My beautiful domineering female president

Chapter 335 Resurrection of the Heart Demon Mirror

Chapter 335 Resurrection of the Heart Demon Mirror

Ling Tian said helplessly, "My inner demon is myself. He has the same magic power as mine. I will, and he can do it all. This kind of inner demon is the most terrifying and the most difficult to restrain.

When I practiced to the most critical moment, no matter how calm my heart is and no distracting thoughts, the inner demon will always appear. He is my other self.It can also be said to be another Ling Tian transformed by my seven emotions and six desires.He only has evil thoughts, but no good thoughts!
At this moment, he is hiding in my body. If it is not for my holy body to suppress him, I cannot guarantee whether he will control me in the future! "

"What? He's hiding in your body?" Hearing these words, Fairy Zixia and Lin Fenghuang all changed their expressions.

"Ah ╯﹏╰!" Ling Tian sighed, and then said with a solemn face, "There is only one person between me and the demon, either he controls me and drives me out of the body, or I control him and drives him out out of the body."

Lin Fenghuang immediately asked nervously, "What if it's the former? What will happen?"

"My primordial spirit will be reincarnated." Ling Tian said in a deep voice, "This is the doom of me and the heart demon. Only one of us can survive. If I can kill him, my cultivation will be greatly improved." Going one step further. If I can't kill him, I can only reincarnate and practice again!

My time is running out now, and the real doom will begin in 33 years.Whether it's a blessing or a curse, it's all in one thought. "

"A thought?" Everyone didn't understand Ling Tian's meaning.

"The inner demons are all formed by the mind! As long as I can cut off the seven emotions and six desires, I can defeat him, other than that, there is no other way!" Ling Tian said.

Lin Fenghuang's face turned pale, "Husband, if you really cut off all emotions and desires, wouldn't you want to cut off all the feelings between us as husband and wife? If that's the case, how can you make us feel so bad? What else do we have in the fairy world? significance?"

"Yeah, husband, you are the only spiritual pillar for all of us. If you become a robot with no emotion or expression, what shall we do? We like Ling Tian who is flesh and blood, dares to act, and values ​​love and righteousness. It's not a robot without thoughts, emotions, or emotions." Zhao Liying followed up.

Ling Tian looked at all his beautiful wives, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly said coldly, "My fate is up to me! I don't believe that I can't control my demons. I firmly believe that in these thirty years, I I must be able to figure it out..."

Ling Tian's words came to an abrupt end, and his expression soon became pleasantly surprised. When he was in the cave, the skeleton of the Great Demon God specially gave her three magic weapons in order to trick him into pulling out the scimitar, one of which was Isn't it Anura?

Ling Tian still remembers what the Great Demon God said.

He said this at the time, "Boy, this is not a broken mirror, but a mirror of demons. Gods, demons, Buddhas, immortals, ghosts, etc., once there are demons in their hearts, they will be controlled by demons in their hearts! Whether it is a demon or a god, as long as you use your heart When the magic mirror shines like that, there will be nothing to hide!"

Ling Tian ignored these words at the time, but he didn't expect that after so many years, the inner demon mirror would become the only feasible method for him to get rid of his inner demons.

Ling Tian ignored Lin Fenghuang and the others, and impatiently swept his consciousness into the space of the Great Demon God's unicorn ring to search.

Ling Tian put all the treasures in the ring of the great demon god Qilin, but never took it out, so he should study it carefully.After he sorted out all the treasures, he didn't count them. He didn't know how many treasures there were in his ring space.

At this time, Ling Tian scanned with his divine sense, only to find that there are so many treasures in his ring space, not ten thousand, but nine thousand.

While Ling Tian sighed, he quickly found the Anner Mirror.

The inner demon mirror is similar to the stone mirrors used by ancient women to make up. It is placed in the garbage dump and no one picks it up.

But this broken stone mirror is an ancient top-grade artifact. Its most amazing feature is that it can reflect the inner demons of immortal practitioners.

Holding the inner demon mirror, Ling Tian looked at it carefully, but after looking at it for a long time, he didn't see why.Don't even know how to use it.

"Honey, what is this?" Lin Fenghuang asked curiously.Zhao Liying and the others were also staring at the inner magic mirror in Ling Tian's hand.

"It's the Heart Demon Mirror." Fairy Zixia answered Ling Tian in shock.She even recognized the Anura mirror with just one glance.My heart was already turbulent.

"You know the inner demon mirror?" Ling Tian also looked at Fairy Zixia in surprise.He was in a hurry to study the inner demon mirror just now, but he didn't pay attention to the change of Zixia Fairy's expression.Now it seems that Fairy Zixia knows the goods.

"Of course I know." Fairy Zixia took a deep breath, "If my master sees this inner magic mirror soon, he won't fall in the limit. My master is too obsessed and trapped by love. Death, has been brooding.

For this reason, his cultivation has been stagnant.As time goes by, demons arise in my heart.Every time he reaches the most critical moment in his cultivation, his wife will appear in his mind and talk to him.

Her angelic smile, her outstanding figure, and her glance and smile will affect the master's practice, so all previous efforts will be wasted, and she will go crazy. "

"Sister Zixia, how did you know about the Heart Demon Mirror?" Ling Tian asked curiously.

"To tell you the truth, under the arrangement of my master, I went to the Starry Sky Academy to practice. There is a detailed record of the Heart Demon Mirror in the library of the Starry Sky Academy. I read it more than three times.

According to the records on the relevant scrolls, the only function of this heart demon mirror is to illuminate the heart demons and control them under its rules.

The inner magic mirror comes from an innate spiritual treasure in ancient times.However, no one knew who its owner was. Later, after the Great War between Gods and Demons, it fell into the hands of a strong man from the Demon Realm, and its whereabouts have been unknown ever since. "

Fairy Zixia told what she knew.

Ling Tian nodded slightly, "This heart demon mirror was indeed obtained from a strong man in the demon world. But I will tell you the relevant details when I have time. What I want to understand now is how to use this heart demon mirror? "

"I don't know. There is no record on that scroll, it just says that the Heart Demon Mirror is a treasure without an owner. Since ancient times, no one has really owned it." Fairy Zixia shook her head.

Ling Tian was splashed with cold water, but he firmly believed that he would become the master of the inner mirror.

"Sister Zixia, isn't this a divine weapon?" Ling Tian asked suspiciously.

"It is a top-grade artifact, and a top-grade artifact is generally an innate spiritual treasure. It is a kind of magical thing bred by heaven and earth. It has been independent since ancient times, unless someone with a predestined relationship can really refine it. Other than that, there is no way to let it go. The inner demon mirror is resurrected."

Fairy Zixia said.

"Resurrection? This inner demon mirror can be resurrected!" Ling Tian looked at the inner demon mirror in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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