The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 124 The Attack of the Vampire

Chapter 124 The Attack of the Vampire
In Queens, a yellow campus bus is driving on the avenue in the twilight morning light.At this time, there were not many pedestrians on the road, but they all expressed a little surprise at the passing of this campus bus.

Why... Is there any elementary school that has classes on weekends?This is against the education law!Do you want to make a report call?
But wait for them to take a closer look: Hey!What a group of young people in their teens and 20s! ?

Could it be...a patient with Brain Retardation Syndrome! ?

Oh!God, I hope they are happy.

On the school bus, Li Yang squinted at Scott with a serious face, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he looked straight ahead.

Unlike the X-Men who showed a trace of excitement behind their eyes, Li Yang really couldn't imagine why these guys could drive a campus bus out in the face of today's important meeting!
"Is there no other car in the academy? Why do you have to drive this one!" Li Yang asked unwillingly.

Scott, who was sitting in the driver's seat, was concentrating on driving the school bus. Although there were not many pedestrians and the speed was only 40km/h, he had no energy to answer Li Yang's words.

Fortunately, except for the captain, the rest of the team members are warm-hearted.As soon as Li Yang finished speaking, he heard someone explain from behind: "Of course there are other buses in the academy, but this campus bus is the only one that can take all our members at once."

Hearing this, Li Yang turned his head and found that it was Colossus Piot who answered his question.

Colossus Piot has a steel-structured body tissue, but it's not steel, it's just similar in nature.This bizarre mutant ability gives him extraordinary defense, stamina, strength and speed.

According to Professor X's tests, his defenses can withstand a 110mm howitzer attack, can also withstand the impact of a 1-ton truck loaded with 450 pounds of TNT explosives at a speed of 100 miles per hour, and a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit above absolute zero- With a temperature range of 9000 degrees Fahrenheit, it can be called an invincible golden body.And his strength has also been sublimated to the extreme. Test data shows that he can lift nearly a hundred tons of heavy objects.

With these two points, he deserves the title of Colossus.

Sometimes Li Yang also thinks, if he faces Colossus Piot, how can he win the battle?

Probably extremely difficult!
"There are a lot of children in the college, so the professor specially bought this campus bus to facilitate the daily travel of the children."

"I agree with your point of view," Li Yang nodded, and immediately said: "But we can definitely drive three cars here! It won't affect anything at all."

But Piot shook his head violently: "We are a team, how can we act separately! It is impossible to separate, and it is impossible to separate in this life."

Piot's words resonated with the entire team, and everyone nodded their heads like garlic.

Li Yang stroked his forehead with his hand, trying to block the helpless expression on his face.

Well, you X-Men don't care about this point anymore, so what's wrong with you!As the saying goes in my hometown: Come all come...

The road was unimpeded, and it took about an hour for the abandoned factory where Wesley and others lived to grow from small to large, and it caught everyone's eyes.

Looking at the abandoned factory, Li Yang, who was about to speak, suddenly changed his face, stood up suddenly, and stared at the front without moving.

"What's the matter, Li, is something wrong?"

Li Yang's actions caught the attention of the players, so Piot asked.

"Listen carefully, there are gunshots!"

Martial arts practice not only brought strength to Li Yang, but also greatly strengthened his five senses. Although it did not reach the level of Peter's "spider sense", it was far beyond ordinary people.

In Li Yang's ears, the dense gunshots in the slightly cold wind continued one after another, and the murderous air washed over his whole body for a while.

Piot was startled, and quickly calmed down to collect the news brought by the cold wind.The rest of the team members also opened the car windows one by one and listened attentively.

After a while, Piot said: "I heard something vaguely, but maybe they were testing weapons.

Didn't your friend just give them a batch of hot weapons, maybe they can't help but want to get acquainted first? "

"You're too optimistic," Li Yang shook his head solemnly, pointing to his ear: "The sound of gunfire is so dense that it's impossible to be practicing. Moreover, I heard laughter, although it was very vague, but The madness in it has not diminished in the slightest.

Wesley and the others are in big trouble! "

Li Yang's words were like a heavy hammer that completely crushed Piot's remaining optimistic thoughts, making him fully understand the cruelty of the facts.

"All team members, prepare to fight!"

Scott, who was concentrating on driving, let out a low growl, and immediately stepped on the accelerator.

The campus bus, which weighs as much as an armored vehicle, let out a roar, sprinting like a furious rhinoceros!
"I can't wait, it's time for them to see how powerful I am, John the Burning Man!" John, who was sitting in the last row, murmured excitedly.


"Wesley, how can you be a coward, come out and fight me to the death if you have the guts! Hahahaha!"

Outside the abandoned factory, a tight white man wrapped in clothes and a helmet sneered unscrupulously.

If he ignores the submachine gun in his hand, some residents may turn him over to the police station.But the current situation is that he casually pours bullets into the empty factory from time to time, and keeps uttering provocative words from his mouth.

Of course, the white man's reliance is definitely not the submachine gun in his hand. As Dickon's right-hand man, he has fought Wesley five times over the years, but he always loses every battle. The fear of profit is like a tiger.

However, now that he was able to stand here and utter such wild words to Wesley, it was the confidence given to him by the more than two hundred vampire fighters behind him.

No matter how powerful you Wesley is, you still have to run away from the more than [-] warriors of my vampire clan!
For a moment, he only felt a burst of pride in his chest, how could a mere Wesley make him afraid.

"Damn it, our position is exposed!" Wesley slammed his fist on the steel plate, causing the entire room to tremble.

Not only Wesley, but everyone else's faces were ugly.

They were clearly discussing how to surprise the vampires just a second ago, but they didn't expect them to be caught off guard by the vampires.

Now everyone is hiding in the deepest arsenal, facing the approach of many vampires, they can't help feeling desperate for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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