My beautiful domineering female president

Chapter 170 Lin Fenghuang Burned the Bottom of the Pot

Chapter 170 Lin Fenghuang Burned the Bottom of the Pot

When everyone returned to the house, it was already past eleven o'clock at night.

Ling Tian was too busy to introduce before, but now that he is free, he smiled and said to Lin Fenghuang, "Fenghuang, I will introduce two people to you, this is my mother, this Aunt Xiaoyun!"

In fact, Lin Fenghuang didn't need an introduction, he also knew that Lin Na was Ling Tian's mother.

But when she was introduced, her face turned red, she bit her lips tightly, and whispered in embarrassment, "Mom..."

In order to resolve the embarrassment, Lin Na stepped forward and held Lin Fenghuang's hand. She said softly, "Fenghuang, since you are married to Xiaotian, you are my daughter-in-law, now and in the future. We will always be a family .I will treat you as my own daughter."

Lin Fenghuang's heart suddenly warmed up. She raised her head to look at Lin Na, pursed her lips and said, "Mom, I will also treat you as my relatives, and Ling Tian and I will be filial to you in the future! Take care of you forever! with you."

Maternal love began to appear on Lin Na's face again, "Fenghuang, you are as sensible as Xiaotian. From now on, you and Xiaotian should live a good life, take care of each other, understand each other, and trust each other.

In case you two have any conflicts that cannot be resolved, you can come to Mom, and Mom will make the decision for you! "

"Mom, I'm seven years older than Xiaotian. Don't you mind?" Lin Fenghuang looked at Lin Na blankly.

"Stupid child, Xiaotian doesn't mind. What do I mind? As long as you two love each other, I, as a mother, will of course bless you with all my strength. Why would you interfere?" Lin Na smiled.

Lin Fenghuang blushed suddenly, and said falteringly, "Mom, I, I don't know how to cook, and I don't even know how to wash clothes. I have never done this before."

"Look at your faltering, if you don't know it, you won't know it. What's the embarrassment? Mom was just like you when she was young. She didn't know anything. Didn't you learn it slowly later?" Lin Na said in a few simple words It directly resolved Lin Fenghuang's tension.

Ling Tian said from the side, "Mom, save these words for later, everyone is watching."

Lin Na let go of Lin Fenghuang's hand, looked at everyone and said, "It's rare for everyone to get together tonight, so let's celebrate it. Sister Xiaoyun and I will go cook some more dishes later..."

"Mom, let me do it." Ling Tian stood up, "Let me do cooking, I'm better at it! You guys sit here and chat for a while."

"Honey, I'll help you." Lin Fenghuang hurriedly stood up.With her mother-in-law here, she is too embarrassed to sit here.

Ling Tian smiled, and went to the kitchen with Lin Fenghuang.

Lin Na smiled without saying a word.She suddenly felt that this cold and alluring daughter-in-law was actually quite motivated and sensible.She and Ling Tian are really a perfect match.

"Lin Na, your daughter-in-law's temperament and self-cultivation are no worse than that of your mother-in-law. I think she has an elegant temperament, a graceful demeanor, and a strong feminine aura everywhere. She and Xiaotian are really a match made in heaven." A pair." Long Xiaoyun said seriously.

Lin Na nodded and said, "Well, girls like Fenghuang are naturally beautiful, elegant and dignified, elegant and refined, they are definitely not ordinary women. Xiaotian can be with her, and I, as a mother, can rest assured."

"Lin Na, are you going to live with Xiaotian and Fenghuang forever?" Long Xiaoyun asked.

Lin Na thought for a while and said, "At present, I think so."

"Lin Na, I want to take my daughter back to live. Can you accompany me?" Long Xiaoyun asked.

"When are you going?" Lin Na asked.

"A week later. Now that you mother and son have just reunited, I'm embarrassed to let you separate." Long Xiaoyun said bluntly.

"Alright." Lin Na smiled.

After meeting Ling Tian, ​​although the time was short, it was the happiest time in her life.She is proud to have an upright, filial and sensible son.


In the kitchen, Lin Fenghuang was lighting a fire in front of the hearth made of earth bricks.

She was sweating profusely, and her face and nose were blackened by plant ash, but she still stubbornly threw firewood into the fire, filling up the hole, and the flame that had just ignited was misfired by her. , can only emit gray and white smoke.

"Honey, how did the fire go out?" Lin Fenghuang asked, frowning.Her hands were already black, but she didn't know it.

Ling Tian, ​​who was washing vegetables, glanced at the opening of the hole, and was speechless, "Daughter-in-law, why are you stuffing so much firewood?"

"Honey, I've only used gas stoves before, I don't know how to use this kind of stove!" Lin Fenghuang said aggrievedly.

"Fool, you took out some firewood and enlarged the space inside, so that the firewood will burn automatically." Ling Tian laughed.

"Oh!" Lin Fenghuang took out some of the firewood inside as Ling Tian said, and when the space was large enough, she squatted in front of the stove and waited for the firewood to burn.

Soon, the flames inside were getting bigger and bigger, and Lin Fenghuang immediately became excited when he saw this, "Honey, it's really happening, it's really happening!"

"How? It's easy, right?" Ling Tian said with a smile.

"Huh? This won't bother me!" Lin Fenghuang pouted and hummed.

"Yes, my daughter-in-law is so smart, how can it be difficult for you to light a fire?" Ling Tian smiled, and after he washed all the vegetables, Ling Tian became worried. In this kitchen, apart from growing vegetables in the vegetable field, Except for the dishes, there is no meat at all.No alcohol either.How is this celebrated?

Ling Tian thought for a while, and immediately decided to go out and fetch some wild game.

"Daughter-in-law, you boil a pot of water first. I'll go out and get some game back. Be careful, don't burn your hands." Ling Tian left a word and went out.

After Lin Fenghuang learned how to make a fire, he squatted in front of the stove to start a fire. The fire in the stove became hotter and hotter. The large aluminum pot placed on the stove was already scorching hot.

Lin Fenghuang used to use electric teapots to boil water, but she has never seen water boiled in a large aluminum pot.I don't know how to boil water either.

When Lin Fenghuang was thinking about how to boil the water, a big hole suddenly appeared in the bottom of the large aluminum pot, and a flame was whizzing upwards.

Ling Tian led the four wild chickens, and when they came to the kitchen, the bottom of the big aluminum pot was long gone.

Seeing this, Ling Tian was speechless immediately, "Daughter-in-law, why is the bottom of the pot missing?"

Lin Fenghuang stood up and took a look, "Ah? Where did the pot go? Husband? Why is it missing?"

Ling Tian rolled his eyes, "Idiot, I told you to boil the water, but not the pot! If you don't put water in it, the fire will definitely burn the pot."

"Honey, I'm sorry!" Lin Fenghuang said very embarrassedly.

"Why is your face dark?" Ling Tian looked at Lin Fenghuang with distress.

Lin Fenghuang said nonchalantly. "Maybe it was smoked bear."

"Okay, go wash your face. I'll do it." Ling Tian touched Lin Fenghuang's cheek and said softly.

"No, I want to learn cooking from you!" Lin Fenghuang was reluctant to wash his face.

(End of this chapter)

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