Chapter 353
After Ling Tian killed all the bandits and robbers with Moluo Sanjue, he left this sinful and ruthless city.

As for the immortals who were killed in the city, and the immortals who lost their limbs, Ling Tian didn't take care of them, and he couldn't take care of them. This world itself is a world where the strong are respected.There are too many such injustices.There is no trust between anyone, only a relationship of interest.

Ling Tian returned to the aircraft and continued to fly in the void.Lin Fenghuang and the others looked very sad, but what can they do?Ling Tian has already sought justice for those who died.What about the living people?Still have to face the cruel world.

"Everyone, rest." Ling Tian looked at Lin Fenghuang and the others and said, "I will be with you for a long time, so don't be so clingy. I'll watch you sleep for a while."

Everyone nodded and lay down on the bed.

Ling Tian looked at the eight wives beside him and smiled contentedly.He now has a wife, children, master, father-in-law and mother-in-law, what else is he not satisfied with?In order for them to be safe and happy, he still needs to work harder.


After flying for three full days and three nights, the aircraft arrived at Xushi City on Wangri Mountain.

The battlefield of gods and demons in ancient times was in the Void City. There have been more than one battles between the gods here, and countless powerful and proud sons of heaven have been buried here.

The real battle of the gods is actually a battle above the powerhouses of the Dao realm, and the ones with the highest cultivation level are those of the Creation realm.

After the fall of those strong in the Creation Realm, there are countless magic weapons on their bodies, and the magic weapon is probably the lowest level of magic weapons.A treasure like the Five Elements Diagram might have surpassed the Chaos Sapling long ago.

The item levels include Magical Artifact, Treasure Artifact, Spirit Artifact, Immortal Artifact, Artifact, Innate Spirit Treasure, Acquired Spirit Treasure, Chaos Artifact, Good Fortune Artifact.All items are divided into lower, middle, upper and top grades.

The Five Elements Diagram is something that the strong in the Creation Realm crazily snatched, which shows how high its level is.It is beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators.

The real space of the virtual market is very solid. It is a battlefield opened up by the strong in the Good Fortune Realm with great supernatural powers. Not only is it huge and boundless, but the entire virtual market is suspended in mid-air.Below it is the abyss, bottomless.

No one knows how deep the virtual market is, nor do they know what's underneath it?Everyone only knows that the bottom of the virtual market is extremely dangerous, and all spells and supernatural powers cannot be used under the virtual market.

There used to be a courageous and powerful person in the Dao realm who went down there, but there has been no news since then.

The moment Ling Tian's aircraft landed on the edge of Wangri Mountain, countless spiritual senses swept over. At this moment, near Wangri Mountain, there are countless powerful people flying in the same aircraft.

There are at least 10 people on each aircraft, and the aircraft they ride in is simply incomparable to Ling Tian's aircraft in terms of luxury. Ling Tian's aircraft has become the focus of everyone's jokes here.

After listening to many people's comments, Ling Tian realized that his flying machine was just rubbish, and no one wanted it here.

This made Ling Tian very embarrassed. He was a dignified Daoist, and the flying machine he was riding was not as good as a monk who had just proved himself.

Soon, after a while of embarrassment, Ling Tian discovered a problem. The strong men here are definitely not only the strong men from the Lower Tianyu and Upper Tianyu, but also the middle Tianyu.

In his spiritual consciousness, there are more than 20 people in the Primordial Emperor alone.This is still within the scope of Lingtian's spiritual consciousness, and there are Hunyuan God Emperors outside the scope of his spiritual consciousness. Ling Tian doesn't know how many people there are.

However, Ling Tian didn't find the strong ones in the Dao Composite Realm, and those who really stepped into the Dao Composite Realm were basically in the Upper Heaven Realm.

Ling Tian withdrew his spiritual consciousness, turned towards Wangri Mountain, and urged the aircraft to fly over.

At this time, everyone stood beside Ling Tian, ​​looking nervously at the entire starry sky, which was like a cosmic space. There were densely packed aircraft in all directions, and no one acted alone.

"Honey, why is he so strong?" Lin Fenghuang asked solemnly.

"The news you have received is not as accurate as the information received by the strong in the Zhongtianyu. Let me tell you, the strong in the Xiatianyu can't reach the virtual market at all, and even my flying machine is bad enough. Otherwise, it would have disintegrated long ago." Ling Tian said with a wry smile.

"How could this aircraft disintegrate?" Mu Lan'er asked in confusion.

"There is a powerful air ban technique here to protect the entire space of Wangri Mountain. All the strong come here, and they can only fly with aircraft whose level is higher than the top-grade artifact. Even so, under the powerful air ban technique, the aircraft will also fly. There are different degrees of damage, the weaker the restraint level inside the aircraft, the greater the damage." Ling Tian explained.

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized, but their expressions became more and more dignified.They have all seen that no one is acting alone here, and everyone is reporting to the group.

Moreover, all the strong people use flying machines, but there are no strong people who fly with the sword or use the air defense technique.What does this mean?The forbidden space technique here does not allow people to use the space control technique.Even with the Royal Sky Technique, they couldn't reach the ruins of the Void City.It is very likely that it fell halfway.

"Father, when will we arrive at Xushi?" Ling Fengtian suddenly asked at this time.

"There is a void city in front of us. Tonight, like everyone else, we will rest for one night and start tomorrow!" Ling Tian said, "The closer the void city is, the stronger the air banning technique will be. Even flying is difficult."

"Then what should we do?" Zhao Liying asked immediately.

"When we get to the busy city, think of a way! At this time, everyone's aircraft will be damaged to varying degrees, and they will not be able to reach the virtual market. Let's see what they do first? I think they must have a way." Ling Tian Said.

"Well. Then let's go to the downtown area first, rest for one night, and start tomorrow." Lin Fenghuang nodded.

half a month later.

Downtown has finally arrived.

Ling Tian looked at the aircraft that could no longer serve them, so he had no choice but to wave his hand, a tornado passed by, swept it into the abyss, and threw it down.


At this moment, a monk with a cow's head on his shoulders, holding an iron fan in his hand, laughed and walked over while fanning the iron fan.

When everyone saw this tauren, it was not surprising, because we met many monks like this along the way.

"Fellow Daoist, what a fart you are!" Ling Tian curled his lips, and there were thousands of people behind Cultivator Niu, all of whom were immortal masters.And Cultivator Niu is the Primordial Emperor.

"Fellow Daoist, it's time to throw away that broken flying machine of yours!" Sage Emperor Niu Clan Fei Hunyuan said with a smile, "I suggest that fellow Daoists go to the Tiantian Pavilion in front, and the flying magic weapon there will definitely satisfy fellow Daoists." !"


(End of this chapter)

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