Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 700 Gotham Fighters

Chapter 700 Gotham Fighters
A month later.

Gotham City.

at dusk.

The sunset time of this city is probably its most beautiful moment.

The light of day is about to fade.Those well-dressed guys are about to take off their masks and return to darkness.

As the twilight is about to end, countless evil darkness and chaos will also rise.

After undergoing the purification of the Shadow Knight, the evil in this city has been suppressed for a long time.But recently, there has been a recovery.

The intrusion and rise of various entities and forces has caused headaches for the city's security managers.

beep beep beep beep

Two police cars, with their sirens blaring, sped across the street at high speed.

The eye-catching red and blue police lights draw two afterimages of different colors in the dim bustling street.

The police car eventually stopped in front of a building.

On the top of the building is a line of slightly outdated English standing signs.And in this line of English, the four initials of GCPD are particularly eye-catching.

Gotham Police Department building.

Young police officer Blake hurried upstairs to Police Commissioner Gordon's office door.

He slowed down, and then knocked on Director Gordon's office door.

"Chief. It's me, Blake."

"Please come in." Gordon adjusted his glasses and raised his head, "What's the matter? Blake."

"Chief Red Hood appeared again." Blake said anxiously, "In the junkyard area in the west! And he has already killed many members of the Maroni gang."

Gordon's heart skipped a beat. It's not dark yet, and the red hood is here again? !

This is not going to work without the bat light.

In the few days the Red Hood has been around, not even Batman has been able to catch him.Red Hood can always evade the pursuit of all parties, forcefully kill his target, and then retreat unscathed.

This is a mysterious killer, a guy who has a blood feud with Gotham.

"Keep my men away from them," Gordon commanded, "I'll inform the Dark Knight in this city."

Gordon muttered softly, "Bruce Wayne, this time, you have to get rid of the red mask."

After a while.

Gotham's West Mandalorian Park neighborhood.

Maroni's men started from the entrance of the park and spread all the way, every 3 meters or less, there was a gunman lying dead on the road.

The remaining eight people started a chaotic fight with Red Hood in Mandalorian Park!

Soon, the remnant party was completely knocked down by the red hood.Among them, only one gang leader was shot in the leg for the time being and still alive.

Red Hood picked up his head and asked loudly: "Where is the clown?! Tell me!!"

"I have no idea."

"You've dealt with clowns before, and you know people from the clown gang! You must know about him!"

"I really don't know." The gang leader's voice trembled, "The clown has... disappeared for a long time."

Red Hood pulled his hair and threw it heavily into the grass.

If the grass under the head is replaced with a concrete floor, the product is likely to be dead.

"If you don't say it, you will."

A black shadow suddenly pierced from the corner——

Red Hood stood where he was, raised his hand directly, and caught the dart with one hand!
Bat-shaped darts.

"Enough, Jason!" Batman's voice came from the tree.

He fell to the ground, revealing his figure.

Red Hood turned his head and said in a word:
"I'm not Jason."

Although the red hood denies it, Batman has already investigated it clearly...

The guy in the red hood in front of him is Jason Todd.

For unknown reasons, he came back from the dead, longing to return here for revenge.

During the period of returning to Gotham, Red Hood has already killed a lot, and his hands are covered with blood.

"Jason, even I don't know where the Joker is right now. And I saw him engulfed in an explosion."

But Bruce Wayne is also a little puzzled, why can't the clown's body be found?

And recently, there are indeed some rumors that many people have seen the clown with their own eyes.He showed up several times in the United States, and each time he was behind the scenes directing the lunatics of the Clown Gang.

"The Jason you know is dead," Red Hood turned around, "I was completely dead when you lost to the Joker."

He roared, "Now, I'm the Red Hood, the one who will execute Gotham's justice for you!"

"It seems that my understanding of justice is very different from yours." The master stood still and said, "This is also my problem, and I have no way to teach."

"You don't deserve to be my mentor, you don't deserve to be the hope of this city! You put the clown in prison with your own hands instead of killing him!" Jason roared hoarsely.

"No, I really want to kill him," the master sighed helplessly.

"But you didn't do anything!" Jason took out his pistol and pointed at the master, "You stick to your pedantic principles!"






