Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 76 Damon McCready

Chapter 76 Damon McCready
The Punisher's gunfire resounds through the night sky
At the same time, in Jinbin——Wilson Fisk's private office.

After the same gunshot!
A sturdy man with a strong figure and a fierce face was shot and fell to the ground, his weak body collapsed on the gorgeous blanket.

He was shot and killed by an angry King.

And Jin Bin's gun was still emitting green smoke.

Jin Bing put down his gun tremblingly, while angrily kicking his desk and cabinet:

"Trash! Trash! All of them, a bunch of trash!"

"—that necklace can be stolen so easily?"

Jin Bin's strength can be described as terrifying, he kicked his steel table out of a depression.

Jin Bin's office is no less luxurious than Tony Stark's office.

Jin Bin's number one confidant, James Wesley, was also on standby in Jin Bin's office.

He looked normal, just a dark-haired man with glasses.But this person's city is extremely deep, and he can be said to be a top think tank.

"Mr. Fisk, don't get excited. You must know that your heart condition has not been very good recently." Wesley tried to calm Jin down.

"Do you know how important that necklace is to me?!" Jin Bin roared.

Wesley said indifferently: "Mr. Fisk, I understand. That necklace is made by your only lover, Vanessa."

Kim continued to shout:

"That's right! This necklace is one of her masterpieces! But these bastards can't keep what I hold dear!"

"...and Vanessa is dead, but I can't even keep the necklace she made!"

After a short pause, Jin Bing asked: "Besides, the person who stole the necklace tonight also called a superpower to kill Bullseye and the black tarantula?"

"Mr. Fisk. Judging from the photos he showed, Bullseye and Black Tarantula were indeed killed on the spot by a more powerful opponent." Wesley said softly.

"I'm not questioning the authenticity of tonight's incident! Black Tarantula and Bullseye couldn't recover a necklace, and they died," Jin Bin continued to vent, "They are the most powerful people I have ever owned. subordinate."

".What should I do next, protect my collection with a bunch of trash? Protect our trading and warehouse with a bunch of junk?"

Wesley pushed his glasses and dissuaded him: "Mr. Fisk, this is the end of the matter, there is no need to get angry anymore. I will find more powerful subordinates for you."

"You said, you can find me a thug who is stronger than bullseye and black tarantula these days, and can help me solve the problem." Jin was dubious.

Wesley laughed:
"That's right. I've already found someone who is absolutely up to the mark."

"—she is not only a mercenary, but also a very beautiful woman."

Jin Bing stopped pacing: "Have I seen her?"

"No." Wesley smiled darkly, "Her name is Spirit Butterfly."

Four days later.

Felicia and Luo Yang came to the base of McCready's father and daughter to visit the troubled father and daughter who were recovering from their injuries.

The nurses hired by Felicia took good care of them. Damon McCready was in excellent physical condition, and he recovered quickly. He was shot in the leg, and today he can get out of bed and walk.

Felicia and Royan sat by Damon's bed, while Big Daddy stared at his precious daughter, the strangle marks on Mindy's neck were still evident.She also had scars on her arms.

Damon is still playing with a string of dazzling necklaces. This necklace made of rare pink diamonds is not only because of its value, but also because of its meaning. This necklace once belonged to Damon's wife, Mindy. mother.

While Mindy was sleeping soundly, Luo Yang chatted softly with Daddy Damon.

Luo Yang looked at Damon seriously and asked, "Big Daddy, do you know why your daughter was injured?"

"This time we met Bullseye, this man is too difficult to deal with. Neither of us was prepared enough." Damon argued.

"Damon, I thought you were in your 40s, and your thinking would be more mature."

Big daddy Damon was stunned when he heard Luo Yang's words, this brat actually wants to educate me?
Damon asked: "What mature idea, you say."

"Mindy's injury is because of you."

Damon was so angry that he wanted to jump up from the bed: "What shit? You actually said that I hurt her?! Do you know how many bullets I took for her?"

Luo Yang was also drunk, this father is really a fan of the authorities.He said calmly:
"Would she have been hurt if you hadn't taken her to steal the necklace back?"

"—If you hadn't trained her to be a young girl killer, would she have experienced danger?"

"Ah! Impossible!" Damon roared, venting his dissatisfaction.

His roar nearly woke Mindy.Felicia stepped forward to comfort Mindy, and motioned for Damon and Luo Yang to go out and talk.

Luo Yang walked to another room with the help of the handicapped big daddy.

Damon asked: "You think from the beginning to the end that she is in danger because of me?"

"Isn't this obvious?" Luo Yang felt amused.

"I taught her so many self-defense techniques. She can use knives, firearms, and has good physical fitness. Am I hurting her?"

Luo Yang thought for a moment, and replied: "Not only is she only 12 years old, but she is also a girl. Children as old as her are learning piano and dancing, and they live a carefree and happy life in middle school every day."

Damon struggled to stand upright, and said hysterically, "I think I'm doing the right thing!"

"More importantly, you took her to carry out such a dangerous operation. Jin Bing's men are all armed with guns and ammunition, and there are opponents like Bullseye." Luo Yang said angrily.

Damon hesitated to speak, unable to continue.

Luo Yang looked into the eyes of the big daddy, and asked solemnly: "You are likely to take Mindy to continue to kill people and set fires in the future, and continue to do things that you think are right. Right?"

Damon lowered his head: "That's right. Mindy and I are a pair. Both are indispensable."

"You have been distorted by hatred. Killing Damick does not mean that you will return to normal. If you want Mindy to be safe from harm in the future, what you should do is turn around and leave."

"Leaving Mindy? Impossible!"

Luo Yang expected Damon to say this, and he added: "You let your 12-year-old daughter learn things that didn't belong to her childhood. You have owed her childhood. Now, you still have the opportunity to rein in the precipice .leave Mindy and turn her over to someone you trust, a normal human being with a legitimate job. Let her slowly get back on track."

"—As for how you die, it will not affect your precious daughter."

Luo Yang's last words angered Damon, he first grabbed Luo Yang's shirt collar, and then let go.From his melancholy eyes, Luo Yang understood that Damon was struggling with his own thoughts.

"Leave Mindy" Damon McCready slumped on the stool, thinking.

Big Daddy thought for a long time: "Purifier. I already understand what you said. Let me think about it for one night."

"Think about Mindy's future. Think about what kind of future you want to give her." Luo Yang struck while the iron was hot.

 Tomorrow is Monday again!Ask for a recommendation ticket next week!
  Silver Wing wants to compete with several other similar works, and at the same time, we will try our best to write plots and chapters that satisfy everyone!Thanks! !


(End of this chapter)

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