I have a house of all things

Chapter 315 The bottom line cannot be broken

Chapter 315 The bottom line cannot be broken
"You can't say that, Mr. Li Lin, you should know that a unit should have only one voice. If any unit has the so-called independent command, wouldn't everything be messed up?"

What is the reason why Senator Fred approached Li Lin this time?
To put it bluntly, it was because of the independent command power that caused the Supreme Council to make a fuss.

If it were normal times, it would be fine for the reinforcements to fight independently. After all, it was not a large-scale war, and they could not interfere too much with each other.

But this time is obviously different. As a recapture operation that has attracted the attention of the whole world, once a certain key point goes wrong, it is very likely to cause overall turmoil.

What's more, what the Supreme Council needs are soldiers who follow orders, not commanders who compete with them for their minds.

Once this precedent is set, with the further fermentation of the war with the swarm, I am afraid that more independent troops will appear in their world in the future.

This is not in their interest, and naturally it is impossible to let this happen!
"A troop should only have one voice?"

"Mr. Fred, you are really good at joking. What you call voice is just the most scientific battle plan calculated by computer."

"Wars like yours that only know how to borrow machines without going through the brain will not pay attention to human life at all. Every army is just a simple number in your plan."

"Once my troops are also incorporated into your command system, God knows when we will become the so-called cannon fodder who sacrificed for the war situation."

"Do you think that as the supreme commander of the Iron Wings, I might be so stupid as to be dispatched by you as cannon fodder?"

Facing Mr. Fred, Li Lin had an undisguised sneer on his face.

He has criticized the battle plan of the technological world more than once, but it is a pity that they have no intention of changing the strategy at all.

Of course, they haven't changed much. Their long-term habits have trained them to be a group of theoretical commanders who only know how to calculate changes in numbers.

This is not something that can be changed overnight, so he is not prepared to force others to change for him.

It’s just that different ways are not conspiring with each other. How you want to fight is your business, but you want to impose it on me...

Feel sorry!

I don't buy your account!

"This... I understand what you mean. In fact, I have tried my best to communicate with the above."

"But Mr. Li Lin, I think you should know that it is very difficult for the Supreme Council to release this power..."

Facing Li Lin's sneer, Congressman Fred's face was even more helpless.

As one of the members of the Supreme Council, how could he not be clear about the status quo of the technological world?

But as the appeal said, change cannot be solved overnight, so even if we know where the stubborn disease is, there is no cure for it right now.

"Is it difficult, you are something you need to consider, it has nothing to do with me."

"If the Supreme Council really thinks that you can complete the task of regaining it by yourself, then please do it yourself."

"Mr. Fred, please don't blame me for being unreasonable. I only think about my subordinates."

"Since I brought them into this world, I have the responsibility to bring them back intact. I don't want them to become cannon fodder for no apparent reason. You should understand this, right?"

Mr. Fred's difficulties, Li Lin is actually understandable.

However, understanding belongs to understanding, but the bottom line cannot be broken.

"I can understand..."

"Hey... I understand, Mr. Li Lin, I will try my best to communicate with the higher-ups, and strive to retain the independent operational command for you."

"In addition, I also hope that Mr. Li Lin can understand that the Supreme Council is not my decision, and some things cannot be decided by me alone, so I hope that no matter what the result is, it will not affect the friendship between you and me."

"That's natural. Senator Fred, you can rest assured."

Facing the powerful Li Lin, Senator Fred could only let out a long sigh in the end, and ended the call in great disappointment.

Although as one of the members of the Supreme Council, he should fight for the Council, but in fact, he has long understood that the theory of the Council is no longer applicable to the current war.

It's just that, as he said, his own power is still limited after all, and even he can't change the will of the entire Supreme Council.

So even though this call was a bit unpleasant, he was unwilling to really offend Li Lin because of it.

Having personally experienced the last rescue operation, he felt the importance of Li Lin very deeply.

As an excellent member of parliament, he certainly cannot casually give up such a powerful ally!

So in this regard, Li Lin also gave the other party a promise.

He understands what Congressman Fred means, and at the same time, he understands even more that although this so-called 'friendship' is driven by interests, he does need a strong supporter.

And Senator Fred is undoubtedly an excellent candidate.


Next, let's see if this congressman is really strong!
Although Li Lin didn't like to use this method very much in front of the war, but in order to ensure everyone's safety, he could only choose "privately" this once!

"Failed again?"

On the second day after the phone call with Senator Fred ended, the Sci-Tech World Mecha Troop organized another counterattack against the swarm.

What's more, the entire world is watching this battle, whether it's TV or the Internet, almost all of them are filming and broadcasting the battle live.

It's a pity that in front of billions of viewers around the world, the mecha troop of the world of science and technology suffered another tragic defeat.

Although the entire army that was not hit was wiped out, there are still a large number of mechas that fell into the positions of the swarm.

This result can be said to have shocked the whole world!

The most advanced mecha unit, the most thorough strategic plan, why faced with that mindless bug, it still failed?

Our technological world...is it really impossible to resist the invasion of Zerg?
After a battle, although Li Lin was not surprised by the defeat, the result was obviously not acceptable to the people in the technological world.

It is also because of this that both the Supreme Council and the Mech Force have suffered the most serious crisis of trust in history.

Once the defeat cannot be effectively contained, the technological world may really collapse in an all-round way, and even the speaker of the Supreme Council may step down directly.

After all, this is a free world, and even wars can be broadcast live, so what's so difficult about pushing down a speaker?

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(End of this chapter)

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