Chapter 82
Luo Yang scanned the entire office.However, in this Stark's business office, where is there a large conference table?
Tony issued instructions to Jarvis, and then in the middle of the business office, the floor opened, and a large round desk rose from the middle.

Then Colonel James Lord told the lieutenant to put the computer on the round desk.

Colonel Rhodes fumbled on the keyboard and opened the video window.

"What I'll show you next is top secret," said the colonel.

Tony laughed and said, "Don't make it so serious, your military secrets are all bullshit in the end, and the media knows better than you yourself."

Colonel Rhodes corrected his face and said: "Because you are my good friend and military partner, I came here specially to show you!"

In fact, James Rhodes knew that there would be something Tony cared about in the video, so he deliberately brought the live video to please Tony Stark who usually treats him well.

"This video is live. I can't guess why you want to show it to me. Basically, I know everything you know before you." Tony sat down.

Colonel Rhodes sneered and opened a picture. Tony, who was still smiling, gradually became stiff, and finally he was dumbfounded.

In the picture, it is in the ice and snow that half of the shield is exposed, with red and blue colors, and a huge half of a five-pointed star.

Shield of Captain America Steve Rogers.

Tony Stark looked at the shield carefully for a long time, almost half a minute.

This star round shield is also a vibrating gold shield made by Howard Stark himself for the US team.

"My father spent countless energy and time just to find Steve." Tony was filled with emotion.

Tony's father, Howard Stark, is an important figure in the history of Marvel. He shaped Tony and also influenced Steve. He is also the pioneer of the Stark Group. Seems so wise and important.

Tony was deeply influenced by his father, so he was naturally very concerned about finding Captain America.Unexpectedly, even Howard and Peggy Carter had long since given up hope, but there was a new discovery?
"Now that the shield is found, what about Captain America himself?" Tony asked doubtfully.

Colonel Rhodes pointed to the screen: "In half an hour, the scientific expedition team that discovered the shield will enter the frozen plane, which was manufactured by the Red Skull using the Cosmic Cube technology."

"Okay, then let's wait." Tony raised his legs and took out his mobile phone to play.

In half an hour, the US team will reappear in the world.
The leggy Tony Stark beside him was leisurely waiting for Captain America to show up.

After a while, there was movement on the live video. The scientific expedition team found the wreckage of the huge plane. After the ice melted, they were about to enter through the gap!

I believe that at the same time, countless government figures in the world, such as Nick Fury, General Ross, etc., are watching?If this live video broadcast is like the hot live broadcast in today's era, how much money can it make?

Several members of the scientific expedition team walked into the plane.It can be seen from the video that the wreckage of the entire plane is covered with snow.

Finally, in the corner of the wreckage of the plane, the scientific expedition team made a discovery.

A scientific expedition team member shouted: "There is a person buried here!"

In the frozen snow, a pair of military boots could be vaguely seen.

All the people in front of the screen held their breath.

The scientific expedition team dug open the ice coffin very carefully.The body under the ice coffin gradually unfolded in front of everyone.

A dark green military uniform. Not the blue and white US team uniform!
When the camera pans over, everything is shocking.

This body has an extremely terrifying red head!

Seeing this terrifying face and the badge of the Hydra on his chest, Luo Yang dared not believe it:

The person who has been frozen for nearly 70 years is not the American team Steve, but the Red Skull Schmidt!

Tony was dumbfounded, his astonishment was multiplied by N
He looked at Colonel Rhodes: "What's the matter? Why did you find the shield first, but found the red skull instead?"

Tony scratched his hair frantically: "Why is it not Captain Rogers, but Red Skull?"

After Colonel Rhodes calmed down, he contacted the military. He asked eagerly:
"Is the Red Skull still alive?"

The military sent a reply: "The Red Skull was frozen in the ice, but due to unknown reasons, he did not die, but fell into a state similar to hibernation. He seems to be able to wake up."

Luo Yang felt something bad in his heart: Red Skull was also injected with super soldier serum, and his body functions are also very powerful!He can also be frozen for more than 70 years and survive!

The resurrection of the Red Skull in this chaotic era is really dangerous.

Could it be that, many years ago, during the final battle between the US team and the Red Skull, the US team was teleported away by the Cosmic Cube, and the Red Skull drove the plane into the Arctic ice?
This picture is too beautiful to imagine.But having said that, according to the original plot, the Red Skull should not die, and the American team has been frozen for many years, and it is also not dead, it seems that there is no difference!

Colonel Rhodes glanced at the anxious Tony, and he asked for Tony Stark:

"Have you found Captain Rogers? He should be in this plane too!"

"This scientific expedition team has understood the instructions and will continue to search!" The military personnel responded immediately.

Tony couldn't believe what was happening, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"How could this be, how could this be."

Although the reversal of the red skull did make Luo Yang dumbfounded and shocked, but what will happen next, Luo Yang can guess.

The Red Skull will be locked in their special prison by SHIELD, "forever not to be reborn", and the scientists of the SHIELD may draw some blood of the Red Skull for research or something.

Hydra will definitely find a way to rescue the Red Skull, this is the spiritual leader!But when Hydra's plan will succeed remains a mystery.

It was about 5 minutes before Tony recovered from the shock.

"You came here specially to show me today, thank you, Roddy." Tony politely thanked his friend, Colonel Rhodes.

"Tony, where is the suit of battle armor that you promised to let me try!" Colonel Rhodes suddenly remembered an important thing.

However, Tony put on a blue and thin look. He rubbed his eyes: "Take it easy. I will help you debug in two days. I need these two days to adjust my emotions."

Lan Shou, you are Iron Man, Iron Man!Can you cheer up a little!Steve is indeed very important to you, but it shouldn't make you so depressed!

Luo Yang can't wait to become the king of Tucao, stand up and explode the energy of Tucao.
"Regulate emotions? Isn't it just playing games, playing models, and throwing parties? Tony, don't forget to add a small cannon to me." Colonel Rhodes really couldn't stand it.

Tony played with his mobile phone like a big child: "I see, Roddy, I will hurry up."

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  ps: double update today!
  Recommend a book: Sirius' "Master of the Throne", a very rare Game of Thrones fan.Game of Thrones (Ice and Fire) has a huge and detailed world view, with more main and branch lines than Marvel.Book friends who are interested in this book can go and have a look!Ben Xianyu is also fascinated by Quan You!

(End of this chapter)

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