Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 413 Ambition

Chapter 413 Ambition
The middle-aged Lin Chen continued: "But knowing that what we live is not the body, but the memory and the mind, as long as the memory is transplanted into a brand new body, it is equivalent to extending one's life indefinitely, so in Y I can only live for thousands of years.

You don’t know, there is no force in the Y century, everyone lives off their brains, and they are very dependent on science. As long as you have science and inventions that defy the sky, you can make everyone submit to you. After thousands of years, I His growth has already become the leader most relied on and relied on in the Y century. It can be said that without me, the development of science in the Y century would go back 500 years. "


After hearing so much, Lin Chen just said oh lightly, he had never seen anyone who praised him so much.

"I know you are very disdainful, but what I can tell you is that science can not only conquer ordinary people, but it is also effective in the world of your gods. Aren't you able to use divine power and martial arts to fight? I will invent a A set of machines that can perfectly resist your divine power and martial arts."


Lin Chen asked curiously. After all, science doesn't have much effect in this world. As long as those cultivators have hard fists, they are the bosses. Ordinary people can't do anything about them.

"Don't worry about what it is, don't you wonder how I can travel freely in these ten time and space?"

The middle-aged Lin Chen seems to be flattering himself endlessly, but these are indeed questions that Lin Chen is very curious about.

"Start your show."

Lin Chen was shocked enough today, and he can deal with anything calmly.

"In fact, each of the top ten time and space seems to have nothing to do with each other, but they are closely connected in the dark. When you were an ordinary person, didn't you notice why you suddenly panicked, or a sudden aura appeared on your body?" Wounds that will never appear? Or is it something that is clearly remembered, but completely forgotten in an instant?

Also, do you know why some people are geniuses?Because as soon as they were born, they inherited the memories of their "self" that had grown a lot in other time and space. Of course, it was not the things they experienced, but the things they learned. For example, your math scores in this time and space are amazing , maybe in another time and space, you are working as a math teacher, these are the results of the interaction of the top ten time and space. "

After listening to Lin Chen, he felt that what the middle-aged Lin Chen said was miraculous. If he hadn't seen himself in another time and space with his own eyes, Lin Chen would definitely not believe the other party's words.

But after thinking about it, I felt that what the middle-aged man said did make sense.

"Go ahead and talk."

Lin Chen no longer has any mentality of belittling men. These unknown things seem to have nothing to do with him, but they seem to be destined in the dark.

"When I discovered that there was a certain connection between the top ten time and space, I spent many, many years researching it thoroughly, because I really wanted to see what other time and space looked like. Finally! I suddenly thought of a way Being able to go to another time and space is the dimension of time!"

"Speed ​​of light?"

"Well, you should have heard of the speed of light. That speed is the speed of light propagation. It is self-evident how fast it can be, but in the face of the dimension of time, the speed of light is simply nothing.

So what I can think of is the dimension of time. This universe seems to be boundless, but it still exists in the dimension of time. That is to say, there may be other worlds outside the universe. answer, and I personally guess that the universe in which these ten time-spaces exist is just a dimension of time, and there may be a second, third, or even infinite number of universes. "


Lin Chen was completely overwhelmed, feeling like he was back in his school days, taking science classes.

"I can ignore the rest of the time dimension, but I must thoroughly study the time dimension of our universe until I discover the energy block above the time dimension."


Lin Chen has never heard of something called an energy block, but this is normal, after all, this is something that the middle-aged version of the Y century has researched, and it is normal not to know.

"Energy exists above the dimension of time and controls every inch of the universe. It can freely regulate the dimension of time, making time and space constantly transform, forming ten time and space, but the energy block is nothingness, and I gave it the name. started.

Do you know why?Because when your speed reaches a certain level, neither space nor time can control you anymore, then you will appear in a very wonderful world.

However, the speed of human beings is not even comparable to that of motorcycles. Therefore, in order to break through the dimension of time, human beings will be broken down into countless energy molecules. Shuttle in the top ten time and space, which is why I can freely go back and forth between the top ten time and space. "

"Turn Yourself Into Energy Molecules"

Lin Chen's brain started to lack oxygen again, why is it so hard to chat with this kind of person.

"I have spent hundreds of years looking for energy materials that can make me travel through the ten major time and space. The moment I found it, I was ecstatic. In order to achieve my goal, I made it into A huge instrument, the research site is among the murals that appeared in the cave, but because the instrument was too large, none of the many experimenters I sent out could come back, as if they were eaten by the machine, until I put the The ten-meter-high instrument turned into a chip the size of a little finger, which was then implanted in his own blood."

"I don't know if you still remember the double moons that appeared on one of the murals?"


Lin Chen thought for a while, and he really remembered the double moon mural mentioned by the middle-aged Lin Chen, because outside the cave, double moons would appear every time on NO.16 in December.

"I also found that double moon by accident in the forest outside the factory. After that, I will go to that forest every December 21th, and what's even more strange is that only that forest will have double moons. You It will not appear anywhere, so I judge that it is the place where the top ten time and space intersect. After that, with the help of Shuangyue and the energy chip in my body, I finally realized my first time travel and came to the top ten time and space. of the [-]st century!"

The middle-aged Lin Chen became more and more excited as he talked: "My research was successful, and I am so happy that I can't describe it in simple words. I have lived in the 21st century for hundreds of years, and every few decades I will change my place to live, because After a long time, my secret of not being old will be exposed."

(End of this chapter)

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