Chapter 698 Reunion
After about an hour.
Luo Yang finally ended the journey led by Gao Tianzun and Metron, and returned to the red world from that plane.

At the first moment, he teleported back to Vormir, the guardian place of the soul gem.

Under the original cliff, Gamora had long since disappeared. After turning on the power of the prophet, he finally found a figure in the desert.
A slim figure struggling to walk.

Luo Yang quickly flew to Gamora's side. "Gamora!" He shouted her name with the air of his dantian.
After hearing the human voice, Gamora's footsteps slowly slowed down and finally froze.

She turned her head and looked at the Purifier, showing a rare smile. "Finally someone is here."

"I will not let any of my teammates die in this war." Luo Yang fell to the ground, "I will take you home, Gamora."

"Finally." Gamora fell to the ground in an instant like a deflated ball. "Finally. I can go back. I thought I was going to die in this ghost place"

Gamora asked again: "Mr. Luo, what about Thanos? What about Deathblade?? Also, before the coma. I seem to remember that Thanos took me off the cliff."

Luo Yang wanted to tell her that you are not in a coma.It is the return of the soul, the return of the dead.

"About your awakening, this is a complicated story, I will tell you slowly." Luo Yang smiled, "As for Thanos, he left. Moreover, he will never come back."

Gamora sighed: "It feels like it will be a complicated and long story."

"Come with me, let's go home." Luo Yang waved.

A few seconds later, Luo Yang activated the teleportation circle, bringing Gamora back to the cosmic starport on Chadria.

As he expected, the entire Storm Fleet has returned here from the Morrell starfield.

Royan teleported continuously and brought Gamora back to the Hyperion.

"The captain returns to the bridge!" Skye shouted immediately.

Gambit, Peter Parker, Skye and other bridge personnel quickly came to Royan and Gamora
Remy approached Royan and asked, "Tell me, you've already dealt with that purple-skinned monster named Thanos."

Luo Yang nodded in response: "Of course."

"Can we finally go back to Earth?" Gambit asked.

Peter Parker was excited: "The war is over?!"

"Yes. In the future, there may be no need for the Storm Fleet to dispatch." Luo Yang put his hand on the final scepter at his waist.

Remy smiled and said, "I, the first mate, is doing my best in front of me. You tell me that I won't need the Storm Fleet in the future?"

"Of course, if you want to continue to experience the fun of exploring the universe, that's no problem. We can still bring Hyperion and the Storm Fleet out for a walk." Luo Yang patted Remy's arm.

"Remy, help me inform Xingjue that I'm waiting for him in the Starry Sky Corridor." Luo Yang hugged Gamora and walked out of the bridge.

"Understood, Captain." Remy did not forget to give a military salute jokingly.

After a few minutes.

In the Starry Sky Promenade, all members of the Guardians of the Galaxy are present.

In addition, even Warlock Adam is standing in the corner of the starry sky corridor.

"Gamora!" Star-Lord was the first to rush forward, hugging his beloved green-skinned girl.
Although Gamora is green-skinned, she is many times more beautiful than the orc girls in Azeroth.

Star-Lord's tension and depression were released in an instant.
Gamora returned to her side safely, and did not lose her life in this complicated and grand war.

Not only Star-Lord is smiling, but Drax, Raccoon Rocket and Groot are also smiling brightly.

Luo Yang learned that in the war just now, Rocket, War Machine, and Black Panther T'Challa were all seriously injured and were on the verge of death. It was Adam Warlock who pulled them back from the edge of death.

The lucky team of the Guardians of the Galaxy, reunited.In the future, they will embark on a fantasy galaxy journey again.

Luo Yang stood aside, watching Xingjue and Gamora hug each other tightly, feeling full of emotion in his heart.

He hasn't told any of them what happened to Gamora.

Warlock Adam came to Luo Yang, and he used his thoughts to directly communicate with Luo Yang's stream of consciousness.

"I heard that the life court has brought you to him."

"That's right. I also saw guys like Gao Tianzun, Norgannon, and Metron."

"I thought that you would stay in the life space for a while."

