Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 390 The Book of Life and Death in the Underworld

Chapter 390 The Book of Life and Death in the Underworld
"Take them both away!"

Shen Hongfeng knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he ordered the bodyguards beside him, as long as they didn't tease Lin Chen and the others in front of everyone, Shen Hongfeng would have a way to completely suppress the matter.

"Are you sure they can take me away?"

Lin Chen smiled. At that moment just now, Lin Chen used his divine power to knock Shen Hongfeng's men unconscious.

"Of course. What!?"

Endless fear appeared on Shen Hongfeng's originally confident face, because when he turned around, he found that the bodyguards were already lying on the ground in a mess, without any movement.

"Don't mess around, I can tell you these things to the whole world with a flick of my finger!"

Lin Qing smiled, and shook her mobile phone in front of Shen Hongfeng.

Shen Hongfeng was so angry that he couldn't vent his anger, so he could only give Lin Qing a fierce look. At this moment, Lin Qing also cooperated with pretending to be afraid, and pulled Lin Chen's clothes: "Master, he is so fierce, just now That stare at me is scary!"

As Lin Qing spoke, he trembled on purpose.

"That's enough, that's enough! Little brother, don't do everything wrong, just ask for a price!"

Shen Hongfeng knew that it would be useless to fight these two people to death, so he thought about using money to settle.

"How much?"

Lin Chen asked pretending not to understand.

"As long as you open your mouth, how about I buy your friend's mobile phone with money?"

As Shen Hongfeng said, he made a comparison of 'three' like Lin Chen, and said, "How about this number?"

"What!! Want to buy a mobile phone for three yuan? No way!"

Lin Chen pretended not to understand the real price compared by the other party.

"You!!!" Shen Hongfeng didn't know what to say behind Lin Chen, so he lowered his voice and said, "Three hundred million, a mobile phone!"

"oh, I see"

Lin Chen pretended to think about it, making Shen Hongfeng's eyes more hopeful: "If you think it's too little, I can add another [-] million!"

Shen Hongfeng said swearingly that it was impossible for Lin Chen to get the money anyway.

"What do you think, Qing'er?"

Lin Chen pretended to be unable to make a choice, and at this moment Shen Hongfeng also looked at Lin Qing.

"Master, I can make this woman named Gong Xiaohong disappear from the mortal world with just a few clicks of my finger, and I don't think her life is worth four hundred million."

Lin Qing had no concept of money in the mortal world, but heard Shen Hongfeng's words and said it like a gourd.


Lin Chen let out a long sigh, cursing himself as mentally retarded in his heart. It turns out that the mobile phone in Lin Qing's hand is the book of life and death in the underworld, but with the passage of time, it is no longer that tattered book.

"Move your fingers?"

Shen Hongfeng was taken aback by Lin Qing's words. These were words he often used to threaten others, but today they were used on him. What the hell is this?

"According to the data, the Shen family has done many things that both people and gods are angry with. I don't think the Mortal Realm should keep these people, right?"

Lin Qing spoke loudly on purpose, just to let Shen Hongfeng hear, and Lin Chen also secretly looked at Shen Hongfeng's expression.

At this time, the two of them were no longer angry in their hearts, and Lin Chen was just playing with Shen Hongfeng, a little girl like Lin Qing.

"Who do you think you are? The one who can destroy my Shen family has not yet been born!"

When did Shen Hongfeng suffer this kind of anger?He doesn't want to care about anything now, as long as these two people can be tortured to death!
"Hong Feng!"

Gong Xiaohong frowned and tugged on Shen Hongfeng's clothes at this moment, signaling him not to be too impulsive. Although Gong Xiaohong is arrogant and domineering, she still has a calm mind in front of major events. She never thought that the girl she scolded casually, It turned out to be so difficult.

"We're going to Beichang, let's talk about it later!"

Lin Qing looked at Shen Hongfeng and said.

"it is good!"

Shen Hongfeng gritted his teeth and agreed, and then he personally took his mother to find the person in charge of Nanchang Airport.

After just a few minutes, Shen Hongfeng returned to Lin Chen's side again.

"The planes in Beichang are operating as usual, what else do you want?"

Lin Qing grasped Shen Hongfeng's handle, so he had to bow his head.

"Wait a minute, let me see what you did just now!"

As Lin Qing spoke, he picked up his phone and fiddled with it again, and then a recording of the phone call appeared in the waiting room.

"Xiao Wang, I'm Shen Hongfeng. Go and check for me the two people in the waiting room of Nanchang Airport. I'll ask the person in the monitoring room to copy their looks and send them to you. Pay attention to check your email!"

"Okay Mr. Shen!"

"Also, after finding out their identities, send someone to take away their family and friends first!"


After the short recording, Lin Qing looked at Shen Hongfeng pretending to be puzzled: "President Shen, what do you mean by this?"

"Play the same thing with the two of you face to face?"

Lin Chen looked at Shen Hongfeng with a smile, Shen Hongfeng was completely panicked at this moment, why did what he just did appear on the other party's mobile phone?And the most important thing, there is even a recording! ?

"Who are you guys!?"

Through this incident, Shen Hongfeng discovered that he should have been monitored by the other party long ago. Today's incident was not a coincidence, but had been arranged long ago, and he had to set himself a trap!
Lin Chen didn't answer Shen Hongfeng's question, but looked at the time: "It's almost time to go."

Lin Chen also wanted to stay here with Lin Qing to play with Shen Hongfeng's mother and son, but he had to go to the God Realm as soon as possible.

"All right."

It was Lin Qing's first time to punish someone, and when he heard Lin Chen say he was leaving, he nodded in frustration.

"Okay, people like this will take you to play with them after I finish my work!"

Lin Chen said these words in front of Shen Hongfeng, without any scruples.

Then the two ignored Shen Hongfeng and went to board the plane.

"good, very good, excellent!"

Shen Hongfei said yes again and again angrily, and the looks of the two were engraved in his mind. He vowed that the two would pay the price in blood!
"Mom, let's go!"

Shen Hongfeng took one last look at Lin Chen and Lin Qing, then turned around and returned to the VIP room with Gong Xiaohong.

Lin Chen and Lin Qing boarded the plane smoothly after this farce. At this time, Lin Qing was still fiddling with the 'book of life and death' in his hand.

"Master, Shen Datong and Gong Xiaohong should have died ten years ago, but the underworld didn't take them away."

The more Lin Qing looked at Shen Datong's information, the more he felt strange. Logically speaking, people in the mortal world would not be able to survive after the end of life. Whether it was an accident or illness, they would definitely lose their lives.

"Is there something wrong with your system?"

Although Lin Chen was also very puzzled, he didn't care much about it. After all, these people were zero threat to him, and it was unknown whether he could meet again in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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