaked in disgust, and immediately made the final judgment.

The muscular arm whipped up a gust of wind, and slapped on the top of his head like lightning, like a giant pillar supporting the sky slammed down. The vampire let out a mournful cry, the neck bone was broken immediately, and the head was deformed suddenly, and then was thrown straight Shoot into the chest cavity!
Throwing the vampire to the ground like throwing trash, Li Yang turned around and came to Harry: "The old way, keep checking!"

"Understood!" Harry nodded heavily.

Three hours later, in a classroom in the Bronx, the familiar scene was played out again!
"Damn! Is Dickon playing tricks on us?" Harry gritted his teeth.

"Don't let me catch him, otherwise, I will make him regret why he came out of his mother's womb!"

It's already eight o'clock in the evening, and the expo held by the Stark Group has opened. People are coming and going, so lively!
However, in a place that no one noticed, in a forest not far from the exposition site, the old castle that had been dilapidated for many years was brightly lit.

Looking up, the wind and clouds are gathering, and a huge vortex is brewing right above the castle, which is daunting!
Not long after, a sudden change occurred!

Boom! ! !
The pillar of thunder that reaches the sky comes down to the world brazenly, shining for hundreds of miles, right in the middle of the spire of the ancient castle!But the spire seemed to be immortal in the world, and the violent thunder did not cause any damage to it. Instead, under its guidance, it continuously sent energy into the castle.

Under the catalysis of heaven and earth, a strange life was born brazenly!

(End of this chapter)

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