Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 88 The Ring of Doom

Chapter 88 The Ring of Doom

"Mr. Luo, and what happened last time, it seems that there was a little misunderstanding between us."

After Coulson finished speaking, he offered to extend his hand to show friendship.

"There is no misunderstanding, I think you are doing the right thing."

"If you can think that way, that would be great." After the handshake, Coulson laughed.

"Anna Marie's abilities are indeed dangerous, so I sent her to Professor X's school."

Coulson said they already knew all this, but he praised Royan's behavior very much:
"The Rakshasa girl's ability can affect ordinary people and is easy to be used by others. She should stay in a place isolated from the world."

"—I hope that we can put aside the misunderstanding and continue to cooperate in the future."


Although Luo Yang is not planning to join S.H.I.E.L.D., they can still cooperate with each other, and there is no need for everyone to make the relationship very tense.

But Luo Yang really wants to say that you have locked up the Red Skulls, and there are Hydras in S.H.I.E.L.D., so the fire in the backyard will be even more chaotic.Just leave the superhero thing alone and mind yourselves.

Phil Coulson lowered his posture, and Luo Yang naturally said some good things.Luo Yang saw that Melinda, who fought against him last time, was sent to the outside by him, it seemed to avoid embarrassment.

Luo Yang is naturally very concerned about the details of the big event in the North Pole.He decided to communicate with the agents, how much did he know inside SHIELD?

"Agent Phil, can I talk to you about what happened in the North Pole?"

"Come with me." He responded in a low voice.

Coulson asked all the agents around him to disperse, while he and Luo Yang pressed in the corner and started whispering.

"Mr. Luo. What about the North Pole?"

"It's the discovery of the Red Skull." Luo Yang said indifferently.

"How do you know what's going on at the North Pole?" Coulson straightened up.
Rhodes showed him the video, but Luo Yang would not tell the truth and betray Colonel Rhodes.

"I know that the Red Skull is lying in that plane. As for how you know, don't ask." Luo Yang smiled.

"Secrets can never be hidden," Coulson sighed. "As far as we know, the inside story of the Arctic event has been leaked. It's just not published on the Internet yet."

"Where is the Red Skull now?"

"The Red Skull is now being held by our SHIELD. In the highest level prison."

"Did you find Captain Rogers later?"

"I can't find it. I personally went to the vicinity over there to investigate. Captain Rogers is definitely missing."

There was a hint of sadness in Coulson's eyes.

Being missing is a miraculous state.No one is alive, no corpse is dead.Others can make the worst guesses, and of course they can also make good assumptions.

Luo Yang boldly told him his guess: "It is very possible that during the final battle between the captain and the Red Skull, the mysterious power protected the captain and made the captain disappear from the earth."

Luo Yang speculates that the mysterious power is the Cosmic Cube, but if he really said it, S.H.I.E.L.D. really wants to invite him into the bureau for tea!

And Coulson immediately thought of the Cosmic Cube. He nodded thoughtfully. The mysterious power possessed by the Cosmic Cube protected the US team. This kind of speculation can indeed explain the current situation.

"How did you deduce that the captain disappeared?" Coulson was curious.

"I believe that Captain Rogers will not die easily. It must be some kind of technology researched by the Red Skull, which led to the disappearance of Captain Rogers." Luo Yang began to make up again.

Phil Coulson couldn't hide his excitement at all, his hands trembling slightly:

"I thought so too, how could Captain Rogers lose to the Red Skull?"

Officer Coulson's eyes are as innocent as those children who admire Captain America.

Perhaps the Black Widow can see the flaws in Luo Yang's words, but it's too easy to fool the No. [-] fan of the US team.

Strictly speaking, the Red Skull entered under the ice of the North Pole, and the US team was teleported away by the Cosmic Cube. What is this not a failure of the US team? ?

Hey, if in a certain world, Captain America turned into a hydra—

And then Hi-Haypaw yelled. Honest Officer Coulson, what do you do?You still have to collapse.

Having said that, it is speculated that where did the US team who was sent away by the Rubik's Cube go?If in a foreign land, what did the American team go through, did they survive?

"I'm going to go to the exhibition hall of the mysterious ring again." Luo Yang pointed in the direction of the flow of people.

Coulson nodded: "Okay, we have a chance to talk again."

As soon as Luo Yang left, Coulson also added a note to him in the file records of the Purifier Luo Yang:
[Already know the details of the [North Pole Event]. 】

Like ordinary citizens, Luo Yang continued to line up and returned to the secret weapon exhibition hall whose real name was the Ring of Doom.

The crowd was crowded, and Luo Yang walked through the crowd.

In the exhibition hall, due to the slightly dense flow of people, the noise became louder and louder.

Luo Yang looked around, vaguely feeling that something was wrong.

Among the crowd, there were several spectators in ordinary clothes.These strong men with sharp eyes stand out from the crowd of amazed audiences!They didn't seem to be visiting the exhibition at all, but were looking at the surrounding situation.

Listening to the conversation between Lingdie and Black Widow, Luo Yang can guess that there was an episode in the exhibition hall yesterday, and outsiders wanted to steal the ring of doom.

Luo Yang began to walk back quickly, wanting to find Coulson first and let him pay attention to the situation inside.

While running, he accidentally bumped into a man's arm, and Luo Yang immediately apologized to the man in black.

This strong man's arm feels like a prosthetic, and it's extremely heavy! ?

So Luo Yang took a rough look. This is a man wearing a black coat and a peaked cap. He has a beard, his hair is loose, and his handsome face has gloomy eyes.
When Luo Yang reacted, the man in black had already strangled Luo Yang's neck with his gloved left hand!
His arm made the sound of a mechanical arm working!

In front of him, under the brim of his hat, was the gloomy and deep look in his eyes.

Winter Soldier - Bucky Barnes!
The one who is choking Royan's neck now is not the former Sergeant Barnes, but the big killer of Hydra - the Winter Soldier!
The Winter Soldier is extremely quick!Luo Yang now only feels his whole body's energy and blood surging, his blood vessels are tense, and his strength is stimulated, but he is held down by the Winter Soldier again, and the mechanical arm is going to take his own life directly!

The visitors around the two were taken aback, and hurriedly ran away!

In the ears, it seemed that the high-burning BGM in "American Team 2" sounded, and the situation became anxious and tense in an instant! !

Luo Yang forced himself to calm down and used all his secret energy to create freezing air.He tries to freeze the Winter Soldier's robotic arm!

Under the efforts of the Purifiers, the power of the Winter Soldier's mechanical arm slowly began to loosen.
The Purifier seized the opportunity and kicked the Winter Soldier's thigh hard. At the same time, he broke free from the mechanical palm and stepped back!
Finally get rid of the death threat of mechanical arm lock throat!
Luo Yang, who came back from the death lock, took a big breath.

At the same time, he drew Tang Dao from behind, ready to fight the Winter Soldier.The ice shield gradually covered Luo Yang's whole body.

People from S.H.I.E.L.D. rushed in, and Coulson yelled, telling all visitors to evacuate from the gate and the two security doors, and leave the exhibition hall as soon as possible! !

However, several men among the visitors did not move at all, but stopped in place, and forcibly grabbed the children or women around them as their hostages!
The Winter Soldier is the leader of these people, so do these people belong to Hydra?Or the Reconstruction Society?

 In the new week, all kinds of recommendation tickets are requested!


(End of this chapter)

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