Chapter 117 On Vampires

"Sit down, guys!" Harry greeted enthusiastically, leading everyone to a round table.The other three people were not too polite and took their seats one after another.

"Well, what do you want to drink?" Harry asked, and then introduced: "I have coffee, lemonade, black tea..."

"Give me a can of Coke, iced." Peter said bluntly.

"A cup of coffee, thank you!" Wesley said politely.

"Then black tea, I haven't had it for a long time." Li Yang said with a smile.

"No problem, the three of you will wait for a while." Harry responded with a smile, and then walked aside to prepare drinks.

The remaining three people sat on the chairs, each with their spines straighter than the other.

Li Yang looked Wesley up and down calmly, and information about him kept flashing in his mind.

Although Li Yang didn't watch many movies and TV series, he still had some impressions of Wesley.

The image of Wesley on the screen is a character whose lifelong goal is to hunt vampires, and the scene where Li Yang meets him for the first time also verifies this.

Therefore, Li Yang would only show up when Wesley captured Old Neil, and make initial contact.

After that, Li Yang investigated the information about Wesley through Harry and Professor X, and only then did he officially confirm Wesley's identity.

Among other things, Wesley's attitude towards vampires alone established the basis for cooperation between the two parties.

While Li Yang was still considering how to speak, Peter started to communicate with Wesley one step ahead of him.

"Harry said earlier that you came here for the vampire hunters who came to support them. I don't know what kind of weapons they want? Hot weapons or cold weapons?" Peter asked enthusiastically.

Wesley sat motionless, with no expression on his black face, but the slightly twitching corners of his mouth still revealed his rather restless heart.

Would he like to come if he could?

The answer is obvious. Anyone who asks for others is a last resort.

But since someone asked a question, he, a person who wants to ask for others, can't help explaining clearly.

"Yes, in response to Dickon's upcoming plot, I invited ten vampire hunters over this time. Each of them is the most elite fighter, and countless vampires died in their hands." Wesley said. Still maintaining his coldness, he explained lightly.

"Ten elite vampire hunters come from different parts of the United States, and they specialize in different weapons.

But in general, it is nothing more than threatening firearms and high-quality knives and swords.Oh, and there are people who are good at bows and arrows, so you need to prepare bows and arrows too.

As for myself, I use both hot and cold weapons, but there is a big difference.

First of all, the power of thermal weapons cannot be ignored, but if you face those top vampires, most of the firearms will lose their meaning.Therefore, I usually use guns to deal with those low-level vampires, and the few powerful vampires use my sword. "

"Then who is the strongest vampire you've met before? How strong was that old Neil last time?" Peter asked again.

After thinking for a while, Wesley replied: "Dickon's strength is very strong, even among the purebloods, he belongs to the top group. As for Old Neil, his strength has barely reached the level of purebloods." , but not too strong."

Peter nodded silently. Although he had never seen Dickon before, since he could get the support of most mixed-blood vampires, he couldn't do it without absolute strength.In the extraordinary realm, the natural law of the weak is more naked than anywhere. Although Peter is young, he also understands this.

"Well, what do you think of my strength? Is it stronger or weaker than those vampires?"

For this, Peter was more interested.

Without waiting for Wesley to speak, Li Yang interjected: "The definition of strength is not simply determined by strength.

Think about the war between humans and vampires. If we just rely on brute force to fight, we humans must lose in the end.But the current situation is that human beings are prosperous and prosperous, and the vampire family is shrunk to a corner.

Peter, I hope you will not be careless and be dazzled by power. "

"That's natural. My control over power has improved a lot compared to before." Peter responded firmly and forcefully.

Li Yang looked at Peter a few more times, but said nothing.

"Vampires are inherently stronger than humans, but their weaknesses are also very obvious." Wesley continued.

"Sunlight, silver, and garlic are the most fatal weaknesses of vampires.

If an ordinary vampire is exposed to the sun, it will disappear within half a minute without leaving a trace.

The same is true of silver, even if the vampires only touch it a little, silver will have a wonderful reaction with their bodies, corroding their bodies.

As for the garlic extract extracted from garlic, as long as a sufficient amount is injected into the vampire's body, it will cause them to lose all their strength and die in pain.

Practice for thousands of years has proved that these three are the most effective items for killing vampires.

Of course, if you are strong enough, you can kill vampires even without using these items.In any case, vampires are just creatures on earth, not immortal beings. "

Peter rested his elbows on the table, resting his chin with one hand, listening carefully, and then asked curiously: "I heard that you are a day walker, can you tell me about your situation?
Of course, this is your freedom. "

Wesley's complexion was slightly dull, and no change could be seen under the cover of black skin.It was a long time before I heard him talk about his life in a calm tone.

" mother was about to give birth to me, there was an accident. A vampire attacked her, and she was seriously injured. Finally, she dragged her dying body to the hospital and gave birth to me.

Because of this, I have been an orphan since I was born. "

Hearing this, Li Yang's heart skipped a beat. According to the vague memories in his mind, it seemed that there was something else hidden in it.

But no matter how Li Yang recalled, the memory seemed to be separated by a layer of veil, which could not be seen through or figured out.

Wesley didn't notice Li Yang's abnormality, and he devoted all his energy to recalling the past.

"As we all know, the common way for vampires to develop offspring is infection. My mother was infected by vampires when she was pregnant, and she also infected me who was still in the womb.

It is a very miraculous thing, perhaps because I was not really born at that time, so when I was really born, the blood of the vampire and my blood of the human being were perfectly merged into one, creating me - possessing the supernatural power of a vampire Strength, but abandons the weakness of vampires.Neither sunlight nor silver nor garlic essence have any effect on me.

Also because I can walk freely in the sun, I got the title of 'Sunwalker'. "

(End of this chapter)

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