Chapter 376 Strange Things
"Brother Ling, what do you say I'll wait for the next step?" Mo Ye asked in a deep voice, frowning.

"What Mo Qingcheng said is true, the three of us have no choice! Otherwise, you must be the one who dies. I dare not bet, and I can't afford to bet! I don't want my master's only son to die unexpectedly !” Ling Tian said coldly.

Mo Qingcheng bit her lips and looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Husband, how did you know that I lied to my brother?"

"Analysis. Master didn't mention anything about you and brother Mo to me before the last sliver of his primordial spirit disappeared, and brother Mo always reminded me that your father would never force you to marry someone you don't like at all. Man, how could he say things that violated his principles before he died?
Second, your attitude towards me.Your attitude towards me is not from your original intention.You didn't actually resist it in your heart.You say it is voluntary, but in your heart you have no choice.In order to preserve the blood of the Demon family, you can bear the burden and marry a man you don't like at all.You are sacrificing yourself for others. "Ling Tian said lightly.

"Brother Ling, since you are my father's closed disciple, you must have passed his test, so your character and your ability must be recognized by my father.

Therefore, the eldest brother is the father, and I can decide to betroth my younger sister to you.If brother Ling is not willing, I will not say anything?The big deal is death, anyway, I have lived enough. Mo Yena smiled frankly.

"Brother Mo, what are you talking about? I, Ling Tian, ​​am by no means the kind of person who would not save me. In order to keep my master's only blood, I can agree to Mo Qingcheng's request." Ling Tian said lightly.

This matter was a game of dead chess from the beginning, and the only way to revive this game of chess was to kill the opponent, that is, the planner.But what is the difference between this and daydreaming?

It's just that what Ling Tian doesn't understand now is why Chuchen and Mo Qingcheng insisted on marrying him and then having a husband and wife relationship.Is their mission complete?Is this layout person related to himself?He is choosing a wife for himself?

Why does this sound so weird?


Three days later.

Ling Tian and Mo Qingcheng became husband and wife, and they did everything that should be done between husband and wife.

"Husband, this is the formula of the sun, moon and stars! It was that person who asked me to hand it over to you. He said that you must be within 500 years. Raise your cultivation level to the realm of creation, or you will lose everything!" Mo Qingcheng He handed Ling Tian a thick exercise book that exuded starlight, and said softly.

Ling Tian took the exercise book and said with an ugly face, "I see."

Now he is just a strong Daoist. It is impossible for him to reach the Creation Realm within 500 years. No matter how talented he is, it is impossible for him to be so fast.

But now, he also has no choice!

"Brother Ling, Qingcheng and I are leaving. Take care. We will see you again!" Mo Yena came over and gave Ling Tian a big hug.He is now Ling Tian's older brother, but he doesn't have any pretensions.The name remains the same.

"Elder brother, take care too!" Ling Tian suddenly felt a little bit sad, these two people had only been in contact with him for a short time, but he already regarded them as his relatives.

"Husband, take care!" Mo Qingcheng stared at Ling Tian, ​​and for some reason, her heart suddenly felt empty.

"Brother Ling, the four ancient clans are bound to win the Five Elements Diagram. If they really trouble you, I will solve it for you secretly." Mo Yena said with a smile.

Brother, let you worry. "Ling Tian smiled. When this guy pretended to be a fortune teller and a woodcutter before, it was really the same thing. But now he has become a person of temperament. This kind of him is probably the most authentic self, right?

Swish!The brother and sister glanced at Ling Tian slightly, then turned around and stepped out, disappearing without a trace.

Ling Tian stared at the sky with his eyes full of thoughts.He didn't know, was the organizer an enemy or a friend?What is he going to do?He pondered whether to vote.

"Forget it, let's go back." Mo Qingcheng's departure made Ling Tian feel very irritable. She felt the same way as Chu Chen did to him, with constant cutting and chaos!

When Ling Tian returned to Shengdu City, he found a random tavern and drank it. The best wine in the tavern was basically poured in a glass, but he drank several jars of wine without feeling drunk.

"Xianke, have you heard? A strange thing happened in the holy capital recently." The guy in the tavern brought a plate of beef and said mysteriously.

Ling Tian grabbed a piece of beef and asked curiously, "What's so weird? Let's hear it."

The man said mysteriously, "The night before yesterday, a strange thing happened at the old Zhangtou's house in Maolipo, Beicheng. The dry well in their house, which had been dry for hundreds of years, suddenly emitted a very dazzling golden light at night. , out of curiosity, the old man went to find out. As a result, guess what, he belched. All the people who approached the dry well died unexpectedly.

Now Master Zhangsun has sent heavenly soldiers to seal off Lao Zhangtou's house, and no one is allowed to enter. "

After hearing what the man said, Ling Tian immediately became interested, "According to what you said, there are still some ways to use the dry well in the old Zhangtou's house?"

"Xianke, you are asking the right person. The young one just knows the situation in their house. About 100 years ago, the well in Lao Zhangtou's house was gushing clear water every day. People from all walks of life went to fetch water from their house, and the old man even charged a lot of money for this.

But one night, the water in the well suddenly disappeared, and instead there was a strange sound of thud, thump, thud, like howling ghosts and wolves, which frightened the old man half to death.

On the second day, Lao Zhangtou called the nearby immortals who were more cultivated than him to check the dry well.But nothing was found, not even a drop of water in the well.Many people not only used their spiritual sense to scan, but also deliberately went down to look for a long time, but they still found nothing. said the man.

"What's the difference between what you said and what you didn't say?" Ling Tian glanced at the buddy, a little speechless.

"Cyclamen, even the little ones know this." The guy scratched his head in embarrassment.

After Ling Tian ate a few pieces of beef and drank two large jars of good wine, he put down ten taels of silver and went out.

"Brother Ling, are you going to Lao Zhangtou's house?" At this moment, a pleasant voice came into Ling Tian's ears.

Ling Tian turned around helplessly, "Miss Nie, long time no see."

It was Nie Shang who came.Ling Tian had discovered her a long time ago, but he just ignored her.

"Brother Ling, I inquired about you everywhere, and finally found out that you have come to Dongle Palace and become the Heavenly Emperor of Dongle Palace. Congratulations." Nie Shang said with a smile.

Ling Tian smiled, "What's there to congratulate, isn't he a Heavenly Emperor?"

"It may mean nothing to you, but to me you are the right man. You are not only capable, but also talented. You are the first man I, Nie Shang, admired." Nie Shang smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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