Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 365 Mysterious Girl

Chapter 365 Mysterious Girl
After Dujie Xianzun left, the scene returned to Sifang Cave again, and Lin Chen's body was gradually able to use freely.

"I'll try to see if I can trigger the thunder."

Lin Chen held his breath and concentrated, trying to summon Tianlei from his body.

"What!? There is more lightning gas in my body?"

Lin Chen said in surprise, which means that Lin Chen has the most powerful lightning power in the fairy world, and the most important point is-Lin Chen has six kinds of divine power!

"I don't know how terrifying the power of the six-element bomb with the power of lightning from the fairy world will be!"

Earth-shaking changes have taken place in Lin Chen's body. Reasonably speaking, Lin Chen can no longer be regarded as a true cultivator. After all, in addition to the divine power of a cultivator, his body also has the purple grid gas of the underworld. The scarlet gas brought by the half-magic armor, the blue gas that hides Leng's ice body pill, the black gas of Tian Xing Jue, and the thunder and lightning gas of the just-obtained Heavenly Tribulation Transcending Tribulation Immortal.

It can be said that in the Six Realms except the Demon Realm, Lin Chen has covered the entire Six Realms. As for the Ordinary Realm, it itself is the cultivation period before the other five realms, so there is no powerful aura.

Moreover, there is no such thing as gas and divine power in the demon world. The only difference is their heaven-defying physical fitness. In this respect, no world will be an opponent of the demon world.

Lin Chen put aside these messy thoughts in his mind, and then absorbed the lightning gas into his body. Now is not the time to practice new martial arts.

"I have already passed the fifth gate, what is the sixth gate?"

Thinking of this, Lin Chen walked to the stone gate of Sifang Cave, and Lin Chen recognized the mural above it at a glance.

"Two moons! The sixth gate is engraved with double moons."

Lin Chen almost exclaimed, all these things seemed to be connected in the dark, maybe when Lin Chen opened the last door, he could unlock the most shocking secret of this era.

Lin Chen is becoming more and more impatient now, and he is getting closer to the truth. Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen stepped into the sixth gate.

The stone door was closed, and Lin Chen was in darkness, but this darkness lasted for a short time. After only about ten seconds, a beam of light was conveniently cast in front of Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at the beam of light curiously, and then walked into the light, the beam of light was very soft, Lin Chen felt his body became warmer.

At this time, a gust of wind came from nowhere, gently blowing the bangs on Lin Chen's forehead, and he slowly closed his eyes. Lin Chen enjoyed this feeling very much.

Lin Chen seemed to be asleep, except for his slight breathing, he couldn't hear any sound anymore.

"Lin Chen. Lin Chen Lin Chen"

Suddenly, a girl's voice reached Lin Chen's ears, and then Lin Chen suddenly opened his eyes, but he didn't see anyone in front of him.

"who is it?"

Lin Chen looked around vigilantly, neither his naked eyes nor his spiritual sense could detect the presence of a second person around him.

"Lin Chen, where have you been?"

The sound rang in Lin Chen's ears again, but this time, Lin Chen found that the sound was not from the cave in front of him, but more like it was transmitted into Lin Chen's mind through sound transmission with his spiritual sense.

"It's a very familiar voice."

Lin Chen murmured softly, he was no stranger to this girl's voice, she was only sixteen or seventeen years old at most, but Lin Chen had checked all the women he knew in his mind, and none of them could match her name. But this vaguely familiar feeling really gave Lin Chen a headache.

"Girl, go back, Lin Chen has been missing for a year, and we have no news of him."

This voice is no longer the voice of the girl just now, but the voice of a middle-aged man.

"I've been missing for a year?"

Lin Chen was taken aback by the voice of the middle-aged man in his mind, completely unaware of what was going on.

"Hey! Can anyone hear me?"

Lin Chen tentatively shouted in his mind, praying that the other party could also hear his voice, but after a long time, no one responded to Lin Chen. Just when Lin Chen was disappointed, the girl's voice sounded again.

"Lin Chen, this is already the fifth year. You should still remember this place, right? We were here at that time, and we made an appointment to be admitted to Zhejiang University. Now I have fulfilled both of our wishes and was admitted to Zhejiang University. This year is my second year working, but I still haven’t heard from you.”

Although he couldn't see the girl's expression, Lin Chen could think that the other party must be heartbroken at this moment. However, Lin Chen realized a problem in this passage.

"Zhe Jiang?"

Lin Chen frowned. He thought about it carefully. There is no city like Zhejiang in Huaguo, so why go to university there?

And Lin Chen has already confirmed that he doesn't know the girl who has been talking in his mind at all, but the words in the girl's mouth really give Lin Chen an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"It's definitely not right. My memory has never been broken since I was a child. It must be impossible for me to lose my memory. Could it be that Lin Chen in this girl's mouth just has the same name and surname as mine?"

Lin Chen guessed in his heart that all this happened too suddenly, Lin Chen didn't have any thoughts at all, especially why he heard these voices in this kind of place.

"Uncle? Can you hear me?"

Lin Chen had no choice but to ask the middle-aged man in his body for help. After Lin Chen finished speaking, he didn't get a response from the middle-aged man for a while. Lin Chen tried to call out a few more words, but he didn't know that the other party didn't speak on purpose , or Lin Chen's voice really can't reach the middle-aged man.

At this time, the girl's voice sounded again: "Lin Chen, I am 31 years old this year. If you are still here, I think you will marry me, right? Maybe our children are already in elementary school, haha, you know Is it? Since the day you disappeared, I have never been in a relationship, because I know you will show up one day, and I will wait for you at the place we agreed on every December [-]th."


Lin Chen yelled, and the moment he heard December [-]th, his whole body was like an electric shock.

December [-]th is the day when the cave is open, and it is also the day when two moons will appear in the night sky, and it is also the day when Lin Chen is drawn to Shitian Village countless times, but what does this have to do with that girl?
The story narrated by the girl is like an old-fashioned sad love scene. Lin Chen guessed that the "Lin Chen" in the girl's mouth may have died long ago, but the girl has been waiting for him to appear, and has been guarding herself like a jade .

(End of this chapter)

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