Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 112 Kidnapping Mohan

Chapter 112 Kidnapping Mohan
The paparazzi really want to cry, but who cares about the aesthetics of this kind of news and candid shots, as long as the authenticity is achieved, even if the picture is blurry, it doesn’t hurt.

"Drive your car well. My grandfather was in your business. I don't know how to take a sneak shot?"

As Lin Chen spoke, his eyes quickly scanned the various professional introductions such as SLR knowledge, composition knowledge, montage, etc. that he had looked up in his mobile phone.

When Lin Chen felt that it was almost the same, he turned off his mobile phone. He already had N kinds of theoretical knowledge in his mind, and the DSLR in his hand no longer felt any strangeness.

"You're good, big brother, take a picture of me!"


Lin Chen opened the car window, and half of his body was hanging out of the car window.

"Brother, I really admire you, tell you not to open the window, you"

"How do you get a clear shot inside the car?"

After Lin Chen clicked and took two photos, he sat back in the car. Although the car body was shaking violently, Lin Chen managed to turn himself into a super stable tripod with supernatural power, and the pictures were also very beautiful.

"Just take a picture of the car, don't you care if it's clear!?"

The paparazzi complained mercilessly.

Lin Chen looked at the photos he took and nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at the paparazzi with contempt: "You don't understand, you have to adjust the M file for night scenes, set the ISO within 8, and the shutter for two seconds Left and right, the aperture is above F[-], so that not only can the night scene be taken clearly, but also have a hexagram effect, how can you directly adjust the automatic transmission like you? Are you a professional?"

Lin Chen's series of words directly fooled the paparazzi. Of course he is very clear about these basic knowledge, but it has half a dime to do with shooting night scenes and beauty?
But what surprised the paparazzi the most was why Lin Chen suddenly knew so much about SLR. He didn’t even know where the power button was just now. knowledge.

Seeing that the driver didn't speak, Lin Chen said again: "By the way, about this composition"

"Brother, I beg you, I really beg you, please do me a favor, can you make a quick decision every time you take a photo? I just ask for Mo Han to be photographed, and I really don't want anything else!!!"

The paparazzi was about to cry. If Lin Chen's filming method was followed, the news should really become scenery.

After another ten minutes, the sky became darker and darker, and the paparazzi's car and the Audi in front became more and more remote, and finally there was no other traffic on either side of the lane.

Since the car was already on the road, the driver sitting in the Audi noticed the paparazzi's car behind them, and then the Audi driver looked in the rearview mirror and said, "Miss Mo, we seem to be being followed."

When Mo Han heard this, he smiled slightly, and without looking back, he said directly: "Hee hee, I already knew, just follow him, anyway, I won't be able to take pictures."


The Audi driver didn't say anything, the strangest thing about him was this, as long as Mo Han didn't want the photos secretly taken by others, even if several paparazzi followed him, there wouldn't be any news in the end, it was really evil .

But this time, what no one expected was that Lin Chen heard Mo Han's words by coincidence.

"Can't take a picture? Looks like it's time to show my true skills."

Lin Chen thought in his heart, and then a Swift Shadow Fist teleported into Mo Han's car.

Immediately after a 'click', Lin Chen snapped a photo in an instant and returned to the car. It took less than a second before and after.

This time, both the paparazzi and Mo Han had goose bumps all over his body. The paparazzi felt that at a certain moment, Lin Chen beside him disappeared, but when he turned his head, he found that Lin Chen was still sitting beside him.

And Mo Han felt even weirder, she not only smelled a man's breath, but also heard the sound of pressing the shutter.

"Uncle Bald, did you hear anything just now?"

Mo Han asked suspiciously.


The driver of the Audi looked suspiciously at Mo Han in the rearview mirror, and Mo Han nodded when he heard this, thinking that he might be hallucinating.

"Miss Mo, I'm coming to your house soon, do you want to?"

The driver of the Audi wanted to get rid of the paparazzi behind him, but Mo Han shook his head repeatedly after hearing this: "Many people know the location of my house, but very few people can actually go in, so it's okay to be photographed."

At this moment, three vans suddenly rushed out from the country lane and blocked the road on which the Audi was driving, followed by seven or eight strong men with shotguns.

The leading burly man stood in front of the Audi and aimed the shotgun at the driver's head. The bald burly man was also in a cold sweat.


A gunshot without warning directly killed the driver of the Audi, and then they walked over and pulled the door of the rear seat, but the astute Mo Han locked the inside of the car early.

The leading man came over and knocked on the car window: "Miss Mohan, don't force me to do it!"

At this moment, the paparazzi driver saw this, quickly turned off his car lights, and then pushed Lin Chen: "Quick! Take a quick shot!"

Lin Chen frowned, who cares about taking pictures at this time?Although he has no friendship with Mo Han, but for Chen Ting's sake, he is unwilling to see Mo Han die in front of him.

Mo Han, who was sitting in the car at this time, did not show any panic or fear on her face, she was still staring at the phone without turning her head while sitting in the car.

"Miss Mo Han, Lord Jin is here to invite you. As long as you cooperate obediently, I, Aqiang, will take good care of you!"

The leading man was also puzzled, how could this girl be so calm when her life was in front of her at such a young age?

Unfortunately, Mo Han still turned a deaf ear to what this man named A Qiang said, and continued to fiddle with her mobile phone.

Seeing this, Ah Qiang didn't say anything more to the other party, and directly gave a few of his subordinates a look. After they understood, they walked towards Mo Han's car aggressively with shotguns, and then these people raised the shotguns in their hands. With a shotgun, he crazily smashed it on Mo Han's glass with the butt of the gun.

At this time, the mobile phone of one of his subordinates rang, and the music of ghosts and animals resounded through the quiet night.

"When are you still on your phone?"

Ah Qiang scolded angrily, and then, one, two, three, and finally even Ah Qiang's own cell phone started to ring.

These people looked at each other in blank dismay. They knew very well that every time they performed this kind of task, their mobile phones were absolutely turned off, but what's the situation now?
"Brother Qiang. This?"

The hairs on one of his subordinates stood up, looking at his boss in disbelief.

The weirdest thing is that these mobile phones have no caller ID at all. Even if you turn off the sound, you still can't stop the ringing, and there is no response even when you turn off the phone.

Mo Han kept looking out of the window from the corner of his eye, saying that he was not afraid would be a lie, but now he can only pretend to be calm.

"Grandpa Cang, hurry up and bring someone here!"

Mo Han said anxiously in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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