Chapter 384

Ling Tian wanted these six men to be the commanders for a purpose. The Holy Capital City is the confidant of the entire Dongle Palace. Now that the population of the Holy Capital City is increasing, more heavenly soldiers are sent to patrol the city. People have a certain security.

In addition, his relatives are all in Shengdu City, so he must consider the safety of his relatives.Although the cultivation base of these six is ​​not high, they are loyal and honest.Can be entrusted with important tasks.As long as the heavenly soldiers are in their hands, it will be like a tiger with wings added.

Although the grandson Taiyi and Dugu Zhenjun are also loyal and have no second thoughts towards him, but they are busy with their work and cannot be perfect.With military power, these six people can stick to the holy capital day and night and serve him wholeheartedly.

When Ling Tian brought the six men to the imperial palace, countless heavenly soldiers knelt down to Ling Tian along the way, which made the six men even more frightened.

At this time, the six men realized that the person who invited them to dinner was the Heavenly Emperor of Dongle Palace.

After learning Ling Tian's true identity, the six men were filled with awe towards Ling Tian.This is entirely because Ling Tian, ​​like an ordinary person, has no airs as a Heavenly Emperor at all.

"Six big brothers, do you believe what I said now?" In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Ling Tian looked at the six men kneeling on the wooden board, and asked indifferently.

"Your Majesty, I know I was wrong, please punish me!" The man in the tiger skin said hastily.He was the eldest, and he was sweating coldly on his head at this time, and he looked panic-stricken.

"Get up!" Ling Tian smiled.

"Thank you, sir!" The six men stood up, bent over, and fought vigorously.

Ling Tian looked at the six men and said, "Recently, the imperial palace is not very stable. I hope that you can relieve my worries. One is to guard the heavenly gates of each city in the holy capital, and the other is to patrol the city day and night. , Robbery and murder, no matter who they are, will be executed on the spot!
Thirdly, the Imperial Palace is the most important part of Dongle Palace, so you must do your best to protect it.

Fourth, send out plainclothes teams to patrol the city and look for useful and reliable information.The news that the emperor wants to know, you must report it as soon as possible.

Fifth, you must obey the orders of the emperor, empress, concubine and others, and others have no right to order you to do anything! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!" All six men knelt down and accepted the order.

"Yuxiang took the six of them to draw up the imperial decree, and then received the military talisman!" Ling Tian said calmly while looking at the maid Sikong Ruxiang.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Sikong Yunxiang bent over and replied respectfully, then led the six people away.

Since he has been cultivating for 20 years, and then he has been busy for several days in a row, and now he finally has some free time, Ling Tian had no choice but to go back to the bedroom and fall into a deep sleep.Drowsiness can nourish one's energy and cultivate one's mind and character.


a week later.

Ling Tian finally woke up from his drowsiness.As soon as he came out of his bedroom, tens of thousands of military and political ministers were waiting in the bedroom.

"The ministers are waiting to see you! Long live, long live, long live!" All the military and political ministers knelt down, the eldest grandson Taiyi and Dugu Zhenjun stood at the front, and now the entire Dongle Palace except Ling Tian was alone. Military and political affairs are basically decided by the two of them.

Ling Tian came in front of everyone with his hands behind his back, and said coldly, "Get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Everyone stood up.

"Ministers, what's the matter? Come to see the emperor in such a hurry!" Ling Tian asked lightly.

"Your Majesty, the seven heavenly emperors of Baiyun Palace, Ziyun Palace, Jinxing Palace, Taibai Palace, Xianning Palace, Xihe Palace, and Kunyang Palace have sent heavenly soldiers to conquer more than 170 cities in Dongle Palace. Everyone, our Dongle Palace is outnumbered, tens of millions of heavenly soldiers and hundreds of millions of immortals have died..."

Before the eldest grandson could finish his sentence, Ling Tian flew into a rage and said, "Last time in Tianchi, this Emperor showed mercy to the Heavenly Emperors of the Four Heavenly Palaces, which led to their rampage today. This Emperor will not be merciless this time! Let them try , what does it mean to be untouchable!"

As soon as the words fell, the battleship aircraft appeared in the sky above Dongle Palace after a search.

Ling Tian directly took all the military and political ministers and stepped on the aircraft.This flying machine was given by Tang Ji, and now Ling Tian has no worries, so he just took it out.

Soon the Peerless Aircraft flew through the air at high speed like an arrow that left the string.

In less than half an hour, they arrived in front of a huge city that was devastated by the flames of war. At this moment, countless heavenly soldiers slaughtered the immortals in the city wantonly!It's like fairyland hell.

The emperor of the seven heavenly palaces sat on a huge flying machine, singing and dancing, surrounded by countless fairies, as if everything below had nothing to do with them.

Ling Tian's body suddenly appeared on the aircraft of the Seven Great Heavenly Emperors, and the crescent knife in his hand turned into a 1000-meter blade light, and slashed directly at the aircraft with a bang.

The aircraft of the Seven Heavenly Emperors exploded directly, torn apart, and everyone on the aircraft flew out of the aircraft.

When the Heavenly Emperors of the Seven Great Heavenly Palaces saw that it was Ling Tian, ​​they couldn't help but sneered.Now they have all stepped into the Immortal Emperor Realm.He is no longer the Immortal King, and the rampant days of Dongle Palace should be over.

"Hahaha, the Heavenly Emperor of Dongle Palace finally couldn't help but want to make a move? I've been waiting here for a long time." Zhong Wuji, the Heavenly Emperor of Weining Palace, looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, looking very high-spirited.

Ling Tian ignored Zhong Wuji, but slightly lowered his head to look at the city below, and then suddenly spread his big hand out.

Swish!The moment Ling Tian stretched out his big hand, all living beings in motion in the entire city stopped.Including the heavenly soldiers and generals who are slaughtering the immortals, the immortals who are fleeing around, as well as the sound of wind, water, and space, all stopped, as if everything had frozen.

This is the real horror of mastering the law of time, which can make time stand still completely.

At this time, Ling Tian looked at the Seven Great Heavenly Emperors with cold eyes, and said in an extremely cold tone, "At first, this Emperor didn't want to go on a killing spree, but if you insist on forcing this Emperor to do so, well, this Emperor will let you all wait! "

As soon as his words fell, the crescent knife flew towards the city like a sickle for harvesting life. Wherever it passed, corpses littered the field, and the lives of all the heavenly soldiers were mercilessly harvested by Ling Tian's crescent knife.In just 10 minutes, all the heavenly soldiers in the city moved their heads.Even Yuanshen was harvested together.

Ling Tian didn't want to kill the heavenly soldiers and generals at first, but these heavenly soldiers and generals are no different from animals, they don't even spare babies, old, weak, sick and disabled. They can only hurt more innocent lives.

After killing all the heavenly soldiers and generals, Ling Tian looked coldly at the Seven Great Heavenly Emperors who were pale with fright, and said coldly, "From today onwards, this Emperor will accept all the cities of the Seven Great Heavenly Palaces. As for you , Ha ha! Go to hell, because you are not worthy to be emperors at all!"

As soon as the words fell, Ling Tian's big hand suddenly spread out, and the transformed big hand of the realm directly sucked the Seven Heavenly Emperors into the palm. In the end, there was only a push of bones left.

(End of this chapter)

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