Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 72 Violent Lolita and Big Daddy

Chapter 72 Violent Lolita and Big Daddy
Three days after Tony's banquet.

at night.

Felicia, still wearing the black cat uniform, came to look for Luo Yang.

Luo Yang followed the black cat, walked through half of Brooklyn, and came to another secret base of vigilantes.

"They went outside again." The black cat looked at the closed door and shook its head helplessly.

Today, the black cat is going to take Luo Yang to meet his guide, the master who taught her fighting skills.

Two men and women in black had no choice but to wait at the door. Passers-by thought that these two men looked like criminals, and both attracted patrolling policemen.

Luo Yang pulled down the mask and explained to the note that he avoided the trouble of being imprisoned.

Until late at night, it began to rain patter outside, and the master of the black cat finally returned.

A tall man in black, dressed like a superhero vigilante.And beside him was a loli girl wearing a purple wig.The little girl looked like she was 12 years old at most.

The father in black in front of him is Damon McCready, and the little girl is Mindy McCready.They are the famous Big Daddy and Super Killer on the streets of New York recently.

The woman who was a bug that was pried off by Luo Yang after the dimensional wall was broken, is actually the apprentice of some kind of big daddy. This world is full of tricks!

big_daddy and hit_girl both marked their abbreviations BD and HG on their belts, for fear that others would not know.

But Luo Yang suddenly discovered that BD and HG just happened to be the abbreviation of certain attributes of movies?

The black cat introduced to the father and daughter, "This is the purifier."

Big Daddy took a step forward and shook hands with Luo Yang. His arm was extremely strong, but Luo Yang did not use less force.Big Daddy's handshake kill, failed!
"I've heard of you. You and Spider-Man are the two most talked about recently!"

Big Daddy smiled boldly, and the Super Killer next to Big Daddy also gave Luo Yang a lovely smile.

Black Cat and Luo Yang followed the father and daughter into their small base.

The man in black turned on the light and let Luo Yang sit on the stool to rest.

Luo Yang looked at everything in this small base, as well as the outfits of Big Daddy and Super Killer.

Big Daddy Damon, wearing an armor similar to Batman, took off his helmet, but with his hairline receding, he has a handsome face with a melancholy temperament.

(Nonsense, Nicolas Cage is still handsome!)

His precious daughter was so cute that it exploded, but he was trained by him to be a loli female killer.

(What the hell, Chloe Moretz has completely lost her loli fan after two years. She looks good, but she is too strong!)

In fact, compared to the superheroes in the MCU, they are more down-to-earth, they are more real and bloody.

Big Daddy became an anti-hero because of his hatred of gangsters, and Super Killer is his masterpiece.Together with Kick-Ass who yearns for heroes, they have become three typical characters who mock the hypocrisy of the hero world.

Kick-Ass Dave, the obsessive boy who knows Big Daddy and Killer, is an interesting protagonist.

I remember that in many beautiful manga novels, the male protagonist kneels and licks the feet of the super murderous girl Mindy.At the same time Dave is treated as a meaningless passer-by (since he's mortal).However, the brilliance of this character is much stronger than the brainless protagonist in the bullshit beauty novel!
Of course, Mindy's popularity has exploded.

In the first Kick-Ass King, the cool and cute image of the violent loli has always remained in the hearts of many boys, and she was even rated as the most powerful loli in history.

Big Daddy, Super Killer and Black Cat, these three "heroes" dressed in black.

They are actually an alliance.

If you add Luo Yang, who is also wearing a black combat uniform, it doesn't seem to violate harmony~

In the base prepared by Big Daddy, Luo Yang gradually became acquainted with Big Daddy and Super Killer under the help of the black cat.

"Have you ever met a brat in green who claims to be a hero?" Luo Yang, who had already started eating Mindy snacks, pretended to be casual and asked.

Mindy smiled while eating potato chips: "Yes, that psycho who read too many comics was almost hacked to death."

If there is a chance, Luo Yang would like to have a good chat with Haibian King Dave or something.

After Mindy ate his snacks, he patted his mouth and chatted with his father Damon about the interesting process of fighting two black gangsters today.She was actually still like a little girl.

Two days later, Horizon Base.

Luo Yang and Felicia, who had nothing to do, were sitting on the sofa at the Horizon Base and watching TV.

During the conversation with Felicia, Royan also knew many details about the Big Daddy.

The Big Daddy in this world has already escaped that live fire from gangster Frank.He did not die in the battle with the enemy, but with the help of a hero, he succeeded in revenge in advance.

The black cat thought for a long time, and she said: "The hero who helped Big Daddy seems to be wearing a dark red tights, with devil's horns on his head. Big Daddy always said that the devil helped him."

Luo Yang smiled knowingly, it turned out that Daredevil helped Big Daddy.

What Luo Yang cares about is that Daredevil saved the fate of Big Daddy.So what's the story of Big Daddy and Super Killer next?

Felicia quietly told Luo Yang: "They are going to go to the hands of big collectors recently to get back what belongs to them."

Big collector?

Luo Yang thought to himself, this collector can't be that god-level figure in the Marvel Universe, who could it be?

"Who is the big collector you are talking about?"

"Don't you know? Of course it's Jin Bin, the most famous collector in New York City!" Felicia smiled.

Would this be a really fun move to help Big Daddy and Killer steal?It was very interesting, and Luo Yang couldn't help smiling: "The things in Jin Bing's hands, the supervision will be very tight."

Felicia shrugged: "I don't know, the two of them may be able to complete it. They often do impossible tasks."

"What are they going to take back from Jin Bin?"

"A necklace."

"Why is it just a necklace?" Luo Yang asked curiously.

"Mindy secretly told me that the necklace used to belong to her mother, Maisie McCready. It was a diamond necklace custom-made by a famous craftsman." Felicia recalled.

"So how did Jin Bin collect such a diamond necklace?"

Felicia shook her head: "I don't know, I also feel very strange."

"It seems that you don't know much about Big Daddy and the others." Luo Yang laughed.

"Compared with their father and daughter, I still want to know you more."

At this time, Felicia, who was bored, gradually touched her jade hand irregularly.

A woman's hand can most arouse a man's interest.

Today, Royan is just wearing ordinary long sleeves and jeans, while Felicia, for some reason, has been wearing a seductive black cat bodysuit.

This set of clothes faintly reveals the gully, and the skin on her chest is exposed, which is snow-white.The young and energetic Luo Yang put down his cell phone and carefully looked at her figure and clothes.

This set of tights matched Felicia's exquisite figure.

Luo Yang's hands swept over the surface of the tight leather jacket, the workmanship was excellent and the feel was great!Felicia cooperated with Luo Yang and took the initiative to post it.

In front of Royan, she gradually unzipped the tights
Luo Yang quickly took off the long-sleeved clothes on his upper body, revealing his muscular muscles.

Young bodies are so beautiful.Two men and women embrace each other, desperately trying to possess each other.

(End of this chapter)

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