The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 101 Blade vs. Old Neil (2 more please subscribe!)

Chapter 101 Blade vs. Old Neil (Please subscribe for two updates!)

"Wesley, what on earth are you trying to do?" Old Neil asked angrily as he stabilized his swaying body.

"You killed at least fifty vampires today, do you want to start a war with us?"

Hearing this, Wesley's knife-like face twitched slightly. He ignored Old Neil's questioning and said sharply, "My purpose for coming today is very clear. Tell me, Dickon, where is he!"

"Dickon! Dickon!" Old Neil yelled crazily, "Dickon has something against you, why do you insist on chasing him!"

Wesley just let out a cold snort when he heard that, fixed his cold eyes on Old Neil, and slowly approached him step by step.

The atmosphere gradually became tense.

Old Neil shuddered, and he immediately understood that Wesley would never give up until he achieved his goal.

That being the case, why not fight to the death!
The old Neil, who was driven into a desperate situation, felt a sense of courage in his chest, and dispelled all the fear.With a violent shout, with great momentum, old Neil's slightly bent legs suddenly burst out with great force, leaving two sunken footprints on the spot, comparable to the speed of a cheetah, leaving afterimages along the way. Killed in front of Wesley.

The scarlet claws tore through the air, making a piercing sonic boom, like five red lightning bolts clawing towards Wesley's chest.

If this claw falls to the ground, even a steel plate will leave a few centimeters deep claw marks, let alone a fragile human body.

At this moment, Old Neil seemed to see the hope of victory, and the smile on his pale and distorted face became more ferocious.

If old Neil's attack was like an erupting volcano, then Wesley was like the thick earth, neither dodging nor dodging, and his expression was normal.

Just as the sharp claws barely tore through the windbreaker, Wesley moved.In an instant, the outstretched hand precisely grasped Old Neil's attacking wrist, and a force far superior to that of Old Neil erupted instantly, stopping the approaching danger.At the same time, Wesley adjusted his center of gravity, put one foot on the ground, and kicked Old Neil's abdomen with the other, relaxing his tense muscles and completely eliminating the danger.

Immediately afterwards, Wesley took advantage of the situation, and with a pull of his thick and powerful arm, he threw Old Neil high, over his head, and finally landed suddenly, hitting the solid ground heavily, raising a cloud of dust.

Wesley turned around slowly. In his eyes, that old Neil who was proudly facing a peacock in the bar was now like a lost dog.

The disheveled old Neil wiped the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. The blood of the vampire endowed him with a tyrannical body and extraordinary self-healing ability. For ordinary people, this kind of injury may be fatal if it is not treated in time, but for him It's just a minor injury.

Standing up again, under the embarrassing appearance, there is soaring anger hidden!
How many years have passed since I became a vampire, I can't remember the time when I was bullied.However, now, Wesley's clean blow once again made the memory of being abused once again flooded his mind.

Do not!I will never allow this to happen to me again!
Old Neil roared in his heart, his anger infected every cell in his body, and his anger drove him to attack Wesley like a gust of wind.

Old Neil was surrounded by Wesley as if he had performed a split body technique, which was a manifestation of extreme speed.At the same time, sharp claws capable of cutting gold and iron swung down all over the sky, one after another.

Facing Old Neil whose fighting power had been sublimated due to his extreme anger, Wesley frowned and dodged with all his strength, causing Old Neil's attacks to fail again and again.

Li Yang, Peter, and Harry stood on the roof of a house not far away, watching the battle between Wesley and Old Neil all the time.

Seeing that Old Neil seemed to be taking a stimulant, forcing Wesley back again and again, and there was a lot of danger, Harry couldn't help but anxiously said: "Li, that Wesley looks like he can't hold on anymore, I think, He needs our help."

Recognized or not, Harry felt, Wesley was worth his help.Vampires are the enemy of man, and the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

Hearing this, Li Yang forcibly suppressed Harry who was about to move, and said calmly: "Don't worry, I don't think Wesley needs our help. At least, so far, he hasn't suffered any injuries."

After hearing this, Harry was about to refute, but Li Yang shifted his gaze to Peter, and asked, "Peter, what do you think?"

Peter glanced at the anxious Harry, hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "Harry, I agree with what Lee said. Think about it, in the bar before, Wesley killed two people in front of Old Neil. Only the vampires, Old Neil didn't dare to fight. Even in the final fight, Old Neil's first move was not to fight, but to run away.

What does this mean?This shows that Wesley's strength is far superior to that of Old Neil, so Old Neil compromised in every possible way to avoid conflicts as much as possible.

Although it seems that Wesley is at a disadvantage now, you must know that Wesley did not fight back. He wanted to capture Old Neil alive, and the dead Old Neil meant nothing to him. "

Hearing Li Yang and Peter's opinions, Harry could only temporarily suppress his eagerness to fight, calm down and continue to observe the battle between Wesley and Old Neil.

Two minutes later, Harry developed in frustration, and the development of the matter was as Li Yang and Peter expected. Wesley, who seemed to be in danger, was not substantially hurt.

Feeling the continuous hissing sound of air tearing in the ears, and the strong and disgusting smell of blood in the nose.Wesley didn't feel irritable because of this, but calm and frightening.

No matter how fast Old Neil's attack was and how sharp his claws were, Wesley always adhered to the principle of dodging and would not have a direct confrontation with him.In Old Neil's continuous offensive, Wesley seems to be a small sail sailing in the huge waves, but in fact it is a majestic and stable mountain. Old Neil's attack is just light The wind was blowing, and it was of no real use.

As Peter said, what Wesley needs is old Neil alive.Only when Old Neil is alive can he get what he wants.

Wesley was waiting, waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to defeat Old Neil in one fell swoop.

The old Neil now seemed to have the advantage, only half a point away from killing Wesley.But in fact, the power that anger brought to him was fading little by little with the passage of time, but Old Neil, who was dazzled by anger and the upcoming victory, didn't realize it.

Once the time is right, Wesley will retaliate with a thunderous blow.

Finally, feeling old Neil's bone marrow weakness, Wesley's eyes suddenly burst into a bright light.

The time is up, let's go!
(End of this chapter)

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