Chapter 99 Kathmandu

Gu Yi nodded approvingly.

"All your magic skills can be adjusted in terms of power, range and form. I believe you can do this in the next few days." Ancient One said while pacing.
"But changing the form is the most difficult. You have to calm down to control the fixed form of energy."

After watching Luo Yang's half-hour training, Master Gu Yi continued to point out the maze while Luo Yang was resting.

Luo Yang also gradually understood that if he could master the secret energy in his body proficiently, the template limitation of the original spell skills would gradually disappear, so that he could exert greater power of the skills!

Master Gu Yi left the small black room, returned to the main hall to meditate and rest, and left Luo Yang silently in this room.

This is where Luo Yang will practice meditation alone in the future.

After a short nap, he entered the virtual training ground.Take advantage of the more unrestricted training conditions in the training ground, and start improving [Frost Arrow], [Cone of Ice] and [Arcane Blast].

To change the skills and spells that were originally a stable model into an elemental energy form that can be controlled at will, as Gu Yi said, it takes time and energy.

However, Luo Yang got Gu Yi's consent, he can stay in Karma Taj as long as he wants, at least a year or so without any problem, and this is probably the most suitable place for further study.

Not only can he train secret skills, he can further improve his strength, and he can also compete with these Karma Taj mages to improve the level of melee combat!

However, it made Luo Yang feel weird to fight close combat with a mage.

Kama Taj is like a fake holy place for mages. Here are all fighters who have added strength and agility, and will kill you with a whirlwind in seconds.

Two weeks later.

At noon, Luo Yang came to Karma Taj's restaurant after training.

Eating here is also a very pleasant thing.Clean cafeteria, few diners, return to the original food.

Luo Yang has no interest in those Indian curries, and today he chose the Chinese set meal of Karma Taj, three dishes, one soup and rice.

Luo Yang, who was eating the set meal alone, sat next to two senior mages.

Big Brother Modu, and the librarian——Wang.

Although Luo Yang was not an official disciple of Gu Yi and could not call Modu his senior brother, he, like all the mages here, respected this powerful mage very much.

He will be the famous Baron Mordo in the future!Can you not respect it?
As Wang is a librarian, Luo Yang will definitely deal with him in the future.

The king who has been in Karma Taj for many years, it seems that he has long been used to the title "king".

However, the word [王] really brings a lot of misunderstandings to the Chinese!What kind of king, which king?Shang Zhou?Overlord of Chu?King Arthur?My ♂ king? .
"Purifier, are you used to living in Karma Taj?" Modu asked after taking a bite of curry rice.

"It's okay, I'm training under the guidance of the supreme mage these days." Luo Yang said truthfully.

Modu: "In the beginning, I really couldn't get used to the food here. Afterwards, I got better after I vomited."

"Isn't there Chinese food?" Luo Yang asked.

"When I came here, only Nepalese chefs were cooking here! It's really bitter to think about it." Modu seemed to be remembering bitterness and sweetness.

Wang Ze joked: "Fortunately, I came later than you, at least I can still have Chinese food."

Modu looked at Wang again: "It seems that Kama Taj's food is very appetizing to you, so you are so fat."

The fat mage ate his food, not caring about Modu's ridicule at all.

"Uh, out of curiosity, I want to ask, Wang, is your name just Wang?"

Luo Yang curiously asked the same question as Doctor Strange.

"Yeah, just call me king."

Luo Yang smiled bitterly and said, "People from the Hua Kingdom definitely don't choose their names like this."

"You're right. But I've been called Wang for so many years." Wang scratched his short crew cut.

"In case, Master Gu Yi takes in a new disciple, and happens to meet Wang, the most common surname in Huaguo, such as Wang Kai, Wang Yuan, Wang Da, etc. How do you distinguish it from the disciples surnamed Wang?" Luo said. Young asked.

Wang had never thought about this question before, he pondered for a moment: "Before I entered Karma Taj, my name was Wang Ming."

"That's great, everyone can call you by your full name in the future." Luo Yang laughed.

Wang Ming, who has always used the robot-like name of "Wang", also showed a slight smile, which seemed to be acquiescence.

However, Luo Yang also really hates the setting in Marvel that has only a little knowledge of Chinese culture. The real name of the ancient master is only one word "Yao", and the name of Doctor Strange's assistant is only one "king". You cartoonists Is the name useless? ? ?If the names are useless, why are the names of the villain and the hero longer than the other?

What James Grant. Bob Hussein. Mohammad. Stannis. Smith!
After lunch, the mages were ready to devote themselves to unremitting training again.

Just as Modu and Luo Yang walked out of the cafeteria together, a female mage came running quickly, looking for Modu.

"Master Modu, Master Gu Yi asked you to take a few masters to the central square of Kathmandu. There is chaos there and we need our help."

The female mage's voice was clear and pleasant, and it was Miss Xingchen.

"Understood, Xingchen will go with me. Purifier, you come too." Modu responded immediately, and glanced at Xingchen and Luo Yang.

Miss Xingchen had a determined expression on her face: "Okay, Master Modu."

Five minutes later, Modu took Luo Yang and Xingchen, and the three set off together to the square in Kathmandu.

Modu asked: "Xingchen, what happened over there in the square?"

"I don't know why, some riots happened. I heard that the leader set fire near the square, which caused panic among many citizens of Kathmandu."

Modu said coldly: "The citizens of Kathmandu are still very calm. These people are causing trouble here, and they really don't use their brains."

"Besides, there is Karma Taj in Kathmandu." Royan added.

"Actually, outsiders don't know that Karma Taj is in Kathmandu. They all think that this is a branch. Most people think that Karma Taj and Ancient One are hidden in the Himalayas." Karl Modu quickened his pace.

In front of the line of sight, a crowd and a square appeared.

Led by two men in red, more than [-] thugs were wantonly venting their emotions, holding torches in their hands, burning and smashing small shops near the square at will!

The police in Kathmandu knew Master Modu and immediately communicated with him.

"They are extremists. They were originally parading, but their behavior became more and more outrageous after that!" the police said.

This group of crazy elements of about 30 people is still holding the banner of Hydra!

They were excited because of the reappearance of the red skull in the world, as if they were superstitious beliefs. Under the leadership of a few mysterious visitors, the crowd became more and more!Not only the parade, but under the excitement, smashing, burning and looting, the behavior is out of control!
Fortunately, this is Kathmandu, Nepal.If it is in some big cities in democratic countries where people are prone to incitement, the consequences will be unimaginable.
(It’s a new week, I’m asking for a recommendation ticket! Thank you!)

(End of this chapter)

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