My beautiful domineering female president

Chapter 400 Divine Sword Sect

Chapter 400 Divine Sword Sect

"Husband, then you must take care of yourself. When you arrive in the Upper Heaven Territory, you must take care of yourself and don't work too hard. There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. You must learn to be patient in everything you do!"

Lin Fenghuang looked into Ling Tian's eyes affectionately. She didn't know how long it would take to say goodbye, and she didn't know when she would see her husband again.

"Husband, we will always wait for you, even if the sea is dry and rocks are rotten, we will wait for you to come back." Dongfang Xueli also looked into Ling Tian's eyes.My heart is full of reluctance.

Ling Tian looked at everyone and said, "Don't worry, I will come back safely. Nothing will happen."

Lin Fenghuang suddenly took out a purple-gold coat and handed it to Ling Tian, ​​"Husband, I made this coat by myself. I have been making it for a long time. You can put it on. From now on, as long as you put it on, you will feel happy in your heart." will think of me."

"Honey, when did you learn how to mend?" Ling Tian looked at the coat in surprise. This coat is exquisitely crafted and the cotton material is absolutely superb, even higher than the dragon robe.Ling Tian fell in love with it at first sight.

"I knew it a long time ago. In order to make a coat for you, I learned for a long time and repeated it several times." Lin Fenghuang said.

Ling Tian transformed, and that purple-gold jacket was put on Ling Tian. Ling Tian turned around and said, "This is the best dress I've ever worn, and I will cherish it forever."

"Husband, this is the bracelet I made for you, for your safety." Situ happily handed Ling Tian a bracelet made of gold thread.The gold silk bracelet is finely crafted and interlocking, which is particularly beautiful.

Ling Tian held it in his hand and looked at it, "It made Xinran's wife bother, I like it very much. I will definitely wear it on my body in the future."

"Honey, these are the shoes I made for you. You can put them on." Zhao Liying handed the shoes she made to Ling Tian.

Ling Tian threw away the dragon boots and put on the leather shoes that Zhao Liying gave him.The style of the shoes is similar to cloth shoes, and they are very comfortable and durable to wear.

"Does my husband like it?" Zhao Liying looked at Ling Tian expectantly.

"Of course I like it. My Yingying made it for me. Of course I like it." Ling Tian smiled slightly.

As for the others, they were very embarrassed, because they definitely didn't prepare anything for Ling Tian.

"Honey, next time you come back, I will sew a dress for you myself." Dongfang Xueli looked at Ling Tian and said.

Ling Tian glanced at the other wife who didn't give him a gift, and said with a smile, "Don't worry about it, I, Ling Tian, ​​am not the kind of person with a small stomach.

As long as you are safe and happy, that is my greatest happiness, Ling Tian.However, your gifts are inevitable, next time I come back, you must prepare them in advance.This should be regarded as compensation. "

"Honey, you always think about others. As your wife, I feel ashamed." Situ pouted and said.

"Okay, I don't blame you. Next time, I must see your gift." Ling Tian pinched Situ Jingran's fair and tender face.

"Understood, next time I will definitely give you a very surprising gift." Situ Jingran said.

Ling Tian nodded, then looked at everyone and said, "I should go, everyone take care."

As soon as Ling Tian's words fell, everyone came over to keep Ling Tian in a group, and they were reluctant to part, as if they were parting for life.

After Ling Tian comforted him for a while, he disappeared without a trace.

And not long after he left, in the void, a man who looked exactly like Ling Tianchang looked at Lin Fenghuang and the others with his hands behind his back.This person is really Ling Tian's doppelganger.He would only show up when Lin Fenghuang's and the others' lives were threatened.


"Three big brothers, let you wait in a hurry?" In a dense jungle, Ling Tian caught up with the three middle-aged men and said with a smile.

The bearded man was called Zhong Gao, and the other two were Li Lang and Wang Dazhu.

The three of them have ordinary names and ordinary people.

Zhong Gao stopped, looked at Ling Tian, ​​and said with a smile, "Brother, I thought you wouldn't come."

Ling Tian smiled and said, "After taking care of the housework, I rushed over here. Don't blame the three big brothers!"

"Brother, are those eight women your wives?" Li Lang couldn't help asking.

"Yes, they are all my wives." Ling Tian said.

"Brother, you are so blessed! Unlike my mother-in-law, who looks like an eighth-wife, who doesn't dress up at all, unlike your wife, who is all beautiful." Li Lang said with a wry smile.

Ling Tian didn't want to continue this topic, but asked suspiciously, "Three big brothers, where are you going?"

"Go to the riverside of the border town, climb over the two mountains in front, and then arrive at the city of Beiyuan, and you will be there by teleportation. When you arrive at the riverside of the border town, there will be a superb aircraft flying to the upper heaven." Wang Dazhu said.

Zhong Gao smiled and asked, "Brother, you haven't made a superb aircraft yet, have you? Our brothers, in order to take an aircraft and go to Tianyu, but it took 50 years to get together a thousand dollars." A fairy spar."

"That much!" Ling Tian asked pretending to be surprised.He has more than 800 billion celestial crystals on him, and these are all given to him by the families of the major cities since he became the emperor of heaven.Therefore, he is not bad for the fairy spar.

Of course.It's not just anyone who can make a superb flying machine.In order to go to Tianyu, our brothers entrusted us with a lot of relationships, so we have this opportunity. " Zhong Gao laughed.

"Brother, do you have a fairy crystal on you?" Wang Dazhu asked suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Ling Tian asked knowingly.

"I'm worried that the three of us don't bring enough. When the time comes, you won't be able to get on the aircraft." Wang Dazhu didn't make any detours.

"Don't worry, I brought a little, it should be enough." Ling Tian said casually.

"That's good." Wang Dazhu smiled.It can be seen that none of the three of them discriminated against Ling Tian, ​​nor did they think Ling Tian was a burden.

"Three big brothers, when will we arrive after going this way?" Ling Tian asked.

"Brother, you don't know something. Flying is not allowed here. Thousands of kilometers around is the territory of the Divine Sword Sect. If they find out, we brothers, but it's hard to fly!" Zhong Gao said.

It never occurred to Ling Tian that there was a sect of the Divine Sword outside the city of the Holy Capital, this was something he never thought of.

"Three elder brothers, why haven't you heard of the Divine Sword Sect? Is this sect powerful?" Ling Tian humbly asked.

"The suzerain of the Divine Sword Sect, Yu Zhiqing, is an immortal emperor. It is said that she broke through 60 years ago. Not only does this woman grow up like a moon, she is ashamed of flowers, she is like a fish and a wild goose, but she also possesses superb swordsmanship. Since he took the position, Shendaomen has become famous all over the world.

But Yu Zhiqing never let her disciples go out to practice in the mountains!It's just about asking about the grievances of Jianghu.So many people don't know about this sect. " Zhong Gao said.

(End of this chapter)

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