Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 84 The Red Skull's Secret Artifact

Chapter 84 The Red Skull's Secret Artifact
The body of the Red Skull was successfully taken over by S.H.I.E.L.D.Sure enough, SHIELD kept the comatose Red Skull in a frozen liquid nitrogen container, and then put the container in the highest-level S.H.I.E.L.D. prison.This notorious terrorist of the last century didn't know what other waves would be caused.

All the bigwigs in the world are so bombarded by a king that they can't sit still. Some are worried about turmoil, some are whimsical, and even want to get the Red Skull from S.H.I.E.L.D.

And there was an episode in the North Pole.

Before S.H.I.E.L.D. had arrived at the North Pole, members of the scientific expedition team inspected in the cabin of an aircraft made by Hydra.

This is a high-tech aircraft cabin, and the construction technology of this aircraft far exceeds the technological level of the era of World War II.

A scientific expedition member, taking advantage of the surrounding teammates not paying attention, approached the Red Skull, pretending to study the Red Skull's Naqu suit, but was actually searching.While no one was paying attention, he sneaked away a piece of metal in the Red Skull's chest pocket.

The scientific expedition member touched the whole body of the Red Skull, and found that only this piece of metal was probably worth some money, and it had not been discovered yet.This piece of metal was taken into the bag by the daring explorer!
In fact, this scientific expedition team member is not an authentic scientific researcher at all, but an explorer who sneaked into the Arctic scientific expedition team.This piece of metal will be the explorer's biggest gain in the North Pole, and it will bring him at least $100 million in income.

ten days later.

Jin Bin - the mansion of Wilson Fisk.

James, Kim Bin's right-hand man, is showing something new for Kim Bin.

"Mr. Fisk, the metal plate found in the North Pole, according to your instructions, I brought it back for you from the black market."

"This time you went to the black market in Russia, no one discovered your identity, right?"

"Of course not." James Wesley laughed.

Jin Bin's think tank - James Wesley, easily completed the task for his master.

Jin put the metal object in his huge palm and looked at it.

The metal object is in the shape of a hexagonal disk, the middle part is shimmering red metal, and there are strange symbols engraved on the metal disk. This kind of symbol does not look like the characters of the earth at all.

Wesley continued: "After identification, the material of this ring does not belong to the known elements of the earth. More than 100 years ago, this metal disk was called the 'Mysterious Ring'. The contestants are all people with mysterious powers, such as the mandarin of Huaguo, who also spent a lot of energy in order to find the 'mysterious ring'."

The metal block carried by the red skull has become a rare treasure discovered by the Arctic expedition, and it hides many secrets.

Jin Bing stroked the metal plate and said calmly, "It's not called the Mystic Ring, I know its real name."

"It has an alias, but ordinary people don't know it at all." Wesley said indifferently, "The real name of this item is said to be [Ring of Doom]."

Jin Bing was silent for a long time, and whispered: "The Ring of Misfortune. It's a good name."

Wesley asked, "Why did Mr. Fisk say that?"

"Bad luck. He will bring bad luck to the owner." Jin's eyes were burning. .

Wesley echoed: "It is true. It is named doom, which is related to several legendary masters."

Wesley also looked at the hexagonal metal disk: "I'm curious about the potential and secrets of this ring of doom."

Jin held the ring of doom and stood up:
"Although I also care about the secret of the ring of doom, we won't be able to find out for a while."

"—No matter what potential and secrets this ring of doom has, I don't care. I'm not a wizard, and I don't care about magic or witchcraft."

Wesley said with a smile: "This mysterious ring, I believe it will become another pawn of Mr. Fisk."

Jin just sneered.

"Can I have a look, Mr. Fisk."

A delicate female voice sounded, and it was the voice of the third person in the office.

A mature woman in a gray trench coat with revealing tights underneath.She walked out of the corner of Jin Bing's office.

Elizabeth Braddock.Her name is very long, and no one remembers her real name.

But the name of Spirit Butterfly is impressive.Especially in X-Men-Apocalypse, I am afraid that many people will only remember the big boss Apocalypse who can do styling and this stunning beauty character in the end.

Lingdie is an Asian-faced beauty with a hot body, and most importantly, she likes to travel light.

The mercenary Psylocke always carries a samurai sword with her, and she can create a sharp blade with energy in her left hand!
And Lingdie's current identity is Jin Bing's personal bodyguard!

Lingdie approached Jin Bin: "Can I have a look at the Ring of Doom?"

Jin Bing smiled and said, "Of course."

Jin Bin seemed to trust his personal bodyguard very much, and handed the Ring of Doom to Lingdie with a smile on his face.Which boss wouldn't like such a beautiful woman who is sexy and can hit?

Spirit Butterfly took the hexagonal metal disk and began to study it.A moment later, her left hand condensed her own energy, emitting a purple-red light.

Under the stimulation of the energy of the spirit butterfly, the ring of doom gradually responded.

The red metal part in the middle of the Ring of Doom gradually turns orange and then slowly returns to normal.
Spirit Butterfly murmured in a low voice: "This ring of doom does indeed have very powerful inner energy. But..."

Psylocke is very distressed, she can't solve the mystery easily, she can't use or feel the potential of the ring of doom.

Jin turned his back:

"It doesn't matter. The circle of doom is not mine. It belongs to Strife."

"Mr. Fisk, are you going to make the Ring of Doom public?!" Lingdie understood the meaning.

"Yes, I have asked Wesley to prepare for the exhibition, and I will display this mysterious ring accompanied by doom in this exhibition."

Kim showed a smug smile.

"... This ring of doom will be displayed in the most advanced exhibition hall in New York for more than half a month. At that time, we will wait and see a good show."

No matter which side covets the ring of doom, Jin Bing just needs to wait and see across the river.

Lingdie quite agrees with Jin Bing's thoughts:
"I can imagine that scene."

(Recommended ticket portal~)
 Spider-Man Homecoming Season (Heroes Return) finished watching last night!

  The rhythm is super tight, the sensation is in place, the plot is not routine, it's great!

  There are many daily plots ~ very loving, and most of the characters are more eye-catching.I especially like the white hostess girl and the cool Michelle in it.

  Tony. Stark's appearances are also appropriate.

  Oh, by the way, there is also an end-credits egg. It's really exciting.

  The plot of this little spider can be added to any novel, as long as the age is changed.

(End of this chapter)

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