Jason pulled the trigger every time he uttered a word.
A round of bullets bombarded the bat armor!

Jason kept firing... until he ran out of bullets.

Click. Click. Click. Click. Click.
Knowing that he was out of bullets, he was still frantically pulling the trigger.

"Are you satisfied?" The master walked towards Jason.

"I hate you!!" Jason took two short knives from his waist
He roared and rushed towards the master! !
He raised his left hand and angrily cut the master's neck!
Batman easily dodged sideways, and at the same time, he turned around and punched Jason in the ribs!

With this sharp and fierce punch, Jason Todd was almost unable to stand still!
Jason turned around and continued to perform crazy attacks.
The two short knives were whirring by him!

In the dodging room, Batman kept saying: "Jason, stop! Listen to me"

Jason Todd finally stops attacking after unsuccessful efforts
"I hate you" he is still unwilling, repeating over and over again
The master stood in front of Jason and said softly, "Listen to me, Jason. If I."

"If Batman kills someone, he will fall into the abyss of eternal doom."

A magnetic young voice sounded.

Luo Yang emerged from a pack of black mist.

He was wearing a black gown inside and a dark gray-blue cloak outside.

A silver scepter of death and a holy blade of purification are pinned to his waist.

"Am I right? Mr. Wayne?" Royan walked towards Batman and Red Hood.

Jason looked at Luo Yang, slightly surprised: "Purifier?"

With a wave of his hand, Luo Yang took off Jason's red hood.

Jason's face was no longer green, it was covered with terrible scars
The imprint left by the clown on Jason.

"Poor Jason Todd. You can't turn yourself into a pure butcher." Luo Yang sighed, "Dr. Fate and Constantine resurrected you, just don't want you to become a victim of the battle between Batman and the Joker."

Jason looked at Luo Yang in surprise, and at the same time, the knife in his hand was removed by Luo Yang's psionic power.

Jason half-kneeled on the ground, screaming in pain: "But... I can't understand him!"

Luo Yang walked by him: "You will understand slowly, Jason."

Coming to Batman's side, Royan threw back the cloak and said to Batman, "Meet you again. Old friend."

Batman said in his deep voice, "Roy Snow."

"I haven't heard that name for a long time."

"Purifier. I heard that you have stirred up a lot of storms in the universe recently." Batman said calmly.

"That's right. I saw a few guys from Apocalypse."

"Daxseid? Steppenwolf?" Batman asked curiously.

"The Steppenwolf is dead." Luo Yang said softly, "Dakseid assured me that he will never let his men touch the earth again."

Batman opened his mouth slightly: "This"

He could hardly believe it.

Luo Yang waved his hand to open a time-space gate, and Darkseid's palace appeared at the end of the time-space gate.

"How about asking him to repeat the exact words again?"

Batman waved his hand: "No need"

Luo Yang smiled slightly, and put away the time-space gate.

In fact, during this period of time, he has already met several big bosses of the DC universe, and has fought against them more or less.

Sinestro, Darkseid, Anti-Monitor.

He had been to Apokolips, to Coruga under Sinestro.Also during the time travel, he confronted the Anti-Monitor head-on.

Even Dormammu, the master of the dark space, was wiped out by the purifiers. No matter how violent these bosses were in the black world, they would not dare to make trouble in front of Luo Yang.The stupid ones who made mistakes, such as Steppenwolf, ended up being wiped out with a snap of the fingers.

Apart from going to and from the boss' lair, Luo Yang went to heaven a few days ago at the invitation of the angel.

Above the red world and the black world, heaven is managed by angels.

There, I finally saw the archangels Michael and Gabriel.

Their appearance, of course, is incomparable to handsome angels like Imperius and Tyrell, but they are just human beings with wings.

During the trip to heaven, Michael was as kind as Tyrell, and he repeatedly praised Royan's previous actions to clean up hell.

After bringing Jason Todd to safety, Royan followed Batman's footsteps to another new roof.

The two looked down at the night view of Gotham below and chatted together.

"Now in Gotham, is there a guy named Rorschach?"

Bruce Wayne sighed: "That's right. He was a troublesome figure before."

"Tell me his story."

