Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 74 The Bullseye Battle

Chapter 74 The Bullseye Battle
Even if the Purifier Luo Yang has ice protection and this uniform, how can he resist this kind of attacking posture? Shotguns, micro-chargers, AK, M4 and pistols can beat himself into a pile of mud!

The Purifier rolled forward, jumped out of the container, and hid in a dead corner on the ground where he couldn't be shot!
Then Luo Yang gathered his mana and prepared to release [Cone of Ice]. !
([Cone of Ice] This skill is easy to understand. It is a wind blow with a frost effect. The attack area is the cone in front of the caster, so it is named Cone of Ice.)
Those Jin Bin men came over with their guns, Luo Yang hid at the corner, and flung out [Ice Cone Technique] coolly!
A gust of cold air hit their faces, and the cold wind from the Cone of Ice technique froze these strong men in an instant. They only felt a gust of cold air attacking their bodies, and it became difficult for them to move!

Then Luo Yang used [Frost Nova]!
The two frost spells of Luo Yang the Purifier directly killed these Jin and his hands with frostbite!
Luo Yang's secret energy level has been raised to the point where he can use two superimposed frost spells to directly kill ordinary enemies!

And the card Jaina has very little consumption of frost spells, now Luo Yang doesn't have to worry about the consumption of releasing skills at all!
It's been a long time since such a big battle, how to kill it feels very exciting!

At the same time, the door of the container opened, and Super Killer got out of it, waving the pair of cool double knives to help Luo Yang!

Super Killer Mindy walked behind a strong man with dexterity, and she raised the knife and dropped it.

She directly cut off half of the strong man's arm, and then stabbed the surprised strong man to death!
Immediately afterwards, Super Killer cast a storm of blades like a sword master. Quickly rotated the whole body, and cut the bodies of gangsters with two knives!
This picture of loli massacring a big man is simply breathtaking. Even Luo Yang, who was fighting with gang members, was so shocked that his hands trembled when he saw it.

So scary!
But wait, shouldn't Bladestorm be the skill of the Juggernaut card?But I haven't been able to master it yet.

Bullseye isn't stupid enough to wait until all his men are dead before taking on the two strong opponents in front of him.

He jumped up, tied Mingdy's waist precisely with a hook, and dragged Mingdy down with a wicked smile, throwing him on the ground!

At the same time, Bullseye threw two more darts, which hit Super Killer's wrist, which made the girl unable to hold the double swords.
Bullseye's special skill is to hit every shot, whether it is throwing darts, daggers, playing cards, short sticks, or ropes, it is 100% sure to hit.

It's a pity that the man with such a heaven-defying setting is an ugly man who likes to decorate himself with gun targets.

Soon, Super Killer was strangled by Bullseye!

Luo Li is in crisis, but Luo Yang can't get away temporarily!
After killing several enemies with frost spells, Luo Yang, who had cooled down his skills, had to use Tang Dao weapons to start close combat.

Luo Yang was completely unafraid when facing seven or eight gang members.

First of all, Luo Yang calmly used Juggernaut's exclusive new skill: [Purify Mirror Image].

After the mirror image was created, two purifiers Luo Yang with knives appeared at the same time!
This is equivalent to the avatar technique, the mirror image technique, and an energy replica body that is exactly the same as his body appears beside Luo Yang. This energy replica body can interfere with the opponent's defense and attack!
After completing the release of the mirror image, Luo Yang rushed into the enemy pile.He wields his weapon and easily kills the digital gold and his men in a row!

This simple weapon allowed Luo Yang to cut the sticks and short knives in the hands of those minions like chopping melons and vegetables.Because of the card talent bonus of Juggernaut [Samuro], it is [Fatal Strike]!
The two Jin Bin's subordinates rushed forward, and Luo Yang just sent a [Cleave] instantly, sweeping away the two opponents in front of him!

Within 1 minute, Luo Yang had finished his opponent!In the end it's just bullseye and two injured minions
But Mindy, the super killer, was strangled by Bullseye, and her life was dying!

Mindy finally got his butterfly knife and cut the bullseye's rope with one knife!

Her eyes were bloodshot, and the corners of her mouth were bleeding. She picked up a small punch from the ground, and counterattacked at Bullseye!
blah blah blah!
However, her combat experience is still far behind Bullseye
Bullseye had expected that Mindy would counterattack, he took out two metal cards, and while dodging the bullets, the cards flew out!Scratches Mindy's hands exactly!
Mindy can barely hold a gun!
Immediately afterwards, Bullseye shot out another metal card. This card was like a guided missile. It threw an arc and scratched the neck of Super Killer Mindy!

In an instant, even though Mindy's neck was protected by a layer of bulletproof combat suit, it was still scratched!Blood flowed profusely in an instant!
Luo Yang came running from not far away, used Arcane Blast to force Bullseye back, and then stepped forward to check on Mindy's injuries
Seeing that Mindy was bleeding profusely, the little girl's vitality became very fragile. Without hesitation, Luo Yang tried to use ice to form a thin layer of protection around her wound to stop the bleeding and protect the wound!
Of course, the bullseye a few meters away would not be looking at Luo Yang treating the Super Killer. He threw out a dart to test Luo Yang's strength.And Luo Yang raised his hand to block a dart flying towards Mindy.And the darts stuck into Luo Yang's battle suit will not threaten Luo Yang at all.

Bullseye took the submachine gun in Minoru's hand and approached step by step
Using ice to stop the bleeding is very effective, but it will cause some tissue necrosis after a long time. Luo Yang must deal with Bullseye immediately!
Because of the talent effect of [Jianna], the consumption of ice spells has been greatly reduced. Now Luo Yang still has enough secret power, but how to deal with Bullseye most effectively?
Luo Yang shot a frost arrow, but Bullseye easily dodged it.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Yang disappeared in front of him.
Half a second later, Luo Yang, who used Flash, appeared behind Bullseye!
Bullseye didn't expect this move at all, and Luo Yang had already used the ice cone technique!
The ice cone technique almost fixed Bullseye in place, and in the frozen state, his actions became extremely difficult
Immediately afterwards, Purifier Luo Yang pulled out Tang Dao, turning the secret energy into anger, and with a [Heroic Strike], Tang Dao accurately passed through the heart of Bullseye.
Bullseye was completely defeated by Luo Yang's blow!He couldn't believe his failure, he knelt down on his knees, and slowly fell to Bullseye!Knocked down on the spot!

And Luo Yang drew out his weapon, panting.Purifier Luo Yang maintains an imposing standing posture all over his body!

The surrounding air suddenly became extremely quiet.

In my mind, the voice of the believer system sounded.

[Believer No. 7]: "The progress of [Way of Killing], 12 enemies have been killed this time. There are still 54 enemies to be killed before completing the task."

[Believer No. 7]: "Unlock a new task. [Eradicate Evil] (Elementary): Kill 5 high-level blackened characters in the Marvel world with your own hands, 1/5 of which has been completed. Completion reward: Get McCree (overwatch hero)"

Luo Yang came to Mingdy's side to check her situation.Her neck has been discolored from being strangled, and there are wounds on her body, which require certain treatment.

Big Daddy's situation could be worse!

Luo Yang called Dempsey to come over for help. After settling Mindy, he immediately got up and went to the container to look for Big Daddy, wanting to confirm his condition.

Just as Luo Yang was about to leave, a voice sounded from behind.

"Don't leave yet, Purifier."

(To be continued. Thanks for the 2000 rewards that are cold because of the snow!)
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(End of this chapter)

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