The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 141 The investigation failed

Chapter 141 The investigation failed

Time passed quietly amid the conversation between Li Yang and Orolo. Scott parked the car slowly on the side of the road, and a group of five people got out of the car one after another. They looked up at the large but dilapidated building in front of them church.

The time is now at noon. If it were any other street in New York, it would be crowded with people and bustling.But here, the pedestrians on the road are in twos and threes, without any anger.

But what is commendable is that Hell’s Kitchen under the sun barely retains some order on the surface, and no matter whether this remaining order is based on just laws or dark rules, it is like a fig leaf , retaining the last bits of decency in this part of the city.

Li Yang glanced roughly at the street, and couldn't help but suggest: "I think it would be a good idea to leave someone behind to look at the car.

After all, I don't want to walk back to college on two feet from church later! "

Although he only took a quick glance, the drug deal on the corner of the street, the sale of a pair of pimps at the alley, and the behavior of a certain nigger who failed to rob and was overturned have all been brought into Li Yang's eyes.

The chaos and disorder of Hell's Kitchen can be seen from this.

"That's right, there are no police in this place!" Orolo echoed Li Yang's suggestion.The previous experience of living at the bottom of society told her that she should never overestimate the bottom line of these bastards.They would dare to stab a person with a knife for a bite of powder, no matter if the person is a child who is still immature or an old man who is dying.

Scott frowned slightly. Although he hadn't experienced this before, he was good at listening to other people's opinions.

"Okay, I agree. After all, a place where such blatant criminal activities are carried out does make people worry about the safety of the car.

Who stays to see the car, though? "

As soon as the question came up, silent eye contact formed among the three.In less than a moment, the eyes of Li Yang and the others fell on Bobby who was looking around curiously.

There was a smile on the corner of Scott's mouth: "Bobby, there is a task for you, can you guarantee it to be completed?"

Hearing this, Bobby was overjoyed at first, but then his face collapsed: "If it's guarding the car, I think Orfila is also qualified for this task!"

A rare field mission, and despite the infamous Hell's Kitchen, he's still interested in wandering around.But if you stay in the car, it's really no fun at all!
"Bobby, this important task belongs to you." Orfila retorted mercilessly: "Don't forget, my main task is to protect Scott, and I must act together with Scott !"

At the end, Orfila added another knife: "We are different!"

The consensus was reached by a margin of four to one, and Li Yang and the four walked towards the interior of the church in unison, paying attention to Bobby's unusually resentful eyes.

"Damn it!" Bobby punched the steering wheel, but was startled by the sudden sound of the horn.

But in any case, this established decision cannot be changed, and Bobby can only accept it sullenly.

Turning his gaze, Bobby stared at the swollen black man who was beaten after an attempted robbery: "Come here! Come here! Maybe you need some ice cubes to reduce the swelling, and I won't charge for it!"

Walking into the interior of the church, Li Yang found that compared to the appearance full of heavy sense of history, the interior environment is barely tidy, at least there is no finger-thick dust and excrement everywhere as he imagined.

Of course Li Yang didn't know that it was all due to Dickon.I think when he first came to the church, he was like a septic tank!

It was he who led his men to shovel off countless excrement bit by bit; it was he who used hundreds of rags to dye ten tons of water black to remove the thick accumulation of ash; it was he who expelled piles of excrement Rats and bats bring a solemn and elegant atmosphere to the church!
It was Dickon's credit that allowed this church, which had been abandoned for decades, to retain the last bit of decency in front of Li Yang and others!
Damn, if God has eyes to see all this, there is no guarantee that he will not send glory-to the evil vampire Dickon!
"The church is not too small, save some time, let's split up. Otherwise, Bobby will be uncomfortable!" Li Yang suggested.

Waiting is undoubtedly a torment.Especially when it's not fun.

After thinking for a while, Scott agreed to Li Yang's suggestion: "Although the possibility of encountering a vampire is very small, it's better to be careful."

With Scott's consent, the four were divided into three groups. Scott and Orfila were in a group, and Li Yang and Orolo were in a group to check in two directions.

The front hall, the nave, the warning booth, the choir... I searched the past inch by inch. At first, I found nothing, but as the unknown area continued to shrink, more and more traces of vampires were revealed in front of everyone. .

"Li, come and have a look." Aurora greeted suddenly, Li Yang turned around, and in three or five steps, he jumped ten meters to Aurora's side.

As soon as he stopped, what Li Yang saw was the blood bag that filled the entire iron trash can.

Li Yang kicked over the trash can, and hundreds of blood bags covered the ground in an instant.

"It seems that there are quite a few vampires who used to live here." Orolo picked up a blood bag with a few drops of blood and shook it in front of his eyes, asserting.

Li Yang nodded after hearing this: "It seems that Dickon and his men have indeed lived here for a while, and they are so careful, which shows that the conspiracy is not small!"

"Don't worry too much, don't forget, now he is the prey, and we are the hunters." Orolo said with relief.

Li Yang smiled approvingly, no matter how cunning the prey is, it will eventually fall into the hands of the hunter.

"Keep searching!" After finishing speaking, Li Yang ignored the blood bags on the ground and turned to look for new clues elsewhere.

Time passed unconsciously, and it was already half an hour later in the blink of an eye.

After checking the entire church inside and out, the four returned to the front hall and told each other about their discoveries.

After summarizing, everyone was quite disappointed.Apart from the fact that Deacon and his men lived in the church for some time, there are no obvious clues to direct them to Deacon's latest location.

Although I knew this was the result from the beginning, I still couldn't avoid the disappointment I should have.

"I'm afraid it's impossible to find Dickon in a short time!" Scott said regretfully.

"Damn it, as long as I think of a mouse playing tricks in the dark, I can't control my anger!" Orolo said angrily.

Li Yang is also angry, but he knows that this emotion will not do any good for the current situation.

As early as the beginning, he got involved in the vampire incident only because he had a little curiosity about this extraordinary creature and a little worry about Dickon's upcoming conspiracy.

After all, with the jewel of Dr. Connors in front of him, Li Yang was afraid that a few more lunatics like this would appear and hurt his family and friends.

But now, Li Yang has another reason to kill Dickon.

After taking a deep breath to calm down, Li Yang calmed down and said as if he was not affected at all: "There will be no new discoveries here, it's time to go back.

We still have Quinn, and I believe he still has a lot of information that we haven't discovered yet.Quinn will be a good breakthrough.

And don't forget, Harry is also on the hunt.With the resources in his hands, I believe it will definitely bring us unexpected surprises. "

Vampires are bloodthirsty creatures with a great need for blood.And Harry is currently investigating along that line.

After unifying their opinions, the four went straight out of the church and returned to the car.

"Well, Poppy, nothing wrong?" Scott asked.

"No, no one came." Bobby replied regretfully, the robber didn't ask him for some free ice as he imagined.

After joking a few words, Scott drove away from this sinful place quickly.

Soon, a figure stood at the place where Scott parked, watching the car that Scott was driving gradually disappear from his vision.

(End of this chapter)

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