"There are plenty of opportunities in the future." Luo Yang responded consciously.

"I also heard that you handed over the Infinity Gems and Gloves to the Tribunal of Life." Adam Warlock showed a puzzled look, "Actually... when you have the Last Scepter and the Infinity Gloves, you have already surpassed this universe. You are already This universe is comparable to a transcendent god.”

"I have never liked being a god." Luo Yang said while holding the scepter, "I keep the scepter only to solve future crises."

"What an interesting person." Adam asked with a smile, "Mr. Luo, where is your next stop?"

"Maybe I will go to the black world to meet my old friends." Luo Yang said calmly, "It all depends on your mood."

A moment later, Luo Yang met with all the captains, leaders and heroes of the Storm Fleet in the lobby of Chadleia Starport.

After sending off Ronan the Accuser and the two leaders of the Marauders, only our own people are left on the scene, that is, these members of the Avengers.

Tony Stark put away the nano armor, dressed in civilian clothes, and sat on the metal seat.

And Miss Pepper Potts is beside him, and the two are cuddling each other.

It's really people who are 50 to [-] years old, and they are still stuffing dog food when they are too old.

Next to it, T'Challa and Storm, Steve and Diana are also interlocking their fingers, hugging each other's shoulders and waists, which is very sweet.

The most embarrassing thing is Wonder Woman, no, Wonder Woman Carol.As heroines, she and Sif are the few unmates here.

What made Carol even more embarrassing was that Thor, a big fool, actually wanted to get close to him. She really didn't have much interest in Thor's type.

After chatting for a while, Tony asked everyone: "After driving the space carrier back to Earth, I am going to go back to New York. Who will accompany me back to the base?"

"—I feel that few people will accompany me back there."

"—except my dear fiancée."

After all, Tony kissed Pepper's cheek.

The widow walked out of the crowd, her left hand resting on the shoulder of the Winter Soldier behind her. "I'm going to follow Bucky and the captain to the sanctuary of Olympus."

"In other words, Colonel Rhodes and I are the only ones going back to the New York base." Hawkeye Clint said with a smile, "Perhaps, the two of us can also consider taking a vacation or something."

While the crowd was discussing enthusiastically, Thor wisely left Carol and walked towards Royan.

He patted Luo Yang on the back, then said softly: "Purifier. I have many questions to ask you."

Luo Yang looked at the tall Thor.His face was covered with blood and sweat.After a fierce battle, the armor on his whole body was also peeled off.

And the storm battle ax that Luo Yang gave him was carried behind his back and became Thor's new housekeeping weapon.

"Thanos is dead?" Thor asked.

"Thanos is in negative space. He is experiencing a more painful and helpless imprisonment than death." Luo Yang responded with a smile.

"We all know that he has an inexplicable relationship with death." Thor said, "Since it is resolved in this way, I feel much more at ease."

Thor pointed to the storm battle ax behind his back again: "I never expected that the Nidaville Divine Soldier, which I can't find everywhere, is in your hands."

"Originally, it was a collector's item. I made a deal with him and got the ax."

"It's hard not to have a weapon. It's a good thing to have this ax."

"That should have been your weapon that belonged to your son of Odin." Luo Yang smiled.

While talking, Steve and Wonder Woman also came to Luo Yang.

Steve and Royan hugged tightly, they held each other's arms and greeted each other.

"Captain, how long are you going to stay in the sanctuary this time?"

With a solemn expression, Steve approached Luo Yang and said, "Actually, Diana and I have already found a place to live there. I really enjoyed my little days living there."

"Have you already lived together?"

"You can say that."

"Um, is it possible that the next time I see you, I'll be able to see your and Miss Prince's child?" Luo Yang complained.

"Don't be kidding me." Steve glared at Luo Yang like a ghost.

Luo Yang held back his laughter and patted Steve's arm: "Didn't you stay in the sanctuary for a long time last time?"

"We haven't had our wedding yet," Steve spat. "It's almost time. You must come to attend then."

"Understood. I will definitely be there." Luo Yang nodded affirmatively.

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(End of this chapter)

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