Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 96 First Arrival at Karma Taj

Chapter 96 First Arrival at Karma Taj
More than 500 years ago, Master Gu Yi was just a dutiful son of a farmer in Huaguo. "He" or "she" was originally named Yao.

By chance, Yao entered the world of magic and got a new name: Ancient One.

From a talented young mage, he gradually grew into the pillar of Kama Taj, and finally inherited the title of supreme mage!
But Gu Yi's master, how did he know that he was Gu Yi? This name is a bit too strong!So is this Master going to be called Taiyi?

Gu Yi can be said to be the most powerful supreme mage from ancient times to the present. He has heard of his reputation in the Nine Worlds, Hell, Heaven, or Multiverse.

Gu Yi doesn't have any hair or eyebrows, and his appearance is quite soft. He looks only in his 40s, with feminine femininity and masculine corners in his face.

According to Luo Yang's guess, Gu Yi should be similar to Apocalypse. The body of Gu Yi mage is not his original body. After more than 500 years, Gu Yi's gender has become blurred.

As the supreme mage, Gu Yi has saved the earth countless times in areas unknown to human beings.The existence of the Ancient One also saved the earth from the invasion of demons and evil lurking in the multiverse.

The ancient mage stood up from the ground.The body seems to be the same as that of a young boy.

Modu: "Master Supreme. I have brought the Purifier."

Master Gu Yi waved his hand to let Luo Yang enter, and ordered: "Wang, Modu, go and do your work. Let Tina Sui serve me."

Wang Ming and Mo Du didn't have another word, and immediately bowed to say goodbye and left.

And Luo Yang followed Master Gu Yi to the center of the hall.

"Supreme Master, I am Luo Yang."

"Purifier Luo Yang, I heard your story. You have attracted countless attentions in New York." Gu Yi turned around and looked at Luo Yang.

"I just do what I want to do. There are a lot of times when what's going on around me pushes me to do it, and I can't hide from it."

Gu Yi looked into Luo Yang's eyes seriously: "You are very thoughtful. I think you are not only as young as you look."

Luo Yang was taken aback, could it be that Master Gu Yi was able to see through his secret with just one look? Professor X can see through himself, Luo Yang believes it, that is his talent, but Master Gu Yi can also do it?

"Come on, sit down, we have a lot to talk about." Master Gu Yi asked Luo Yang to sit on the mahogany chair next to him.

Tina Sui, a young and delicate female mage, came to Gu Yi's side holding two cups.

Tina smiled and handed the teacup to Master Gu Yi and Luo Yang.

Luo Yang is now single again, and this young mage Tina is indeed extraordinary, which makes his eyes shine.

"Tina, bring some more snacks." Gu Yi added.

After a while, Luo Yang took the specialty dim sum in Tina's hand and started to eat it.

Gu Yi let Luo Yang eat, and then asked: "The first thing, I want to talk to you about Loki and the ring of doom."

Luo Yang knew everything, whether it was the Ring of Doom, the Red Skull, or the battle with Loki, he told the Ancient One.

There is nothing to hide in front of Mage Ancient One. If the bald man in front of him is not the guardian of the earth, but a loyal lackey of some dark monarch, then everyone is already finished.

Gu Yi had a clear mind, and first said: "No wonder the Ring of Doom appeared at this time. It turns out that the Red Skull is hiding this artifact."

Luo Yang asked: "What secrets are there in the ring of doom?"

"As far as I know, there are secrets in the ring of doom, and only powerful people can use this energy," Gu Yi looked forward, "It is said that the ring of doom can take people back from the hands of the goddess of death and resurrect others. It is precisely because This legend has made countless people flock to it. However, many owners died of the bad luck of the goddess of strife, but there is no way to revive it."

Back from the dead?resurrection?Not only Luo Yang was dumbfounded, but even Karl Modu was also dumbfounded when he heard this story for the first time.

However, it is not that there is no such thing in the Marvel Universe. The Eye of Agomodo in the MCU can easily reverse the timeline and resurrect the undead.

Gu Yi added: "The ring of doom is not only a secret weapon, it is also rumored to be a fragment of an ancient artifact. But I don't know more about this ancient artifact. I am afraid that only gods know about the ring of doom. What the hell is it?"

One of the fragments of the ancient artifact?Judging from the current effects of bad luck, the meaning behind it is not simple.

"So Loki took a fancy to the Ring of Doom and wanted to take it away from the earth." Luo Yang responded.

"Let Loki take away the ring of doom. This thing is impossible for him to rule the earth. With his strength, I am afraid that he needs a stronger backer and a more powerful artifact to allow him to conquer the earth. However, that Then the power of the earth will be stronger."

Master Ancient One is simply predicting the Battle of New York!But according to the current confusing timeline, it is still a question whether the New York War will change.

"Then I already know enough about the Ring of Doom and Loki." Gu Yi looked at Luo Yang, "Let's talk about you."

"I'm also looking forward to the guidance of the supreme mage." Luo Yang smiled.

Gu Yi: "As far as I know, you are an extraordinary fighter with energy. You can control several kinds of energy freely, and at the same time have the ability to strengthen yourself. Even in the face of Loki, you have the ability to fight .”

Luo Yang was looking forward to what Gu Yi would say next.

"I can guess what you are thinking. You want purer and stronger power. Is that so? Purifier." Gu Yi said indifferently.

Luo Yang felt that this bald man was no different from Professor X who knew how to read minds.

He nodded and said: "Anyone will yearn for more powerful abilities."

"Then Purifier, what do you want to use your power for?" Ancient One asked.

This question is a little sudden.

It's like a professor of a compulsory course who assigns an 8000-word essay at the end of the class, and also asks: It must be handed in tomorrow morning!
At first, when Luo Yang came to this world, he just wanted to improve his strength so that he could survive.

Later, he also enjoyed the fun of using the system to fight, enjoyed the thrill of drawing cards and releasing skills like a hero.

There are also many big and small battles in New York, and he spends most of his time fighting gangs and mysterious organizations.

So what is the point of fighting?
After thinking for a long time, Luo Yang raised his head:
"To have the power to change everything I see."

Gu Yi smiled and said, "Then do you think this world is good or bad?"

Luo Yang said: "This is the best of times, and it is also the worst of times."

Gu Yi understood what Luo Yang meant.

"People are going straight to heaven, people are going straight to hell."

Gu Yi groaned.

The dialogue between Luo Yang and Gu Yi is exactly the classic passage written by Dickens at the beginning of A Tale of Two Cities!

As a street writer who loves to read, at least Luo Yang remembers this famous book.

"Royan, next, you will stay in Karma Taj for a while and see if I can help you."

"Thank you Supreme Mage."

If he doesn't seize this opportunity that is close at hand, he will definitely regret it for the rest of his life.

 In the movie, there are quite a lot of changes to the comics.Gu Yi should be a bald Chinese master with a white beard.Lively changing the role of a great god set by a Chinese to a female white, what kind of Celtic is it?This is really speechless, and I have to complain.

(End of this chapter)

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