I have a house of all things

Chapter 63 My daughter is so difficult to serve

Chapter 63 My daughter is so difficult to serve

"Have you already called Dad? Well... It seems that Eve lacks fatherly love."

"It's my fault too. If I knew Eve wanted a father, I should have found a husband for myself. Anyway, the human way of passing on the family is also applicable to us elves."

"But it doesn't seem too late now. After I get married with Your Excellency Li Lin, Eve, you will have a new father!"

Eh? ? ?
After hearing her mother's words, Eve was completely dumbfounded, but after she subconsciously exclaimed, looking at the Elf Queen, she began to seriously think about the operability of this kind of thing.

Why do I have a new dad?

Brother Li Ling as a father?

This is too weird!
"Wait! Mother! I never said I wanted a father!"

Seeing that she didn't say anything, and feared that there would be a new father in the future, Eve, who was in a hurry, immediately opened her mouth to refute.

The inheritance method of the elves is different from that of humans. Although the next generation can also be born through the combination of a man and a woman, in fact, the vast majority of elves love is platonic love. Compared with physical pleasure, they pay more attention to Spiritual love.

Because of this, once the elf couple wants to give birth to the next generation, there are two ways to choose.

Either combine and multiply like humans, or condense blood and magic power on the world tree, and give birth to brand new elves with the fruits of the world tree.

For elves, the former method of reproduction is more troublesome, and not all elves can accept the anguish of three years of pregnancy.

Yes, the conception of elves is different from that of humans. Humans can give birth to babies in only ten months, but elves have to conceive for three full years!
So compared to the former, most elves will choose the latter. Anyway, as long as the blood and magic power are gathered together, all the work of gestating newborns can be handed over to World Tree.

Just wait for three years and harvest the fruit of a world tree, and a brand new elf baby will be born in this world.

Not to mention, this method of gestation can be done by two people, or by one person, and even male elves can give birth to their own blood offspring.

So convenient and concise, who wants to suffer the pain of childbirth?
In fact, the birth of Eve came from the gestation of the World Tree.

The elf queen who was her mother did not marry anyone, and if nothing else happened, Eve would choose this way to give birth to her offspring in the future.

and so……

How can Eve, who has never had the concept of a father since she was a child, accept that she suddenly has a new father?

Not to mention, that future new father is still Brother Li Ling whom she has a good impression of.


Absolutely not!
"You don't want a new father, and you don't want to marry Your Excellency Li Lin, so what should I do? Are you going to make me violate the oracle of Her Majesty the Goddess?"

Eve's rebuttal in such a panic immediately aroused dissatisfaction from the elf queen.

This doesn't work, that doesn't work, my daughter is so hard to serve!

"Who... who said that I don't want to marry Brother Li Lin! I just wasn't ready for that!"

Facing her mother's dissatisfaction, Eve's delicate face turned red.

In this elf's heart, the scales of husband and father are swinging back and forth.

As for getting married, she was indeed not mentally prepared for that, but in comparison, she was even less willing to call Brother Li Lin's father!
So subconsciously, Eve blurted out in a panic.

Compared with having an extra new father, she seems to be more able to accept the setting of getting married!

"Not ready?"

"My silly daughter, now it's not a question of whether you are ready or not, but a question of whether Your Excellency Li Lin is willing to marry you!"

"You have to know, if Your Excellency Li Lin is willing to marry you, then he wouldn't be able to sneak away at all. Now that he's gone, doesn't it mean that you don't have the slightest charm in his heart?"

"Give up, for the sake of the Goddess's oracle, I, the elf queen, must go out in person!"

Staring at her daughter's flushed face, the Elf Queen couldn't help but chuckle.

And what she said next undoubtedly gave her daughter a heavy blow!


Yes, in the face of mother's violent attack, Miss Elf has completely lost her word.

Brother Li Ling doesn't want to marry him?

It turns out... Is my entanglement just wishful thinking?

"But...but even if the mother is involved, can Li Lingge change his mind? He doesn't belong to this world, and he will return to his original world soon."

The elf queen's critical attack did make Eve unable to recover for a short time.

But in the end it came from the blood of Her Majesty the Queen. At the most critical moment, this little elf lady still caught the blind spot!

No matter what mother says now, it can't change the fact that Brother Li Ling is about to leave this world.

Could it be possible that mother can go to another world to marry Brother Li Ling?

"You're right, but what does it matter?"

"It's just a different world. Now that we have re-established diplomatic relations with humans, we can go to another world to investigate and investigate through the human side. What do you think of this name?"

"If I go to another world and find His Excellency Li Lin, do you think he will reject me?"

Eh? ? ?
And this kind of operation?

Originally, Eve thought that she had found a blind spot and could use this to fight back against her mother, but in the end, she didn't expect that the elf queen's words were even sharper.

If the mother really went to another world in person, then with the charm of the mother, Li Lingo might really be unable to refuse.

But... I don't want Brother Li Lin to be my father! ! !
"No! If it is to establish diplomatic relations with humans and go to another world for investigation, then I, the queen candidate, should be in charge."

"Mother, as the queen of elves, should sit in the secret realm of elves! Such a trivial matter, should not be allowed to do by myself!"

"That's it! I will go to another world instead of my mother!"

"that's it!"

Regarding her mother's plan, Eve was extremely flustered.

At this moment, the only thought in her mind is how to stop her mother's plan from succeeding!
Going to another world to investigate?

If my mother can go, I can definitely go too!
Do not!
Rather, I am the best candidate to replace my mother!
Having made up her mind, Eve also made her own decision immediately.

And after saying these words, she seemed to be afraid of her mother's rejection, made her own decision, and then turned around and ran out of the queen's bedroom.

If mother is not allowed to see Brother Li Ling, Brother Li Ling will not become his father!
As for myself, after going to another world, I can play with Brother Li Ling and Yao again!

I am so witty!
(End of this chapter)

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