Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 345 Killing Zhou Ding

Chapter 345 Killing Zhou Ding
"Everyone present here today, all! All! Gotta! Die!"

Lin Chen shouted loudly, and rushed towards Fu Bozong, and Fu Bozong had finally completed his transformation at this moment.

"I want to see who will die!!!"

Fu Bozong was also angry, he didn't avoid Lin Chen's fist at all, and hit Lin Chen's right fist fiercely with both palms.


There was a huge explosion between Lin Chen and Fu Bozong, and Lin Chen was also pushed back tens of meters by the impact of the soul, but Fu Bozong stood still, not moving at all.

At this moment, the top of the sacred mountain fell into a suffocating silence. Although Lin Chen was injured, it did not reduce his hatred for Bo Zong at all.

"Oops, once Brother Fu forcibly activates these soul powers, not only will he not be able to become a god at nine turns in the future, he will also have to maintain this monster appearance. In the end, he will completely go crazy."

Looking at Fu Bozong, Zhou Ding sighed infinitely in his heart. He was originally the most powerful cultivator in the cultivator world, but now he has become a complete 'monster' because of Lin Chen.

"Master, Lin Chen."

Yan Huyue is now very worried about Lin Chen's safety, and she really wants to help Lin Chen, but she has to ask Cang Yong for permission.

"Hu Yue, Lin Chen is currently trapped in his own demons. If you help him, even if Fu Bozong is forcibly killed, Lin Chen will not be able to get out of it. Let him solve it by himself."


Yan Huyue wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Cang Yong waving his hand, and then Cang Yong turned around and looked at all the people in the hidden family and said: "Everyone of the stars listen!"


Cang Yong continued: "Everyone retreats to the side, protect King Lin, and don't act rashly!"


At Cang Yong's words, all Xingchen's people responded loudly, and then Cang Yong led them back to the west of the top of the sacred mountain, and the blood-stained mirror knew that he couldn't get in at this moment, so he had to follow Xingchen's people.

After a while, Lin Chen stood up from the ground again, staring at Fu Bozong's position, and walked towards him slowly.

When Fu Bozong saw Lin Chen coming, he showed a sinister smile. His sanity had completely disappeared, replaced by endless killing and madness!

On the way over, Lin Chen began to see streaks of deep black gas in his body, which completely enveloped Lin Chen. From a distance, it looked like a cloud of black gas was approaching Fu Bo.

"What a strong gas, what is this?"

Someone in the crowd has already exclaimed, the black gas brought by Lin Chen is something they have never seen in the world of cultivating gods, even if they are far away, they can still feel the terrifying power contained in it.

"I don't know, this Lin Chen always has incomprehensible hole cards. It seems that Fu Bozong is doomed today."

"That's not necessarily true. Let's see how strong the soul power in Fu Bozong's body is? It's no exaggeration to say that Fu Bozong has already half-stepped into the God Realm!"

"Is it so exaggerated? Even if Fu Bozong is really as you said, but now that Lin Chen is surrounded by people from the demon world, can Fu Bozong still turn the world upside down?"

"That's true."

After these people finished speaking, they continued to focus on Lin Chen and Fu Bozong. They all wanted to know who was stronger!
"Hahahaha, Lin Chen, stop bluffing, I want to see how divine power fights with my soul power!"

On Fu Bozong's face covered with black and purple stripes, there was a piercing smile, but Lin Chen didn't retreat at all at this moment, and continued to walk towards Fu Bozong.

When Lin Chen was about to walk towards Fu Bozong, Fu Bozong finally moved, and a sickle made of soul appeared in his hand, and he was like a god of death.

After the sickle appeared, Fu Bozong threw it vigorously, and the target was Lin Chen directly in front of him.

Seeing the sickle flying towards him, Lin Chen just stretched out his hand and grabbed the sickle. The sickle only appeared in Lin Chen's hand for a second before it was crushed by Lin Chen forcefully.

Shock!Those present, those who were not, were all stunned, and it took a long time for someone to speak.

"With the soul power that Bo Zong just paid, it's no problem to instantly kill a cultivator of Feng Juexin's level, right?"

"Well, I guess even if Fu Bozong himself, it's impossible to continue, let alone crush it directly."

"What kind of monster is this Lin Chen?"

These cultivators exclaimed in amazement at Lin Chen's miraculous methods. Even if someone said that Lin Chen had recovered to the state of a god king at this moment, they probably wouldn't make people doubt it.


After crushing the sickle, Lin Chen appeared directly in front of Fu Bozong, then he stretched out his hand fiercely, grabbed Fu Bozong's neck with one hand, and lifted him up out of thin air.

"Kill my parents, have you ever thought about this day?"

Lin Chen's tone was very calm, as if he was talking about other people's affairs, but the depressive feeling brought by that calmness was deeply engraved in everyone's heart.

Lin Chen has gone completely crazy!
"Hahaha, so what? Do you want to know how your parents begged me before they died? Do you want to see their painful expressions before they died? Hahahahaha."

Fu Bozong was not afraid of Lin Chen at all, and continued to stimulate Lin Chen's broken nerves with words.


Lin Chen didn't hesitate at all. After Fu Bozong said this, he punched Fu Bozong's right eye heavily. Eye piercing, at this moment, Fu Bozong has become a one-eyed dragon, blood is continuously flowing out of his right eye, but this still doesn't make Fu Bozong feel any fear, and he continues to let out a piercing laugh.

"Brother Fu!"

Zhou Ding couldn't stand it anymore, Fu Bozong and him, no matter how deep the city is, they are still close friends who grew up practicing together since childhood. No matter how the two of them change, this brotherhood, at least, has not changed. .

Then, Zhou Ding stood in front of Fu Bo, fixed his gaze on Lin Chen, and said, "Lin Chen, now our God Cultivation Alliance has been defeated by you, please let him live!"

Zhou Ding had to bow his head in front of Lin Chen, in order to save Fu Bozong's life, he didn't have to lose any face.

"Lin Chen?"

Seeing that Lin Chen hadn't spoken, Zhou Ding became more and more vigilant. In Lin Chen's eyes, Zhou Ding could no longer see any emotions that humans should have, except madness.


Lin Chen's icy voice came from his throat. When Zhou Ding realized the danger, Lin Chen's fist had already hit Zhou Ding on the forehead, and the destructive black gas directly swallowed Zhou Ding.

Then Lin Chen raised his hand and flicked it to the left, Zhou Ding's body had turned into a bone.

(End of this chapter)

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