Bruce recalled for a moment, and then said: "About half a month ago, the man who called himself Rorschach suddenly appeared at night in Gotham. Moreover, he tried and beheaded the criminals he saw for no reason. He even seriously injured A cop who shields criminals."

"You fought him?"

"You understand, I'm not the same kind of person as Rorschach." Batman took a long breath.

Facing the crimes of Gotham, Rorschach chose all kinds of 'uncompromising'.

In just three days, he killed two members of the Gotham fandom and smacked everyone he didn't like.

Whether it is the police, criminals, superheroes, officials, rich people, or ordinary people, they may all be his targets.

At the same time, he doesn't approve of Batman's style.

So the two also launched a shocking duel.

Like Ye Gucheng vs. Ximen Chuuxue, the battle on the roof.

In the end, Rorschach fell and Batman saved him.

"Take me to meet Rorschach, where is he now?"

"He's in Arkham."

After half an hour.

Arkham Asylum. C zone 3 floors.

Bruce Wayne, wearing a battle armor, led Royan to the most special area here.

Rorschach, the watchman who traveled to Gotham, was imprisoned here by Batman.


Batman and the Purifier came to Rorschach's cell and stood still.

Watcher Rorschach, sitting just behind the bulletproof glass.

He was holding a novel in his hand, and was reading it casually.

Two tall figures appeared outside the cell, and Rorschach just snorted.

He said solemnly: "Is there anything you can do for me? Justice in Gotham."

"Someone bailed you out."

"This Arkham Asylum can still be released on bail??" Rorschach asked in surprise, "No one can successfully leave here unless they have a psychiatrist's certificate. Moreover, I was also classified as a serious mental illness."

"The bail I'm talking about is in quotation marks." Batman said coldly.

Luo Yang casually made the glass of the cell disappear, and pulled out Rorschach's hat, mask and coat from the cloak, and threw them to him.

"Where's my diary?"

"Here. Rorschach." Luo Yang's left hand was holding something that the fighter Rorschach regarded as a treasure. "The diary you kept in Gotham is very interesting."

"That's because I've never seen such a ridiculous city." The watchman took the diary from Royan, "Wearing a bat mask and wearing a black cloak, the dark knight stands high above. Countless criminals try to escape from this fallen city." get what they want in the city.”

"This city, let's talk next time." Luo Yang smiled, "Please hurry up and put on your clothes and follow me."

"Someone actually took me away." While speaking, Luo Xia had already put on the mask.

His mask is his most interesting feature.

An ink mask that gradually floats.

And these inkblots are exactly the patterns of the famous psychological test-the Rorschach inkblot test.

He ditched his real name, Walter Kovacs, and changed his name to Rorschach after he had the idea of ​​decorating his mask with inkblots.

The Rorschach test, also known as the ink blot test, is a very well-known (projective) personality test.It presents to the subjects a standard stimulus plate that is accidentally formed by ink blots, allowing the testers to freely see and say what they associate with it, and then analyze the records and responses, and further evaluate the test subjects. diagnosis of personality traits.

"Where are you going?" Luo Xia put the diary in his pocket and stepped out of the cell. "Also, young man, I seem to have seen you."

"Luo Yang." He stretched out his right hand and lightly shook the gloved left hand of Watcher Rorschach.

"Mr. Luo, may I know the reason why I was released on bail?" Rorschach asked curiously.

Just as Luo Yang was about to speak, the four Arkham prison security guards saw the movement here and rushed towards him.

Royan gave Bruce a wink. Bruce Wayne also understood the meaning, he walked to several security guards and asked them to stop where they were.

"You were sent here as a joke from God." Luo Yang said, "It seems that you are not suitable to stay in this city."

"But if," Rorschach spat, "if I get out of jail, I'm going to keep doing what I think is right."

"Then I'm afraid I'll have to send you to a new place." Luo Yang shrugged, "When fighting crime in Gotham, you can't get around the Dark Knight."

"No. My Gotham Diaries are not finished either"

Although Rorschach objected, Luo Yang still opened the portal and took the watcher Rorschach to a new place—the lair of Dr. Fate.

Rorschach's fate, let the supreme mage of this world arrange it again.

(End of this chapter)

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