My beautiful domineering female president

Chapter 176 The Richest Woman

Chapter 176 The Richest Woman

Lin Fenghuang took a deep breath, "It is undeniable that he suffered such a crushing defeat today, and it was all his own fault, no one else's fault.

When her mother was alive, at home, she worked hard without complaint, and she never showed all her grievances and resentments in front of outsiders.

But his domestic violence has never stopped, and it will always get worse, become cold-blooded, either throw bowls, or overturn the dining table, and then leave without returning home every night.

What did my mother do wrong?Let him treat her like this?Is it because she is beautiful and was once the richest and mysterious female richest man in the Dragon and Phoenix Kingdom?

If so, what does this have to do with a housewife who is willing to give up her dreams and hundreds of billions of assets for the sake of marriage and me, and stays at home all day? "

"Wait, daughter-in-law, you just said that your mother is the richest female richest woman in the entire Dragon and Phoenix Kingdom?" Ling Tian really had to interrupt, which shocked him too much.

Lin Fenghuang nodded slightly, "Yes. You heard me right. My mother was the most mysterious, richest, and most special female richest woman in Quanlong Fenghuang 30 years ago. Back then, her worth could reach tens of billions. According to calculations, it is only a few hundred million worse than the richest man Ma Xunfei.

At that time, it belonged to her era, and her business was more profitable than the three major suppliers and e-commerce companies in Kyoto City.She concocted the most unbelievable capital myth in the Dragon and Phoenix Kingdom.

Stepping on the wealth and desires of hundreds of millions of women, she climbed to the throne step by step.

In the city of Kyoto, from the majestic Huatian Bank Building on Dongle Street to the brightly lit SK Building of Guotong, they are all properties under her name.

However, just when her career was at its peak, she married my father under the arrangement of the family, gave up all her assets, and followed her father to Binjiang City.Her myth has disappeared from the wedding day.

When I was 15 years old, I asked my mother if she would regret marrying my father.

At that time, she nodded slightly and stroked my head and said she regretted it, but no matter what, she would not divorce her father.The reason is that she wants to give me a complete family.

But in my childhood, my family has long been incomplete.A mother shouldn't ruin her life for a man who is slovenly. "

"It turns out that your mother is such a talented and strong woman. It is true that like a mother, like a daughter." Long Xiaoyun was filled with emotion.

"No! Aunt Xiaoyun, I am far inferior to my mother. Her marketing strategy and ruthless capital methods can shatter the three views of all capitalists.

Within a year of her postgraduate graduation, she started from scratch with only 5000 yuan, and made nearly [-] million yuan.

This kind of marketing strategy and means is unprecedented, and it is unprecedented. "

Long Xiaoyun couldn't help but interrupted, "Fenghuang, what the hell did your mother do? Within a year, she made 5000 million yuan with [-] yuan. This is too unbelievable."

Lin Fenghuang replied, "My mother is a woman who is unwilling to go to work. The 5000 yuan is all my mother's savings from her part-time job. She is full of revenge, and she can get money quickly! She does whatever she wants. She first inspected the market in the capital city, and then During the inspection, a flea market caught her attention.

In that flea market, a thousand appliances were broken.Without further ado, my mother went directly to the owner of the second-hand market to discuss. She told the owner that she had a way to sell all the thousand household appliances at a high price, but the prerequisite was that it would be a [-]-[-] split.Naturally, the boss readily agreed, and he would definitely be willing to do this kind of thing of waiting to collect money.

After the two reached an agreement and paid a pledge of 5000 yuan, the mother went to the bank for a loan of 6 yuan without stopping.With the [-] yuan, more than a dozen well-known home appliance repairers in Kyoto City were invited to rush to repair the thousand home appliances.

In just three days, these thousand household appliances appeared in the eyes of the second-hand market owner just like brand-new appliances.The boss is a smart person, and he immediately found a business opportunity in his mother's words.At that time, she calculated that among the 120 repaired household appliances, [-] of them were refrigerators, and the other [-] were washing machines. Including other electrical appliances, he earned at least [-] million yuan.

So the boss immediately approached his mother to negotiate. During the conversation, the boss promised to give his mother fifty W, and then wanted to terminate the cooperation.But how would he know that this was as early as his mother expected.The money my mother wants to earn is far from the 50.

At that time, my mother calmly told the boss that she could break the contract if she wanted to.But you have to pay a certain liquidated damages, and let me rent five shops in the flea market for free for one year.

The boss didn't have a higher education. How did he know that even a lawyer who really knew the law couldn't see the flaws in the contract drawn up by his mother, let alone a person who didn't even graduate from junior high school?
With the mother's inner tactics and her professionalism and resourcefulness, the boss quickly knew that he had been duped. In desperation, he had no choice but to compromise, paying the mother liquidated damages and the 50 W, and bit the bullet and agreed to let the mother rent a house for free. years of paving.The two immediately signed a lease contract.

Mother is a person who is good at finding business opportunities and marketing, and she is a person who dares to race against time.She chose to use this method to get a free pavement because she saw the flow of people and low consumption in the flea market.

After simply renovating the rented shop, my mother started a clothing business. She sold the clothes that had been squeezed out of the second-hand market for three or four years at zero cost, and the profit was still [-]-[-].From the beginning of recruitment, to advertising, publicity, giving benefits, lottery and other marketing methods, she has used them to the fullest.

In the entire flea market, she sold out all the more than 5000 million stocks in just 560 days.In just forty days, she earned [-] W.

Her clothing store has driven the flow of people in the entire flea market, which has tripled compared to before.If the clothing business is alive, it will naturally attract the attention of many capitalists.They immediately opened a number of similarly low-consumption clothing stores around their mother's clothing store.

Mother is good at judging the situation, she will not be stupid enough to continue to open a clothing store.So it took only a week for her to change careers, and she even opened a restaurant.The marketing strategy of catering has long been formed in the mother's mind.

It turned out that the salespeople in the clothing store also changed careers with her. Not only that, but before the opening, her mother began to poach people at high prices, going to major restaurants and hotels to poach people.In two days, she had dug out 39 top chefs.And there are many chefs who are the back chefs in big hotels.

In this way, her restaurant opened, and under the strong marketing strategy, she started to make money like crazy!Publicize catering advertisements, apply for membership cards, give benefits, buy one get one free, discounts, etc., under the precise leadership of the mother, all in one go.

Within half a year, the business of the restaurant was booming, and none of the employees and chefs who worked with her were willing to leave her.Because she never beats or scolds employees, on the contrary, when they are in trouble, she will try her best to help them.

And in the past six months, the money saved in my mother's card is nearly 6000 million..."

(End of this chapter)

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