Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 7 The Devil in Hell's Kitchen (Revised)

Chapter 7 The Devil in Hell's Kitchen (Revised)
three months later.

After a busy day, attending classes, tutoring, and helping out at Uncle Fang's restaurant, Luo Yang was very tired.

Luo Yang walked down the apartment building, ready to go around the surrounding streets as usual.

Walking in New York at night is a rather wonderful experience.

In the past three months, Luo Yang has also raised the level of the hero card [Khadgar] to B level, and mastered the basic frost spell skills.

[Arcane Shock] Not long after starting training, the proficiency is only 50%, which has not yet reached the proficiency to be able to fight.As for the [Prismatic Barrier] that resists magic damage, it was abandoned by Luo Yang. In the Marvel world, physical defense is far more important than magical defense!Encountered legal and energy enemies on the street?Luo Yang felt that he was not so lucky.

During this period of time, I went out after 10 o'clock and took a walk at night at least a dozen times, and I didn't encounter any novelty.

There are fewer pedestrians and cars on the road.Few black gangsters will wander around at night, homeless men look around in the streets, coquettishly dressed girls rush to nightclubs and bars, and busy American overtime dogs walk home tiredly.

Before time travel, Luo Yang liked the feeling of walking alone on the street.In the foreign metropolis of New York, Luo Yang is also looking for that feeling.

Passing through two blocks, three or four figures in hoods followed behind a middle-aged Chinese man, with their hands in their trouser pockets, following closely every step of the way, sneaking
This made Luo Yang feel bad!

In fact, in his own heart, he is not only looking forward to the opportunity to become a vigilante.After hard training for more than a year, as well as the skills I have recently studied, I am already eager to try, but I have never actually fought.He is like a game player who has been trained internally for a long time, eager to play pk.

Luo Yang followed behind while confirming his current state.

Skill Module: Warrior. 【Brox】.Available skills: [Heroic Strike].

In Luo Yang's sight, the middle-aged Chinese man not far away realized the danger, but he was forced into a dead end by these four hooded men.

Luo Yang stood guard in the distance, observing the next move of the four men.

The Chinese middle-aged man blocked himself with a briefcase and shouted, "I don't have much money on me. I. Give it all to you!"

The leading man in a hood smiled and said, "Bring it here."

The middle-aged Chinese man flipped through his briefcase in a panic. He was so flustered that he couldn't find his money for a while.

Those hooded men had no patience, so they picked up bricks, stones and garbage from the ground, and started throwing them at the middle-aged man again and again!
Luo Yang is not ignorant of the underlying status quo in the United States.In fact, Chinese Americans are often the target of extortion and robbery in the United States.The elderly Chinese have always been careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years as their living standard. Their resignation and tolerance have also made those niggers and gangsters more and more arrogant!

Luo Yang stepped out of the shadows.

The four hooded men heard footsteps and turned around.Royan also saw their faces clearly, two black, and the other two brown-skinned ones who looked like Mexicans.

It's better to strike first, Luo Yang directly jumped to the front of the black man, and kicked out!
The black gangster who was still holding a short stick in his hand was caught off guard in shock and was kicked away by Luo Yang!Fall to the ground unconscious!

Immediately afterwards, Luo Yang met another black man, who was not afraid, and rushed forward with a short stick.

Luo Yang stepped back to avoid the black man's attack, but at this time, another young man of Mexican descent also held a dagger and stabbed Luo Yang directly from the other side!

In the blink of an eye, the Mexican youth's dagger was stabbed up!

Luo Yang grabbed the Mexican's arm with his left hand and bent his wrist!The Mexican threw down the knife, crying for his father and mother in pain.
The remaining two rushed forward with short sticks. Luo Yang relied on his trained intuition for close combat to fight with his bare hands!
Luo Yang avoided the two people's short stick swings, and skillfully kicked them with the whip leg!Then continue punching!
In just a few strokes, the remaining two were knocked to the ground!
After the two hooded men were knocked down, they tossed and turned on the spot, stroking the sore spots.

They muttered softly: "Die, bad luck."

Luo Yang glanced at the hooded men who fell to the ground, and said to the Chinese uncle, "Leave quickly, uncle. Here."

Luo Yang froze halfway through his speech.

The hooded man lying on the ground in front of him, at some point, took out a pistol and pointed it at Luo Yang with a sinister smile.

It's too late to make a shot, the opponent has already fired!
Luo Yang subconsciously stepped back sideways and successfully dodged!

Immediately afterwards, the moment the hooded man fired his second shot, a black object suddenly flew over and hit the gunman's arm!

The shot deviated and missed Luo Yang!

In an instant, a black figure flashed out, a strong man in a dark red tights, shot very fast!Kicked the gunman unconscious.

He turned around and looked at Luo Yang.

The iconic dark red tights, his helmet has two sharp horns like little devils, and his weapon is the short stick that hit the pistol just now!

Isn't this hero Daredevil?

Royan remembered the famous anti-hero.Matthew Murdoch was blind due to an accident when he was a child, but he gained senses far beyond ordinary people because of this, and used other senses to make up for the lack of vision.Plus the stick and fighting skills learned the day after tomorrow.During the day, Matt is a lawyer. At night, he wears a mask and turns into a Daredevil to fight crime on the streets of New York (Hell's Kitchen).

Daredevil, the fearless.

Luo Yang felt that the name Daredevil was indeed more appropriate than Daredevil, and Daredevil was too vulgar. This kind of messy translation seemed to be invented for the sake of a gimmick.

Although Daredevil hasn't declared himself, Luo Yang already knows it.

Luo Yang looked at the four hooded men who had been knocked down by him, and then Luo Yang realized: the reality is always more unexpected. Even after countless virtual trainings, there is no guarantee that Luo Yang's fighting skills are foolproof, so the mage's [Ice Bodyguard] [Flash] and other skills are life-saving skills that Luo Yang must activate.In reality, it's not like Contra, who can renew his life or continue countdown.

Daredevil told the middle-aged Chinese man to leave, then gestured to Luo Yang, and stepped away from the dead end.

Luo Yang followed Daredevil until the two came to an empty construction site.

It was dark here, and only the foundation of the building could be seen on the construction site, no one else.

(End of this chapter)

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