I have a house of all things

Chapter 82 The Battle Stalemate

Chapter 82 The Battle Stalemate
The battle situation at this time is very stalemate. As the defensive side, the war girls are obviously very passive.

It's no wonder, after all, in this kind of battlefield, it is really difficult for the war girls to give full play to their own advantages, but those bugs who are invaders have no scruples.


The types of war girls can be roughly divided into two types, the first of which is the close-combat war girls who serve as the front row.

The focus of this type of battle girl is melee attack and super high defense ability, borrowing the power of technology to turn the body's energy and its own mental power into a defensive energy shield, before the body's energy and mental power are exhausted, really It is difficult to deal a fatal blow to them.

With melee fighters, there will naturally be long-range attack fighters.

It is worth mentioning here that I don’t know what the designer of the Battle Girl armor thought, but the melee Battle Girl and the long-range attack Fighter Girl are completely different concepts.

It can be said that the long-range attacking warrior girl completely gave up the protective shield and basically lost all the melee ability.

If you let the long-range attacking warrior girl face the swarm head-on, once the swarm breaks through and gets close, none of them will be able to escape.

Li Lin really couldn't understand such an extreme design concept.

Of course, Li Lin had nothing to do with how the war girls were designed back then, but this extreme armor of the war girls has undoubtedly become the biggest reason for the passiveness of the war girls.

There are many weapons equipped by the long-range attacking warrior girl. After all, they put aside the melee ability and put everything on the long-range strike. Energy guns, live ammunition missiles, spiritual pulse turrets... It can be said that they can be equipped, basically all of them are equipped. on.

If it is in an open field, a C-level long-range attacking girl may be able to sweep the area, Li Lin has no doubts about this at all.

But the problem is that right now the battlefield is in a relatively small space. On the basement floor of the branch building of the War Girl Association, the advantages of long-range attack girls are almost negligible.

After all, you have to know that just above the battlefield, there is a building with more than [-] floors!
Once the high-power attack weapons are used, let alone whether those bugs can be completely wiped out, this building will definitely not be able to support it first!
In case the building collapses due to an explosion...

Then the East Cherry Special Branch of the Battle Fairy Association is afraid that they will be directly removed from the list!
It was also because of this that, facing the endless swarms of insects, the warrior girls who acted as the back row could only abandon their greatest advantages and use the energy guns in their hands to attack.

Perhaps the damage of energy gun attacks is limited after all, and the smooth armor on those bugs is also extremely resistant to energy weapons.

In this case, it is not only difficult for the war girls to gain an advantage, once the energy shield of the melee warriors is exhausted, I am afraid that everyone will die here!
"Have the live ammunition weapons been delivered yet?"

"Damn! The administrators of the armory can be fired!"

As the commander of this battle, Taketori Kaguya was extremely anxious.

Since the energy weapon was developed, this kind of weapon that is easy to carry and has a super high ammunition capacity has quickly become the standard equipment of war girls.

In comparison, physical weapons that have a low range and need to be replaced frequently, making them difficult to carry in large quantities, naturally become obsolete, and basically no one cares about them.

But facing the enemy this time, the attack effect of energy weapons is obviously not ideal, and up to now, the live ammunition weapons deployed by the arsenal have not yet been delivered.

Under what circumstances, how can Taketori Kaguya maintain a normal mind?

According to this trend, I believe that it won't be long before the energy shields of the melee fighters will be completely consumed. Once the critical moment comes, she may really have to order the use of large-scale lethal weapons!


"It's not good! Master Kaguya! High-intensity space particles appeared above the branch building! Another space transmission channel has been opened!"

The battle on the basement floor was already difficult for the war girls to deal with, but the result was good. At this critical moment, another explosion sounded into everyone's ears.

What is adding fuel to the fire?
This is just fueling the fire!

Obviously this battlefield has not been resolved, and new enemies have appeared again!

"Open another one?"

Hearing this news, Taketori Kaguya's beautiful eyes stared at the boss in the next moment. Although through the helmet, no one could see the sub-head's loss of composure, but her trembling voice had already shaken the emotion in her heart. Shaken and completely betrayed.


"The battle girls in the back row retreat in groups, pay attention to the terrain, and the melee team in the front retreats slowly to make way for the battlefield on the ground floor..."

"Attention everyone! Within 1 minute, all personnel will collectively exit the branch building!"

"Repeat! All personnel exit the branch building collectively!"

From Taketori Kaguya's voice, one could hear her deep sense of powerlessness.

Yes, after the news that the second teleportation channel in different space was opened, she knew that this time it was really over.

The enemy appeared too fast, and he didn't have any time to react.

There were too many enemies, and it was absolutely difficult to resist the invading insect swarm with the combat power of the War Lady Association alone.

If she persists, she will end up sacrificing everyone here. Although once she retreats, the branch of the Zhan Ji Association will not be able to survive, and the branch of the East Sakura Special Zone will also become a laughing stock, but how can she do it now? manage?
Taketori Kaguya also understands that her decision today will have the most serious consequences.

The war girls failed to hold on to the front line, allowing the swarms to emerge would definitely cause heavy casualties. After the swarms broke through the branch building and flooded the streets, who could stop the swarms from advancing?

She must keep the fire seed of the war girl in the East Sakura Special Zone!
As long as you are alive, you will not lose hope!
As for those bugs, and the possible swarm massacre...

Since I am the head of the branch, let me take on all of this!

"Maria... I have never been able to surpass you, but this time, I will leave you far behind..."

Mouth softly silently, watching the battle girls retreating step by step, Taketori Kaguya couldn't help showing a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's a pity that I couldn't convince Maria...

I'm really envious, Maria has found her own home, and also found such a reliable friend...

If possible, I really want to go back to the past, to the time when the three studied and trained together, and spent every day carefree.

Unfortunately, those days are over after all.




Although there are too many regrets in his heart, although life is too short, but today, Taketori Kaguya suddenly feels very relieved.


Right here, standing where she has worked so hard!

She is going to unleash the greatest glory of Taketori Kaguya's once-in-a-lifetime life!
(End of this chapter)

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