Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 86 Psylocke Butterfly

Chapter 86 Psylocke Butterfly
Today, the mysterious ring displayed at this joint collection exhibition is stored in high-grade bulletproof glass cabinets, and visitors can only view it from 3 meters away and cannot stay longer than 10 minutes.

It is such a big battle and so many gimmicks that have caused the public to become more interested in this mysterious ring.

It’s like an online celebrity restaurant that popped up in a big city. It has a limited time and limited purchase. It’s only sold in the afternoon. When you buy it, you can only buy it if you answer a mysterious question.They will think that the packaging of this product is so powerful, and the contents inside will definitely have quality assurance.

The current situation is that a collection that was originally quite mysterious has become more and more gimmick and full of curiosity after the addition of high-grade bulletproof glass, limited viewing, no approach, etc.

Even if a Lese made of scrap iron is placed in the cabinet of this mysterious ring, there will be countless people rushing to see it!
After queuing for a quarter of an hour, Luo Yang finally came in, and gradually approached the mysterious ring.

Visitors around are discussing
"I heard it is the most precious item in Mr. Fisk's collection!"

"It looks like a metal plate."

"Like something left on Earth by aliens."

"... This collection is worth at least tens of millions!"

We have to admire Jin Bing’s handwriting. His name is not listed in this exhibition, but almost half of the visitors know that this is an exhibition of Jin Bing’s private collection, and his public image as a philanthropist has also become fuller. .

Approaching the mysterious ring, Luo Yang could clearly see the structure of the metal disk.Why do the text symbols above look so alien?Definitely seen it in previous movies.

Luo Yang recalled, what is this in the Marvel universe?

Is this also one of the Infinity Stones?

No, the Infinity Gem on Earth is the Time Gem in the Eye of Agomodo, and the Space Gem—the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.Of course, why the space stone is kept on Earth (Norway) seems to be a mystery.

According to the plot that I can barely remember, the power gem-the spirit ball is kept on a small planet in outer space; the mind gem is in the hands of Thanos; and the reality gem-the ether particle has not yet appeared.

The odds of three native Infinity Stones hiding on Earth feel slim.

Gambit patted Luo Yang on the shoulder: "Hey, what's wrong with you? You've been staring at him for at least 2 minutes."

"You said this mysterious ring, what is the origin?"

"Who knows," Gambit's face was serious. "But I can feel the energy surging inside the mysterious ring."

After all, Luo Yang did not have the experience of feeling the energy of Gambit for more than 20 years. He is now standing 3 meters away, and cannot sense the energy in the mysterious ring like Gambit.

"In other words, this is definitely a divine weapon." Luo Yang raised his head.

Gambit nodded and said, "That's right, a very powerful weapon."

"But I'm afraid Jin doesn't know what this metal plate can do." Luo Yang analyzed.

"Yes, that's why." Gambit stroked his chin, "That's why Jin Bin made this thing public."

At this moment, Mr. Wilson Fisk walked out of the metal gate on the second floor after the host's announcement, and came to the large platform on the second floor of the Ring of Mystery exhibition hall. He was just behind the exhibits.

The crowd cheered and waved to Mr. Fisk, a famous New York City entrepreneur and philanthropist who had been on TV.

They don't know that this white man they welcome, this huge white man with a bald head, is also the master behind all the gangs in New York, who has mastered countless crimes and evils.
Luo Yang and Gambit naturally looked on coldly. Gambit complained, "He held onto the railing of the platform, and the iron railing collapsed. This Jin Bin's strength is a bit scary."

"Well, he is not an ordinary person."

"Do you dare to fight him hand-to-hand?" Gambit turned his head and asked.

"What kind of problem is this?"

"I think my hand will be crushed by him." Gambit laughed.

Luo Yang said indifferently: "If you really want to fight hand-to-hand, you need to use some energy. He is obviously not something that ordinary fighting experts can beat. He is really rough and thick."

Gambit smiled and said, "That's right, that's right, it's like the big boss in the game."

Gambit Remy's smile gradually froze, and he saw the woman beside Jin Bing, a beautiful Asian woman in a gray trench coat!
"Oh, Teme's"

Gambit suddenly burst into foul language, and his eyes were fixed on Lingdie.

At this time, Lingdie also saw the hooded man in the front row - Remy the King of Cards.

Lingdie made a gesture to ask Gambling King to wait outside, then Lingdie and Jinhe whispered a word, and walked down with light steps.

"Do you know Jin Bin's woman?"

Gambit walked out in a hurry, while pulling Luo Yang: "It's too late to explain, come with me first."

Luo Yang and Gambit walked out of the exhibition hall of the mysterious ring. In the crowd outside, Lingdie crossed his arms and waited for Gambit to come.

She turned and walked away, leading Royan and Remy into a secluded lounge.

Gambit finally entered the lounge and locked the room.

Luo Yang said softly to Remy the King of Cards: "Why don't I leave, you two?"

"Luo, what are you thinking?" Gambit sat down on the sofa, then smiled and said, "Lingdie, long time no see, sit down."

Spirit Butterfly-Elizabeth, she just snorted and sat opposite Gambit.

After Gambit introduced Luo Yang, he chatted with Lingdie: "Luo is my friend. Lingdie, tell me about your current situation? How did you become Jin Bin's mercenary?"

Lingdie didn't answer, she gave Gambit a vicious look: "You haven't contacted me for so long."

The Emperor of Cards looked embarrassed. Luo Yang looked at him with admiration, Remy, Remy, you are not only a card master, but also a lover.

"Spirit butterfly."

Lingdie raised her legs, and under her windbreaker was just a battle suit that was exposed, almost like a swimsuit.There are no stockings on a pair of beautiful legs, and this woman has a mature and sexy taste all over her body.

Lingdie smiled disdainfully and said, "Remy, I also heard that you saved several mutants who were captured by the Reinvention Society."

"That's nothing, it's right to save mutants."

"I'm not as kind as you, I just want to make more money." Lingdie said truthfully.


(Ms. Marvel and Spirit Butterfly are the most exposed in the comics. There is no difference between the battle suit and the swimsuit. The cartoonist set it for the otaku!!)
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 First update.Explosive liver code words.

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(End of this chapter)

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