Chapter 113 Decision
Wesley wiped his mouth with a napkin, and then asked, "Who is coming? How many people?"

"There are ten people, four are my old friends, and six are their descendants."

Hearing this, Wesley frowned: "Why are there only ten people?"

Whistler smiled bitterly: "Everyone who can come has come. You know, there are not only vampires in New York, but also a large number of vampires all over the United States. It is not easy to find ten people to help us."

"Is the situation so serious now?" Wesley was very puzzled: "Vampires were not as active as they are now."

"Who knows!" Whistler spread his hands with a helpless expression.

"Could it be Dickon's fault?" Wesley guessed.

"No way." Whistler raised his brows, "Although Dickon is very powerful, after all, most of the power of vampires is in the hands of pure bloods. With such a wide range and high frequency of activity, there is no pure blood Kind of back support is not possible.

Moreover, the relationship between Dickon and the pureblood side has always been very bad. It would be good if they could barely control each other from attacking each other. How could the pureblood help Dickon. "

Several speculations, but in the end there is no strong evidence to support it, and in the end, it can only be done hastily.

"Follow me to meet our companions at night." Whistler was doing two things, chatting with Wesley while repairing firearms.

Wesley held a dumbbell in his hand, sweating profusely: "What time is it?"

"Seven o'clock."

"no problem."


Xavier College, The Lawn.

"Baby, how about going home with me this weekend?" Li Yang flattered the angry baby.

"Hmph!" The baby turned his face away, completely ignoring Li Yang's intentional flattery.

And under the baby's feet, the plump lemons also showed a fierce look, and there was a whimper in his throat.

Li Yang glanced at Lemon speechlessly, and kicked it with a shadowless foot on its soft belly, immediately making it enjoy the feeling of flying.

After chasing away the house cat that was always making trouble, Li Yang hurriedly walked around in front of the baby, trying to please him.

Finally, after Li Yang promised countless conditions, the baby finally agreed to Li Yang's request.

The baby opened a pair of bright eyes and reconfirmed: "Don't leave me alone at home, or I will... I won't talk to you."

Faced with the threat from the baby, Li Yang didn't struggle, and immediately let go: "Listen to the baby, I will do what the baby says."

Since the baby awakened, Li Yang seldom took care of the baby as before.And the baby is just seven years old now, which is the age of attachment to adults.Although the baby has always been well-behaved and sensible, he is very angry at the fact that Li Yang is not around.That's why today's scene happened.

Everything was back to normal, and Li Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief.However, before Li Yang could say anything, a phone call came suddenly.

"Professor, what's the matter?"

"...I thought about what you talked to me about yesterday. If you have time now, you can come to my office and we can talk about it in detail."

"So, do you agree?" Li Yang asked happily.

"Come to the office and talk."

After speaking, Professor X hung up the phone.

It seems that there should be no problem!

With such thoughts in mind, Li Yang couldn't help showing a smile.

The baby looked at Li Yang, and the face that had just slumped suddenly puffed up again, and she asked angrily: "Brother, do you want to go?"

hiss!How could you forget about the baby! ?
Li Yang quickly showed an apologetic expression, and was about to explain, but the baby didn't appreciate it, so the little foot kicked Li Yang, and then ran away angrily.

"Meow~!" Lemon snarled at Li Yang, feeling that it completely frightened the opponent, and quickly slapped the ground with its four claws, chasing after the baby.

This chubby figure, coupled with such a chic pace, hiss~, hot eyes!

"Don't forget, baby, come home with me on weekends!" Shouted at the small figure that was drifting away, Li Yang showed a helpless expression.


"Professor, I'm here." Li Yang greeted.

"Oh, sit, sit."

Professor X was still busy looking at the documents, and after calling Li Yang to sit down, he started working.

Li Yang didn't mind this at all, and it could be said that he was used to Professor X's busy state.

What is Professor X busy with every day?Li Yang was suddenly curious, so he glanced at the documents spread out on the desk.

American Mutant Registration Act

"Mutant Combat Team Formation Plan"

"Mutant X Gene Research Report"

●﹏● scared the baby to death
"Li, I agree with your point of view, maybe I protect them too well, and it's time to go out and experience the wind and rain." Professor X raised his head at some point, and fixed his eyes on Li Yang .

"Aha," Li Yang quickly came back to his senses, and after thinking for a while, he understood what Professor X meant, and he was overjoyed.

"However, I have a few requirements as prerequisites." Professor X changed his tone and emphasized.

Li Yang blinked his eyes twice - can I still say no?
"Professor, what requirements do you have? I will try my best to meet what I can."

Professor X was very satisfied with Li Yang's attitude, and after a few seconds of pondering, he said: "First, all actions must be voluntary, if someone is not willing, then you cannot force them.

Second, before any action, all aspects of events, causes, characters, plans, etc. must be told in advance, and there must be no concealment.

Third, there must be no interference in their actions.


There are ten items in total, and Li Yang heard them clearly and clearly.After thinking for a while, Li Yang raised his head and gave a clear answer.

"It's all reasonable, I agree."

Through Li Yang's pupils, Professor X saw the shining sincerity.

At this point, Professor X was completely relieved.With these restrictions, the students would not be seriously injured.

Yes, Professor X is prepared for the unfortunate death of a student, both physically and mentally.

The flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand the wind and rain!
Professor X is thinking, if one day he is gone, can the heirs he has cultivated over the years continue his unfinished business in this unpredictable world.


In short, let them experience more and grow more!
Professor X's mental journey is unknown to outsiders, but he rubbed his temples, and then said with a tired face: "Since it's all agreed, let's go to the training room now, the students are already there. "

After finishing speaking, Professor X put down the unfinished documents in his hand, drove the wheelchair and took Li Yang to the training room.

(End of this chapter)

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