My beautiful domineering female president

Chapter 292 A Man Without Emotions

Chapter 292 A Man Without Emotions
Jinsheng Hotel, Presidential Suite.

Dongfang Xueli has been drinking with Ling Tian all the time, Ling Tian drank a lot of wine, the beer was white, and he drank more than a dozen cases in total.

It wasn't until after two o'clock in the morning in the middle of the night that Ling Tian felt drunk and his head began to dizzy. Ling Tian looked at the wine bottles all over the floor, got up and staggered towards the bedroom.

Dongfang Sydney didn't drink much at all, she was just pretending to be drunk.

A rare opportunity!How can you be drunk?She had to deal with Ling Tian tonight.She wants to be Ling Tian's real woman.

Seeing Ling Tian walking towards the bedroom, Dongfang Xueli got up and followed.

When the two came to the bedroom, Dongfang Xueli said suddenly, "Ling Tian, ​​I know you are not drunk, you are just in a bad mood! Tonight, I will accompany you! You can do whatever you want!"

Ling Tian glanced at Dongfang Xueli, "I know that you have been guarding yourself like a jade for so many years and have worked very hard. So from tonight onwards, I will not let you continue to work hard!"

Hearing these words, Dongfang Xueli hugged Ling Tian into her arms, her voice numb, "Honey, I want to make love stronger! Can you do it?"

Ling Tian didn't say anything, and directly used practical actions to prove himself.


The next morning, when Ling Tian woke up, Dongfang Xueli was still sleeping soundly beside her. That sleeping position was really too unsightly, and most of the peerless scenery was leaked out.

Ling Tian pulled up the quilt to cover her, then got dressed and got out of bed.

When he came outside, Ling Tian opened the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the tall buildings and blue sky and white clouds outside the window, without moving for a long time.

After almost an hour, Ling Tian's body disappeared directly into the hotel.

Ling Tian came to Splendid Garden, the gate of Lin Fenghuang's villa, and after standing there for a while, he walked into the villa step by step.

When he came to the living room of the villa, Ling Tian saw Lin Fengtian who was sitting on the sofa and reading the newspaper. Ling Fengtian was lying in the stroller, still snoring, sleeping soundly.The two invited nannies are cleaning up the housework.

Lin Fenghuang actually noticed Ling Tian a long time ago, but she didn't look up at all, as if she was waiting for Ling Tian to speak.

"The child was bought by you with your life. I have no right to take him away! He belongs to you. I hope you can take good care of him and make him as capable and knowledgeable as you.

As for me, I don't ask why you want to divorce me!It doesn't make sense to ask these.Just treat me, Ling Tian, ​​as an asshole.Besides, I only have some clothes here, I'll go up and get them!After I come down, you bring your marriage certificate and household registration book, and follow me to the Civil Affairs Bureau!divorced.From now on, there will be only marriage in my world, not love!I will never love someone so heartbroken again. "Ling Tian said indifferently, walked upstairs, and went to pack his clothes.

Lin Fenghuang listened to Ling Tian's words word by word, and her stiff body didn't move until Ling Tian went upstairs. At this time, she seemed to have lost all color, and the whole world was gray and white.

At this moment, her heart ached so badly that she was about to suffocate, and it was difficult to breathe.

Ling Tian came down from upstairs, holding his household registration booklet and marriage certificate in his hand, he glanced at Lin Fenghuang indifferently, and said, "Actually, divorce is very good! You and I are freed. I will wait for you at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau." .”

Leaving a word, Ling Tian's body disappeared immediately.

puff!A large mouthful of blood suddenly spat out from Lin Fenghuang's mouth, and her body began to tremble unconsciously.


The gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Holding the divorce certificate, Ling Tian just glanced at it, and the red book started to catch fire, and quickly turned to ashes.

Ling Tian didn't even look at Lin Fenghuang, and left straight away. His steps seemed slow, but in fact they were as fast as a gust of wind. In less than two seconds, Lin Fenghuang couldn't find Ling Tian's shadow.

Lin Fenghuang seemed to have lost his soul, and burst into tears instantly, choking with tears.She was at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, looking for Ling Tian everywhere, but Ling Tian was not here at all.

Only at this time did Lin Fenghuang realize that he had really lost Ling Tian.Memories flashed one scene after another, Lin Fenghuang's heart ached even more, and tears couldn't stop streaming down his face.

It turns out that after tasting all the sweetness and happiness of love, all that remains is pain!A pain that cannot be described in words.


Ling Tian stood on the top of a big mountain, looking at the distant sky indifferently, suddenly the laws of time and space were running in his brain, and all the memories related to Lin Fenghuang were directly erased by him.

He didn't want pain, and he didn't want bullshit love to affect his emotions. He wanted to face life again and choose life again.He wants to be a person without emotions.

The moment the memory was erased, Ling Tian's face suddenly returned to the sunshine of the past.

Remember, yesterday he promised Zhao Liying to see her parents, he can't break his promise.

Picking up the phone, Ling Tian dialed Zhao Liying, "Sister Yingying, when shall I meet your parents?"

"At ten o'clock in the morning, Jintai District, fourth floor of Shangri-La Garden. My parents will be there in a while. Where are you, I will pick you up by car." Zhao Liying asked with a smile.

"No, you post the location!" Ling Tian said.


Shangri-La Garden, fourth floor.In a luxurious private room.

Ling Tian finally met Zhao Liying's parents, Zhao Wenchang and Gan Yufeng.Compared with the first time I met the two elders, this time they are both completely aged. Both of them have white hair to varying degrees and many wrinkles on their faces.But the spirits of the two are very good.

"Uncle, Auntie, just ask if you have any questions!" Ling Tian said.

"Okay, then let me be straight, when will you marry Yingying?" Zhao Wenchang asked coldly.He didn't hide it anymore.Anyway, they couldn't hold back Mu's daughter.

"The first day of next month. When that time comes, I will invite my masters to preside over the wedding!" Ling Tian said.

"Okay. You are sincere. Let me ask you again, how do you plan to arrange Yingying?" Zhao Wenchang stared at Ling Tian.

"I'm married. I'll take her away. Of course I'll take you both away too." Ling Tian said.

"Where are you taking us?" Zhao Wenchang asked.

"Heaven Realm. My mother went to Heaven Realm, and we will live in Heaven Realm from now on." Ling Tian said.

"We are mortals, can we go to heaven?" Zhao Wenchang asked.

"I went to the Immortal Realm, and I will teach you how to cultivate! I think it won't be long before you will be reborn." Ling Tian smiled.

"Xiaotian, we won't go to the fairy world. If you really marry Yingying, the only thing my child's father and I ask you is to give us a grandson. We want to have a grandson." Gan Yufeng said.

"Auntie, don't worry about this, we are both in good health. It will definitely not be a problem to have a son and a half daughter." Ling Tian said with a smile.

"That's good, what we want is your words." Gan Yufeng smiled.

Ling Tian looked at the dishes on the table, and hurriedly greeted, "Uncle, Auntie, move your chopsticks quickly, these dishes are all your favourites."

(End of this chapter)

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