Chapter 32
Only Li Zhiming, because he was worried that his water ability could put out the fire, Wang Zhirui directly transformed into a mound, crushing the parts below his neck to death.

Lin Yimo was afraid that he would say something that would embarrass her, which was also an important reason why she wanted to stay and destroy them. She directly snatched the captured rifle and shot Li Zhiming three times in the head until it was confirmed that he was He was willing to stop until he couldn't die anymore.

At the same time, Qu Moheng, who was hiding in the room, saw Li Zhiming and the others had just finished beating the zombies, and left the vault with his arms.

This is the moment we've been waiting for!

She seized the time to sneak into the vault behind them, and sure enough, she saw a large pile of firearms piled together, accompanied by a group of strangely shaped zombies lying here and there.

Qu Moheng put all the guns and ammunition into the space without saying a word. After sweeping the goods, she was not in a hurry to leave and continued to search for something.

As far as she knows, in the middle of the last apocalyptic year, everyone had a certain understanding of the rules of the apocalyptic world. One of the very useful experience summaries is: in the early apocalypse, whenever you go to a large public place, any zombies appear together There must be a secret box somewhere!
Just like the master key she got in the blackboard eraser in the classroom at the beginning, the blackboard eraser is a secret box of special items.

In the previous life, they didn't think of turning back to find the master key until the middle of the end of the world. Naturally, it couldn't fall into Qu Moheng's hands at that time.

And in this life, she got it because she took the huge advantage of rebirth.

In the same way, probably because of the deep resentment against the short neck, the long-necked female zombie should have mutated in the jewelry store.

Because its obsession was so deep and strong that it drove away the other zombies, it was convenient for Qu Moheng to take away the precious and special item of the blue crystal bracelet.

In her previous life, she was very lucky that she didn't encounter a long-necked zombie when she got the bracelet.

But in this life, her luck was not so good, but fortunately she got it in the end, and even accidentally activated the abnormal healing ability such as infinite blue water.

Qu Mo searched and searched, but he never saw the secret box.

"Did I guess wrong? Banks are not actually public places where zombies gather? But what happened to these zombies that appeared together?"

She couldn't figure it out, it didn't make sense that there would be nothing in the treasury!

Unless...the group of robbers discovered the secret box and hid it privately?

No, they are not that smart, they are all stupid, they are clearly a group of creatures with well-developed limbs and long heads.

Even that idiot Li Zhiming activated the water ability in advance for the first time, which can only show that it is the result of the manifestation of his ancestors, and he doesn't look like a master with IQ and understanding.

The only possibility is that it was mixed in the magazines she collected.

But now that time was running out, and the sound of fighting in the hall had stopped, she reckoned that it was time for Lin Yimo and his party to come and look for her.

Forget it, everything is in the space anyway, let's find her one by one slowly when she is free.

After Qu Moheng figured it out, he ran back to the original room and sat directly in the corner of the reception room.

"She betrayed Sister Momo and all of us, I don't want to be on the team with her!!" Qu Tingting's angry voice came from outside the room.

(End of this chapter)

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