Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 90 Lady Viper

Chapter 90 Lady Viper
Ms. Leona Heath wore light makeup and looked good.

There is a shallow scar on the left side of her cheek. Compared with Natasha, she has a slender figure, with slender shoulders and a thin waist, and her temperament is refined.

It's hard to imagine that this woman is actually an employee of the Winter Soldier and the leader of a mysterious organization.

"I'm Mrs. Viper. I witnessed the establishment of your S.H.I.E.L.D. agency."

Amidst the surprise of Coulson, Luo Yang and others, Leona paced slowly and said generously.

The name Viper Madam made Coulson alert.

"Are you the former Lady Hydra?" Coulson asked.

Mrs. Viper smiled: "That's right. But the Hydra has long been extinct, and the name Viper is more suitable for me."

Coulson was shocked, his thoughts spinning rapidly.

The existence of the Ring of Doom, Mrs. Viper and the Red Skull, there must be a connection between the three.

Coulson reacted: "So, Miss Heath, you are now the leader of the Reconstruction Society?!"

Madam Viper took a step forward: "Agent Coulson, I appreciate you very much."

Coulson tightened his grip on the gun.

"Because you actually called a woman who is much older than you Miss." Madam Viper's smile was fatally bewildered.

Lingdie didn't want to listen to this woman's nonsense anymore, so she jumped up and attacked Madam Viper!
She holds a samurai sword in her left hand, and an energy blade in her right hand. Both weapons go straight to Mrs. Viper's vitals!
When Mrs. Viper saw Spirit Butterfly making a move, she asked the people around her to block Spirit Butterfly.

At this moment, another seven or eight members of the Reconstruction Society outside the window broke the glass and rushed directly into the exhibition hall.

These Reinvention Society members are all reinvented people!

The leading member of the Reconstruction Society has an extremely strong body and uses sharp nails as weapons.

It can be guessed that this is one of the finished products of Weapon X - Saber Toothed Tiger!

Luo Yang made a prompt decision, he summoned [Water Element]!Due to the addition of the Jaina card, the original costly summoning of water elements has reduced the consumption of secret energy by 60%, which also allows Luo Yang to calmly control the secret energy!
A summoned object with a height of more than 2 meters and composed of ice and water appeared in everyone's sight!
Luo Yang issued an order to the water element through the believer system, so that the water element Xiaobo can eliminate those minions of the Reconstruction Society!

Coulson and Natasha saw the water element. Such a huge and cute summoning thing.The two well-informed agents were naturally not shocked. Natasha quietly asked, "I read it right, did the Purifier summon it?"

Coulson nodded: "It's the first time I've seen this too."

"It seems that this Chinese boy still has a lot of tricks to show." Natasha said in a low voice.

"In the director's plan, such a person is needed. And he has a good relationship with Tony Stark."

Coulson begins to move, ready to attack members of the Reforged Society!
It was Luo Yang's first time summoning a water element. However, the skill of summoning water element still has a lot of room for growth. Summoning creatures still need to be trained in the virtual training ground.

The water elemental shot out shock waves like ice bolts, attacking the Reconstruction Gunners in the back row.

The reality is so absurd, the mutants - Gambit, Psylocke, and the young Purifier Luo Yang, these three people actually became the front row of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, fighting close to each other with Reconstruction.

Thanks to the help of the water element, the firepower of the Reconstruction Society was weakened, and Luo Yang was able to calmly deal with the attacking reformers!

Luo Yang swung his hands and used the ice cone technique, and then easily cut the two reformers to death!

Ling Die and Gambit are dealing with the thick-skinned saber-toothed tiger!

The saber-toothed tiger is not slow, and his body has the ability to quickly regenerate and recover no less than Wolverine!
Gambit's poker cards and Lingdie's knife, for the time being, they can't do anything to this X-Weapon's big killer.
The scene has gotten a little out of control.

This battle has dragged on too long, too long.

Luo Yang began to adjust his goals.Grabbing Mrs. Viper is the key!
After Luo Yang took out the reformer in front of him with a cleave, he didn't stop at all. He boldly flashed behind Mrs. Viper and used [Frost Nova]!
A blast of frost energy exploded, freezing Mrs. Viper and the gunmen around her!

Immediately afterwards, Luo Yang used the last burst of secret energy, raised his hand and released [Cone of Ice], the continuous frost can cause a lot of damage to the enemy!
The icy cold wind of the Cone of Ice technique blew past, and even the cyborgs with stronger physical fitness than ordinary people were killed by Luo Yang's double strike! !

However, Mrs. Viper stood in the frost. Although she was frozen and unable to move, she did not suffer any frost damage.
Royan and Mrs. Viper——Leona stared at each other, her physique is extraordinary!
Spirit Butterfly is very clever, seeing that Luo Yang froze Mrs. Viper, she rolled over, and then slashed at Mrs. Viper with a samurai sword.

Lady Viper bent over to dodge Psylocke's attack.Then she broke free from the ice directly!
Just as Luo Yang and Lingdie were preparing to attack together, Mrs. Viper took out a vial from her waist with great speed.
A dense green mist spreads
A choking smell began to permeate around Luo Yang!

"Careful, retreat quickly!" Coulson shouted!

He took the spirit butterfly and immediately retreated to avoid the poisonous fog
However, the spread of the poisonous mist is very fast, and it can cover the entire exhibition hall in just a few tens of seconds!

Coulson also realized the danger: "Everyone go outside!"

Mrs. Viper used her last resort. This move made no distinction between enemy and friend, and even members of the Reconstruction Society would be killed by poisonous gas!

However, the retreat of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Royan is tantamount to giving up the Ring of Doom.
When Coulson saw Mrs. Viper Leona appearing on the stage, he already understood that today's actions were more ominous than good, and the loss of the Ring of Doom was inevitable.

It took about 10 minutes for Coulson's men to dispose of the poisonous gas in the entire exhibition hall.

When Luo Yang returned to the exhibition hall, there was only one living creature left in the entire exhibition hall except for the super soldier who was frozen in place - the Winter Soldier——

That is the water element that he summoned just now.

The water element is still waiting for Luo Yang's order, but the tragic battle in front of him has been declared over because of Mrs. Viper's theft.

With a cool wave of Luo Yang's hand, the wavelet of the water element dissipated, leaving only a puddle of water on the ground.

On the ground lay the corpses of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and members of the Reconstruction Society. These poor worms who died of poisonous gas were horrific.Even the Winter Soldier, who was injected with the super soldier serum, was so poisoned that he passed out.

Coulson's men immediately thawed the Winter Soldier and took him away.

And it was Natasha Romanov who was in charge of escorting the Winter Soldier.

She frowned, carefully supporting the frozen body of the Winter Soldier.

Natasha whispered in Bucky's ear, "Winter Soldier-Alpha."

The Winter Soldier recognized Natasha's familiar voice, but he couldn't recall Black Widow's real name.Her name is lost in the corner of the Winter Soldier's old memory.

Bucky said nothing, his deep eyes were fixed on Natasha's face.


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