The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 143 Baby's New Changes (2 updates, ask for tickets! (^▽^) )

Chapter 143 Baby's New Changes (Second update, ask for tickets! (^▽^)

Xavier College.

The students who had just enjoyed a delicious lunch gathered together in twos and threes, or walked and chatted in the college, or spread out the tablecloth and sat quietly enjoying the rare bright sunshine.

In the parking lot, Li Yang and five people got out of the car.

"Li, would you like to go with us to see Kunen?" Orolo suggested, "Maybe, he will think of your sandbag-sized fist when he sees you. This will definitely be the most unforgettable memory in his life!"

"No, I believe in your abilities. Now, it's my personal time.

Believe me, if the baby knew I was coming to the academy and didn't visit her, she could go three days without talking to me.Moreover, I have a surprise to tell her. "Speaking, Li Yang touched the three hundred dollars in his pocket again.

God knows how surprised the baby will be, I can't wait to see it!

"Okay, then go do your own thing. If there are new discoveries, I will notify you in time." At the end, Orolo added with great envy: "It's nice to have a younger sister!"

Of course!

Li Yang secretly agreed, and then there was an uncontrollable smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

After leaving the parking lot, the first place Li Yang went to was the restaurant.At this time, although most of the students had already finished their lunch, it was very difficult for Li Yang to guarantee that the greedy little guy would not spend the whole lunch in the restaurant.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, he bumped into a burly man head-on.

"Piot, what are you doing in such a hurry?" Li Yang greeted first.

Piot was startled for a moment, then he was overjoyed and said, "Oh, it turned out that you are here, Li, thank God!
Quick, come with me! "

Before he finished speaking, Piot took Li Yang and ran towards the landscape lake of the college.

Li Yang felt a little uneasy in his heart, and couldn't help asking: "What happened? Why are you dragging me?"

"The professor just told me that he just noticed an abnormal energy fluctuation, which was emitted by your sister." Piot replied hastily.

Li Yang was shocked when he heard this, his nervousness and anxiety erupted like a volcano.He swung his right hand and grabbed Piot's wrist, and then his legs burst out with explosive energy, and he stepped out, leaving a cracked and deep footprint on the spot, and the two of them teleported ten meters away.

Along the way, the wild hunting wind blows everything away.

The strong wind whistled in Piot's ear, and he had no time to react, so Li Yang took him to the lake.

Li Yang's gaze, like a goshawk in the sky, quickly swept over every figure by the lake, and everyone suddenly looked back as if they had been pricked by a needle.

After accurately locking on to the petite figure not far away, Li Yang shot out like an arrow, and appeared in front of the baby in an instant.

The baby only felt that the warm and bright sun at noon had disappeared, replaced by a majestic body whose face could not be seen clearly.She was startled for a moment, and after rubbing her eyes with her little hands, surprise and joy appeared on her chubby little face.

"Brother! You're here!" The baby yelled excitedly, and then rushed towards Li Yang.

Li Yang leaned down and hugged the baby in his arms, feeling the real weight, his iceberg-like face melted away like a spring breeze.

Li Yang kissed the baby's sensual face with the tip of his cold nose, and after a long time, he said: "I haven't seen you for a few days, you seem to have gained a lot of weight!
Said, did you steal it again? "

Hearing this, the baby wrinkled Xiao Qiong's nose, pouted her small mouth, and showed a very unhappy look: "You are wrong, I have grown taller again, I have not gained weight!"

"Really, come, let me have a look." Li Yang placed the baby on the grass as carefully as if he were a treasure, and after gesticulating twice with his hands, he found that the baby had indeed grown a lot taller.

Suddenly, a sense of guilt welled up.

Li Yang half-kneeled on the lawn, holding the baby's two little hands, apologetic: "It seems that brother blamed you, so, I'm sorry, please forgive brother this time, okay?"

Seeing this, the baby pretended to be an adult, waved his little hand, and said, "Since you have apologized so sincerely, then of course I will choose to forgive you!"

Seeing the baby's old-fashioned look, Li Yang couldn't help reaching out and pinching her baby-fat cheeks twice.

"Brother, stop making trouble!" The baby angrily knocked off Li Yang's outstretched hand, and stared at her big watery eyes, as if tears were about to roll down.

Li Yang quickly surrendered, and then, as if he had discovered a new continent, he said with great surprise: "Baby, I really didn't expect you to be a little genius!"

"Huh?" Baby snorted and looked at Li Yang suspiciously.

"Look, what are these?" Li Yang took out the three warm green bills of [-] yuan like a baby, and put them in the baby's hands: "A big sister came to the store today, and she took a fancy to you at a glance. I like the set of woodcarvings so much that I insist on buying them.

Look, this is the money for the woodcarving. "

The baby looked at the green note in his hand in surprise, and was dizzy from the sudden surprise.

"Am I a genius?" The baby looked at the green note and asked, and said with absolute certainty at any time: "Well, that's right, I'm a genius!"

She didn't doubt whether Li Yang's words were adulterated at all, she really accepted this fact wholeheartedly.You know, after she carved that set of wood carvings, even she hated it!

"The baby will be the pillar of the family from now on, don't forget to take care of the elder brother!" All kinds of compliments flowed out of Li Yang's mouth, which further strengthened the baby's confidence.

"Well, I will definitely take care of my brother." The baby replied with a very serious face.

After speaking, the baby looked at the green bill in his hand again, thought for a while, and then put it in his pocket.


Suddenly, the baby let out an exclamation.

Li Yang subconsciously asked, "What's wrong?"

I saw the baby hastily opened the jacket pocket on the right side, and carefully took out an orange plush toy from it.

Li Yang's eyes were fixed immediately, and after careful observation for a long time, he said in an extremely uncertain voice: "This is... a lemon!?"

Hearing someone call its name, Lemon turned over subconsciously, Cat's Claw rubbed his sleepy eyes, and opened them to look at the behemoth in front of him!

Hey, isn't this a shit shovel?How did it get so big! ?
Regardless of what the bewildered Lemon thought, Li Yang couldn't help complaining: "Are you sure it's a lemon and not a hamster!?"

After getting the baby's affirmative answer again, Li Yang was really confused, just like Lemon!
At this time, Piot, who had been watching the interaction between his siblings for a long time, made a very high-level suggestion.

"Maybe, the professor can give us an answer!"

(End of this chapter)

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