The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 148 Seeking help (recommendation please!)

Chapter 148 Seeking help (recommendation please!)
"Doctor, how is the situation?" As soon as the door of the emergency room opened, Whistler and others immediately surrounded him, eager to get a satisfactory answer from the doctor.

The doctor took off his mask, remained silent for a moment, and said in a regretful tone: "I'm sorry, two people were injured too badly and couldn't be rescued."

Whistler trembled all over, couldn't help taking a half step back, and then he was in a daze, isolating himself from everything outside.

Angry flames spewed from the eyes of the remaining three young men, and uncontrollable tears fell from their sockets.Endless anger gushed out of his chest, but he had nowhere to vent, so he punched the wall hard, dyeing the white wall bright red!

The state of Whistler and others did not surprise the doctor.In his more than ten years of professional career, he has seen too many scenes of life and death, and even some family members cannot accept the fact that their relatives have passed away, and fight him from time to time.

Compared with those difficult guys, Whistler and others performed well.

"Another seriously wounded patient was rescued in time and is now being sent to the intensive care unit. Four other patients with multiple gunshot wounds have been treated and will be transferred to ward 338 later.

If you need it, you can go to Ward 338 to visit them. "The emergency doctor continued to tell everyone about the situation of the other five wounded, and then left with an apologetic look.

Allowing space for family members is conducive to accepting the facts.For this, emergency doctors are well versed in this.

After an unknown amount of time, Whistler's turbid eyeballs trembled slightly, and then turned twice in the eye sockets, restoring their original brilliance.

Whistler knows very well that at this moment, one must not be overwhelmed by sadness and pain, otherwise there will be no day to turn around!
"What time is it?" The hoarse and dry voice came out with a tremor in Whistler's throat, implying the return of his rational Enwei.

The three young men subconsciously glanced at the watches on their wrists, and one of them suppressed his grief and replied, "It's exactly six o'clock."

Whistler looked out the window. It had been two hours since the vampires launched a surprise attack on them. Now the sky outside had turned slightly white. In less than half an hour, the first ray of sunlight would cross a distance of 1.5 million kilometers, turning the light into the sky. Sprinkle again into the world.

"Let's go and see Klein and the others first!" Whistler sighed and walked slowly towards Ward 338 with a heavy heart.

The other three youths looked at each other, and finally chose to follow Whistler's footsteps.Although they can't wait to fight vampires with real knives and guns, the cruel reality has restrained their revenge.

Pushing open the door, Whistler and the other four entered the ward in an orderly manner.

On the four wards, Klein and four others were lying pale due to excessive blood loss.

After a rough glance, Whistler quickly raised his head and closed his eyes in order to avoid tears from flowing out.

Old Jack is gone, Bob is gone, and Andrew is now lying unconscious in the ICU.

The three veterans who have been fighting for a long time have come to such a point, such a blow is not stingy to him as a bolt from the blue!

"Whistler, you're here." Abel in the ward greeted feebly, and then forced his upper body up.

Whistler quickly stepped forward and put two pillows on Abel's back so that he could lean on them: "I'm sorry, old man, I'm the one who hurt you this time."

Abel hesitated for a moment, glanced at the three young men with red and swollen eyes, and immediately understood: "Old Jack..."

Whistler nodded heavily, and said, "Old Jack, and Bob, have not been rescued. Andrew is now lying in the intensive care unit."

Abel was silent.

After a long time, he let out a long sigh, and comforted Whistler, saying, "It's all about life, since you've chosen to be a vampire hunter, you're ready to face death.

Old Jack and Bob are just one step ahead, I believe the Lord will take care of them in heaven! "

Whistler nodded with difficulty when he heard the words. He had understood this truth for a long time, but when all this happened to his old buddy, it was still unavoidable to be sad.

"Wesley, has he come back?" Abel avoided the sad topic and asked about Wesley's situation.

Including himself, there are a total of 12 people, except for Wesley, everyone else is in this hospital, so I have this question.

"No news yet," Whistler responded.

"What!?" Abel was startled, and stood up abruptly. His large movements instantly involved the injured muscles and made his face distort: ​​"It's been so long, something must have happened!"

He remembered clearly that in order for everyone to escape, Wesley alone led away all the vampires who were chasing him.

That resolute back view made him unforgettable!

Whistler remained silent. If anyone was most anxious about Wesley's situation right now, there was no one else besides him.But he had expected this situation.If Wesley had escaped and ascended to heaven under the pursuit of vampires, he would have been in touch with him in these two hours.

However, the fact is that his mobile phone has been silent as if it does not exist during this period of time.

Whistler opened and closed his upper and lower lips a few times before saying, "Maybe the situation is not as bad as we imagined.

I remember very clearly that the group of vampires targeted Wesley and shouted that they would catch him alive! "

Hearing this, Abel's expression changed, and he also remembered the situation: "That's true, their target is Wesley, and they didn't even assign some people to hunt us down even after we fled.

Well, the biggest possibility now is that Wesley has fallen into their hands.

Just, what is their purpose in doing this? "

"In any case, the longer time drags on, the more dangerous Wesley becomes." Whistler said heavily.

"But now we haven't even found their location, and we don't know where to start!" Abel frowned, and said the biggest problem at present.

"..." Whistler smoothed the wrinkles on his face with his hands, and said, "It's a big deal to let go of my old face and ask others."

"You mean..." Weber hesitated to speak.

The last time he ran away from the vampire's sneak attack, leaving the two young men to fight alone, they broke up in a quarrel, and thinking about it now makes his face a little hot.

But now it was embarrassing to ask him for help.

"Oh, forget it, if there is no other way, do it as soon as possible!" Abel sighed, Wesley's life is more important than the face problem!

"It's getting late, you see it's already dawn!"

Whistler turned his head and looked out of the window through the glass, it was daylight!
(End of this chapter)

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