Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 78 Dangerous Coincidence

Chapter 78 Dangerous Coincidence
A week after Big Daddy retired. (Early October 2008.)
Mindy clamored to go out for dinner with Felicia, but Officer Marcus didn't have time to accompany him, so he handed Mindy over to Felicia and Royan.


noon time.

Felicia and Luo Yang took Mindy to a famous western restaurant in Manhattan.

Mindy held Felicia's hand all the way, bouncing and letting herself go.

The three of Luo Yang sat in the reserved restaurant seats in advance.

Mindy was so hungry that she deliberately skipped breakfast, and planned to have a big meal at noon.

Uh, in fact, Luo Yang did this before time travel, probably before attending a luxurious wedding banquet, he only drank water and did not eat during the day.

While Felicia was still ordering, a familiar voice suddenly sounded beside Luo Yang.

"Mr. Luo?!"

Luo Yang looked up, and it turned out to be Demps Wood in casual clothes.

"I came to lunch alone today, I didn't expect to meet you!" Dempsey laughed.

Mindy recognized the detective, and she immediately said, "There are still seats available, please sit down!"

Luo Yang immediately stepped on Mindy's foot, how could he let this detective sit down!

Mingdy immediately stepped back on Luo Yang, the expression on his face seemed to say: What's wrong, can't it?

"Mr. Luo, can I eat with you?" Dempsey still asked for the opinions of the two adults.

Luo Yang really couldn't help it now: "Well, okay, let's eat together."

Dempsey Wood sat across from Felicia, and Mindy sat across from Royan.

The atmosphere is quite awkward
This stupefied young police detective, Dempsey, caught himself having dinner with Felicia. Why did he feel vaguely like a grand banquet? ? ?
Even more embarrassing, will Mindy reveal Felicia's identity as the black cat?I hope Mindy is smarter and doesn't mention Felicia's identity in front of Dempsey.

Dempsey is investigating the car accident caused by Felicia. If she is locked up as a suspect, she will never escape being brought to justice by Dempsey.

Thinking of this, Luo Yang took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Mindy, telling her to be careful not to reveal Felicia's identity as a vigilante.

Supergirl Mindy saw the text message on the phone, and she quietly made an OK gesture.

Hey, this guy, don't be possessed by a child.

Mindy looked at Felicia Hardy on the opposite side boredly. After sizing her up for a while, she began to compliment: "Miss Black Cat, I suddenly realized that you are so beautiful today!"

Miss Black Cat, how beautiful are you today? ? ? ? ? ? WTF?

This brat definitely did it on purpose!
Luo Yang immediately gave Mindy a hard look.

Mindy immediately covered her mouth, and said hypocritically:
"Miss Black Hat, do you wear makeup?"

Luo Yang was already desperate in his heart, Dempsey is a police detective, very smart, how could he not see the disguise of a kid like you!Can he not hear the black cat and the black hat?

If Dempsey is Xiang Yu who intends to be a black cat, and Felicia the black cat becomes Liu Bang, then what am I, Luo Yang?

If I play Uncle Xiang by myself, do I still have to dance swords with me?

On the other hand, Dempsey didn't seem to care about these two nonsensical words of Mindy.

"Inspector, this is Miss Felicia." Luo Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and then introduced.

Dempsey smiled and shook hands with Felicia: "Hello."

"Royan and Miss Felicia, they are a couple." Mindy interjected.

Dempsey smiled and said, "I guessed it."

Dempsey poured the red wine and took a sip.At the same time, Luo Yang also took a big sip nervously.His eyes looked unnaturally at the police detective diagonally opposite.

After drinking, Luo Yang winked at Super Killer Mindy, telling her to pay attention, but Mindy just stuck out her tongue and made a face.

After drinking for three rounds, Mindy was really bored, so he started playing with the serrated steak knife.At first she just played with it casually, then she started turning and juggling the knife
She played with it for a long time, her finger movements were gorgeous and chic, Luo Yang couldn't help but get nervous: "Mindy, this is not good."

And Mingdy made an aggrieved expression, flicked the knife, and threw it precisely into the small cutlery bucket next to him.

Felicia applauded her and looked at Mindy with a doting expression.

Please, the aunt at the next table, when she saw Mingdy playing with a knife, her eyes were already terrified, okay!

Two middle-aged couples hurriedly finished their last bite of steak and left.
Luo Yang asked, "Mindy, how do you feel at school?"

"Boring, uninteresting."

Mindy knocked on the table and said helplessly.

"How can you be bored? There aren't many activities in school?"

"As soon as I got to school, I got gangsters. I beat them up, and then everyone was afraid of me, and they didn't want to play with me." Mindy shrugged.

"I heard that you beat two senior boys to the bone on the first day?" Luo Yang mocked.

"They deserve it," Mindy said.

Luo Yang smiled and said, "Your guardian, Officer Marcus, will be bored to death by you."

Thus, the three adults began to educate a rebellious girl earnestly and earnestly.

In the end, Felicia succeeded in persuading Mindy. She used her childhood experience to tell Mindy that she would definitely have new friendships and fun at school in the future.

However, the happy time is always short. Dempsey couldn't help but talk about Jin Bin's affairs to Luo Yang, such as the recent investigation, which also caused subtle changes in the atmosphere during the meeting.

After Dempsey finished speaking, Luo Yang asked carefully, "Is there any movement from Jin Bin?"

Demps recalled: "King did not observe a moment of silence for the death of Bullseye, the black tarantula. He still attended the charity speech as usual the next day. The underground activities related to him slowed down, but continued."

"—He and Mrs. Gao are still firmly in control of New York's underground drug trading network, but we don't have any way to catch conclusive evidence."

After Dempsey finished speaking, he asked in a low voice, "What have you learned about the car accident caused by the female vigilante in black?"

Felicia happened to hear the conversation between Dempsey and Royan, her hand shook and the knife and fork fell to the ground.
Luo Yang helped her pick up the knife and fork, Felicia pretended to be calm: "It's too slippery"

"There is no new progress yet." Luo Yang ate a few French fries.

"Let me tell you about my investigation. There was a badly injured boy who was in the car at the time, and he had just recently recovered from the fact that one of his legs had to be amputated the day of the accident."

"—He has some suspicions that it was because of revenge from the driver's former enemy. That's why this weird car accident happened."

Luo Yang remembered the details that Felicia said: she had caused a car accident that killed her ex-boyfriend on a remote suburban road one night, and then she had dropped the stolen car and left the scene.

She thought that she was very clean and had nothing to do with the car accident, but now it seems that this is not the case!

(Recommended ticket portal~)
 By the way, I finally watched the seventh season of Game of Thrones last night. As expected, the plot is really unbearable to watch directly
(End of this chapter)

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