Chapter 119 Clues
"What did you say? An ancient building?"

Li Yang didn't understand what he heard, so he hurriedly asked.

"Ah, after Dickon came to New York, he asked Old Neil to collect the ancient building materials in New York. This clue leads to unknown, difficult to check, and I got Dickon's hiding place at that time, so I didn't pay much attention. If If you don't mention it, I will forget it.

What, do you guys find this clue useful? "

Seeing Wesley's puzzled expression, Harry slammed the table, but became agitated.

"Of course it is useful. Dickon must have a big plan in coming to New York this time, and all information about him must not be let go.

Although Dickon is cunning and deceitful, the possibility of him setting up a maze cannot be ruled out, but this possibility is very low.

You've hunted Dickon for so many years, and as his old nemesis, Wesley, I'm sure he knows you well.He knows your origin, your character, your ability, and naturally knows that it is difficult to check the ancient buildings with your personal energy, so there is no need for him to deliberately mislead you about this matter. Because he understands that you will not check.

To sum up, there is something strange about this clue, and it is worth investigating. "

Having said so much in one breath, Harry quickly drank a big mouthful of ice tablets to calm down his turbulent emotions.

Li Yang nodded secretly, just as Harry said, this clue is worth spending time and experience to investigate and verify.

"Did Old Neil say that it was an ancient building in that area?
You must know that although the United States has not been established for a long time, it has done a good job in the protection of ancient buildings, so the number of ancient buildings in New York is not small.

If there is a clear direction, it can save a lot of effort.

What do you say, Wesley? "

Harry looked at Wesley with some expectation.

"Well, let me think about it." Wesley turned his head slightly to avoid Harry's tingling gaze.

"Well, it's the kind of ancient building related to religion.

Yes, that's what Old Neil said. "

"Religion? What does vampires have to do with religion?" Peter exclaimed, "Could it be that what is said in religious books is true? Are there really angels?"

Wesley looked at the surprised Peter speechlessly, showing caring eyes for the mentally handicapped.

"As soon as you said this, I knew that you didn't know much about vampires, that's all, then I'll give you a popular science, so as not to make jokes in the future."

Knowing that he had made a slip of the tongue, Peter quickly put away his expression and pretended to be listening attentively.

Li Yang and Harry also had a lot of interest, so they sat quietly waiting for Wesley to speak.

Looking around, Wesley nodded in satisfaction.

This time, although it is said that the two parties cooperated, so far, they have been asking for help from others, and even asked others to help check the clues.No matter how open-minded Wesley is, he will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable.

And right now, there just happened to be a chance to save a little face, so he was naturally happy.

"When did the history of vampires start? It is impossible to verify now. In short, vampires have been entangled with humans since humans have written records.

According to the oldest written records, vampires first appeared in continental Europe, and as time went by, traces of vampires gradually spread to every part of the world.

If vampires were just ordinary extraordinary races, their relationship with humans would naturally not be the same.But it is a pity that vampires not only have a human body, but even feed on human blood, infecting human beings and turning them into blood descendants.

Therefore, war is inevitable.

In the thousands of years of history, the human side has been in a weak position for a long time, and because of fighting each other, the human resistance force was once on the verge of extinction.

In the precarious situation, the resisting people finally realized that their weak personal strength could not resist the extraordinary vampires. This situation must be changed!
After the efforts of all parties to resist the forces, all parties finally reached an agreement to work together and unite to fight against vampires.

This is the initial prototype of religion.

The united human beings have gone through hardships and survived that dark age. They have become stronger and stronger, formed organizations, left inheritance, and cultivated demon hunters.

After hundreds of years of development, religion thrived in the fire, and finally recovered from the decline and fought against the vampire court.

Since modern times, the rapid development of science and technology has allowed human beings to have destructive technological weapons. Even an ordinary soldier can kill vampires as long as he has a gun.

The power of vampires is getting weaker and weaker, and they are no longer human opponents.

It is also because of this that religion has gradually developed to what it is today. Apart from training a small amount of vampire hunters on a regular basis, the focus has shifted to other aspects.

And the angel you mentioned, Peter, is just a product of religion and does not actually exist. "

Peter spread his hands and was not disappointed: "Well, I know that's the case. Angels don't exist, and gods don't exist either."

No, it won't be long before you learn that God is real, even if not as creatively powerful as you think.

Li Yang watched Peter complain silently, and then turned his thoughts to digesting the information Wesley brought.

"The current vampires, compared to the country, can be said to be weak. So a considerable number of vampires are obediently obeying the rules set by humans.

Of course, Dickon is not among them. He is intoxicated by the power of vampires, regards human beings as food in his mouth, and intends to subvert the social order and once again surpass human beings.

Such extremists cannot be found even among vampires.

Over the years, Dickon has made a lot of noise. Not only me, vampire hunters everywhere, and even government departments are all trying to hunt him down.

And now that he's in New York, no matter what his purpose is, it's a great opportunity. "

Harry replied eagerly: "Don't worry, I will do my best to find out Dickon's purpose, and then destroy him."

Wesley took a deep look at Harry and said, "I believe, you will."

"Do you have any other clues to add?" Li Yang asked.

Wesley shook his head: "No, the rest is worthless."

Li Yang nodded: "Okay, now that you've finished speaking, let me talk about the situation on my side."

"Oh, Lee, did you find anything?" Harry asked curiously.

"I didn't find out," Li Yang shook his head, "But I have invited some helpers, which can increase the chance of success for this operation."

"Helper?" Peter asked subconsciously, and then his eyes lit up: "Is it Matt? Speaking of which, I haven't seen him for a long time."

"No, not Matt." Li Yang clearly denied it.

"He has been very busy recently. Jin Binbang has been dormant for several months, and there are signs of resurgence recently."

Peter blinked, "Oh, really?
Since it's not Matt, what helper are you talking about? "

"It's a mutant!"

(Ask for votes, no one has voted recently!! Heartbroken (-ω`))

(End of this chapter)

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