Chapter 327
Ling Tian took Fairy Zixia back to the Immortal Mansion, and asked the people in the mansion to prepare the food and drinks.

After the two of them finished their meal together, Ling Tian personally took Fairy Zixia, and picked a good room in the mansion for Fairy Zixia to live in.

Fairy Zixia said that she would retreat for a while, so Ling Tian had no choice but to follow her.

When Ling Tian returned to the guest hall, he felt that he had nothing to do and was very bored. Lin Fenghuang and the others were still practicing, so they had nothing to do when they went there.

Ling Tian thought for a while, then went back to his room, and had no choice but to practice like everyone else.

Ling Tian originally wanted to go to Tianchi to have a look, maybe in Tianchi, if he turned his cultivation, he would have a breakthrough in his cultivation.

It's just that Lin Fenghuang and the others haven't come out of retreat yet, Ling Tian plans to wait for them to come out, and then go to Tianchi together to have a look.


There is no time to practice, and Ling Tian spent half a year in retreat this time.

This time, in the process of cultivation, Ling Tian caught a trace of Dao Yun aura of a higher realm, and his whole aura became more solidified, and he had a new sublimation of the Dao that he had comprehended.

Unfortunately, he still failed.He failed to advance his cultivation level one step further.

"It seems that I still can't make my heart like a mirror!" Ling Tian smiled wryly. He encountered a demon during his cultivation, which caused all his previous efforts to be wasted.

The realm of harmony is the sublimation of all avenues, whether it is spells, supernatural powers, laws, skills, or divine essence, they will all be sublimated to a new realm.

If you want to reach this level, you must restrain your inner demons. As long as there is a trace of inner demons in your heart, this level cannot be crossed.

It is said that the heart demon is another self. Ling Tian is constantly comprehending, but in fact he is constantly fighting against the heart demon. The heart demon will always fight against him. His reasons are also very good. Every move and style that Ling Tian has learned , Every time he plenums, Ling Tian will lose completely.

If it weren't for the evil spirits, Ling Tian's space-time avenue would have crossed to a terrifying realm.

Ling Tian sighed, it was the first time Ling Tian encountered the heart demon, and he really couldn't find a way to restrain it.

Ling Tian got up and felt his avatar, and soon he was pleasantly surprised, and came to the guest hall in one step.

At this time, many people gathered in the guest hall.Except for Ling Tian's seventeen masters, Lin Fenghuang and the others were all there, including Fairy Zixia.

As soon as Ling Tian appeared in the guest hall, Lin Fenghuang and the others became excited and surrounded them.

Even though everyone has been accompanied by Ling Tian's avatar for such a long time, the avatar is just a copy and cannot represent Ling Tian himself at all.Only the down-to-earth and complete Ling Tian is their favorite husband.

Ling Tian glanced at all the wives who gathered around him, and couldn't help laughing, "It seems that everyone has gained a lot from this tribulation. Yes, they are all immortals, especially Phoenix, who is already a sixth-order Da Luo Jinxian."

Lin Fenghuang smiled slightly, "Compared to you, it's far behind."

Ling Tian said, "I practiced earlier than you!"

"Husband, what do you want to eat? We'll make it for you." At this time, Situ Xinran, who had a fourth-order human immortal, was beside Ling Tian, ​​and suddenly asked.

Ling Tian shook his head, "I don't want to eat anything. As long as I see everyone is safe and sound, I will be satisfied."

Afterwards, Ling Tian looked at Fairy Zixia who was sitting dignifiedly with a smile on her face, and said with a smile, "Sister Fairy, congratulations, you have advanced again."

Fairy Zixia said, "I felt the change in my state of mind, so I was in a hurry to retreat and practice. Unexpectedly, I really made a breakthrough."

"I saw it. That's why I didn't let the people in the house disturb you." Ling Tian smiled.

"Here with you, I sleep soundly, and I practice well. Everyone treats me equally. It's not like outside, where everyone is cheating and wielding swords and guns at every turn.

To be honest, I like this place very much, but I don't know if your eight wives welcome me? "Fairy Zixia said, looked at Lin Fenghuang and the others, and joked.

"Sister Fairy, if you like it, you can stay here. Anyway, there are many houses here. With Ling Tian here, everyone is safe." Dongfang Xueli, who was dressed in a white fairy dress, said with a smile.

Fairy Zixia looked at Lin Fenghuang, "Fenghuang, how about you? Can I welcome you?"

"Sister Zixia, my husband has agreed. As his wife, I will of course obey his wishes." Lin Fenghuang said with a smile.

Fairy Zixia chuckled, "It seems that what Ling Tian said is correct. You are really outstanding. You are all reasonable, and I am very happy to be with you."

After chatting for a while.

The people in the house brought a large plate of fairy peaches.

Ling Tian frowned, "Where did this fairy peach come from?"

The middle-aged woman who brought the fairy peach said quickly, "Grandfather, this fairy peach was sent by the soldiers of the Xuanyuan family. The soldiers said it was a little kindness from the patriarch Xuanyuan, so you can accept it! I will send it over one after another in the future!"

"Well, then you go down." Ling Tian nodded slightly, then looked at Fairy Zixia, "Sister Fairy, try it, it's a gift from others, don't waste it."

"Ling Tian, ​​this is the highest grade fairy peach, which can increase the lifespan by 500 years." Fairy Zixia picked up a fairy peach, looked at it carefully and said.

Everyone was surprised now.They looked at the peaches on the table in disbelief.

"It seems that this fairy peach is still a good thing? Come, come, let's eat together, if it is not enough, go to Xuanyuan's family to get it." Ling Tian said carelessly.

Soon, everyone will have a fairy peach.

Ling Tian ate one himself, and soon he found that the Xiantao melted in his mouth.A stream of icy liquid mixed with thick fairy energy quickly flowed all over his body.

Ling Tian felt refreshed all over his body, which was wonderful.

After eating a fairy peach, everyone's desires are endless.It's just that Xiantao is long gone.

"Too little, not enough to eat! I have to go and order more!" Ling Tian directly sent a clone to leave the hall.

Lin Fenghuang and the others all pursed their lips and smiled. Sometimes their husband really looks like a child.

"Ling Tian, ​​do you have any plans going forward?" Fairy Zixia asked suddenly.

"I want to go to Tianchi to have a look. Now that I have to support such a big family, I can't be idle all the time. I have to go outside to look for cultivation resources. Otherwise, everyone's cultivation will not be able to improve."

Ling Tian replied.

"Are you really going to make an idea of ​​Tianchi?" Fairy Zixia asked.

"Yeah. I've already made up my mind." Ling Tian nodded.

"Then don't you want to fight against the five heavenly palaces? Don't you be afraid that they will join hands and deal with you together?" Fairy Zixia worried.

"Don't be afraid. Heaven is originally a world where the strong are respected. Everything must be rich and honorable. If you are obedient, you will only be bullied and suppressed by others. If we want to stand higher and go further, we must go Shortcut." Ling Tian said without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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