Conan's Winery is all my vest

Chapter 167 The Devil's Wrong Memory

Chapter 167 The Devil's Wrong Memory


Mori Kogoro, who insisted that Bizen Chizuru committed suicide, had the biggest reaction when he heard what Brandy said.

"Stinky boy, don't talk nonsense. You said that Miss Qianhe didn't commit suicide but homicide. Do you have any evidence?"

Brandy will be forced to open for business now, and after hearing Kogoro Mori's blunt words, he no longer has the intention to continue pretending to be a patient person.

"Please, uncle—"

"Such a conspicuous trace, why didn't you notice it as a detective who has spread far and wide?"

"What trace?"

Mori Kogoro asked subconsciously.

Police officer Mito, who had been secretly observing Toru Amuro, nodded secretly. That's right, why didn't he find any obvious traces of homicide?

When Toru Amuro found the body of Chizuru Bizen appeared here, he subconsciously remembered Mitsuyuki Arimori who was behaving strangely at noon.

And when Toru Amuro heard that the time of death announced by Koichi Mito coincided with the time when Mitsuyuki Arimori took a nap under the guise of taking a nap, but in fact he did not know what to do mysteriously, Toru Amuro was even more sure of his guess.

The reasoning that Police Officer Mito expressed in the restaurant at the beginning made sense to Toru Amuro.

Of the three drivers most likely known to be the killer, one was dead at the time of the murder.

The other one is himself, and the last one left is Mitsuyuki Arimori who was sneaking around at the time of the crime.

Toru Amuro himself was definitely not the murderer, so the possibility that Mitsuyuki Arimori killed Bizen Chizuru rose sharply.

After Toru Amuro began to suspect Mitsuyuki Arimori, he had been watching him secretly while looking for clues.

At this moment he heard Brandy say so suddenly.Can't help being a little surprised.

Toru Amuro did not expect that Brandy, who seemed to be afraid of trouble, would suddenly intervene in the detection of this case.

Brandy... Is he also very good at reasoning?

Toru Amuro sighed in his heart that the harvest of this mission was really worthwhile, while thinking about what the obvious traces of Bai Lan said.

Is there really any conspicuous evidence... that he missed?
how is this possible?
Toru Amuro stared inexplicably at Brandy who was squatting next to the corpse, who was speechless by Mori Kogoro and looked so unlovable.

Brandy... who the hell are you?

Except for the police officer Mito who is staring at Toru Amuro, and Toru Amuro who is staring at Mitsuyuki Arimori...

The murderer himself was Mitsuyuki Mori, and when he heard Brandy's words, his heart skipped a beat.


Could it be that……

Did he really accidentally leave behind something, an obvious trace that he didn't notice when he committed the crime and threw the body?
"The signs of a dead body produced by hanging himself and being strangled to death are completely different."

Brandy looked at the bewildered and skeptical crowd, and he asked in the same bewilderment, "Isn't this common sense?"

What?What common sense?
Kogoro Mori, Koichi Mito, Toru Amuro, Conan, and Mitsuyuki Arimori all looked at each other blankly when they heard this.

What kind of common sense do you have? !
Brandy was watched by everyone's innocent and ignorant eyes like sheep, and Brandy couldn't help thinking of himself who was scolded as ignorant by that bastard doctor.

He just come he has never heard other people talk about these strange common sense!


Maybe there is something wrong with that bastard doctor Zhong Changgeng!
Brandy saw that everyone looked thirsty for knowledge, so he had no choice but to catch the ducks on the shelves and start from scratch.

"First of all, we know that Ms. Qianhe died of mechanical asphyxiation, and hanging and strangulation are the most common causes of mechanical asphyxiation."

"If it is said that Bizen Chizuru committed suicide, then the physical symptoms should be the performance of hanging, but judging from the corpse, it is obviously a sign of strangulation."

After Brandy thought he had explained his discovery clearly and clearly, he stopped talking.

He has directly stated the standard answer and the way of solving the problem. These guys should understand it, right?
However, at this moment, Mao Lilan, who weakly raised his hand to ask questions, completely broke Brandy's beautiful fantasy.

"That...Mr. Theodore, what is mechanical death?"

Brandy, who was about to speak directly about the appearance of the corpse as evidence, swallowed his analysis immediately after hearing this sentence.

So... do these people really not even know the most basic common sense? ?
Brandy suddenly felt that Zhong Changgeng, who scolded him for being ignorant, was really short-sighted.

He has killed many of his own people, so at least he knows the difference between hanging himself by mechanical death and strangling.

It's just that he doesn't know the specific signs so clearly.

Just like that, that unscrupulous doctor Zhong Changgeng kept calling him an idiot every day.

Zhong Changgeng should really let Zhong Changgeng take a look at these people who don't even know about mechanical death, and let him know what true ignorance is.

Fortunately, the detectives and police officers present still had some common sense.

Before Brandy spoke, Mito Koichi jumped ahead of Conan and said, "Mechanical suffocation is a common unnatural death, and the gas exchange of the body is hindered by certain mechanical mechanisms."

Amuro Toru, who also wanted to explain, was cut off by Mito just like Conan.

Toru Amuro saw that Mito Koichi and Brandy seemed to be very reliable, so he stopped thinking about leading the situation.

He intends to be a spectator with peace of mind, and get to know Brandy well... the senior of the organization who has always been confusing.

"But... what are hanged and strangled?"

Mito Koichi, who has always paid attention to evidence to solve the case, asked doubtfully.

You must know that at this time, there is only one forensic officer in their entire police station who works part-time as a forensic doctor. He really doesn't know much about these common sense in the police station in later generations.

Brandy fully understood the difficulty of his task of explaining today, and he resigned himself to explaining patiently from the beginning.

"And hanged and strangled are both ropes or other similar strings that interact with the neck to cause death."

"The mechanism of death is similar, but the cadaver features can be very different."

Ever since Brandy said that Bizen Chizuru committed suicide, Zhu Fuhuali's expression began to be a little off.

At this time, she looked at Brandy's smooth talk, and her lips were pursed into a straight line.


Something's wrong...she doesn't have this memory or knowledge...

Zhu Fuhuali, who was standing not far away, watched Bai Landi explain something she had no impression of with a serious expression, and his heart sank.

What exactly is going on……?
 Add more.Still owe a chapter.

  A new character has appeared, and Brandy's past line has begun.

  Thanks to Wei'an, watching chess and painting the piano, and Mo Lingxue for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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